


IRIS CHANG is the author of the international bestseller The Rape of Nanking.After Graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of lllinois at Urbaba-Champaign,she worked briefly as a reporter in Chicago before winning a graduate fellowship to the writ-ing seminars program at The Johns Hopkins University.Her first book,Thread of the Silkworm,told the Silkworm,told the story of Tsien Hsue-shen,father of the People's Republic of China's missile program.Iris Chang is the recipient of mumerous honors,including the John T.and CatherineD.MacArthur Foundation Award,the Woman of the Year Award from the Organizaton of Chinese of Wooster in Ohio.Her work has appeared in many publications such as Newsweek,The New York Times,and thw Los A ngeles Times.She ioves with her family in San Jose,California.


Bestselling author Iris Chang takes on her largest subject yet in The Chinese in America,the extraor-dinary history of one the fastet-growing ethnic groups in the United States.In an epic story that spans150 years and continues to the present day,Chang tells of a people's search for a better life-the determination of the Chinese to forge an identity and a destiny in a strange land,to help build their adopted country,and,often against great obstacles,to find success.
In the course of her narrative,Chang chronicles the many accomplishments in America of Chinese immigrants and their descendants:building the transcontinental railroad,working on southern plantations after the Civil War,fighting racist and exclusionary laws,walking the racial tighrope between black and white,contributiing to major scientific and technological advances,expanding the lit-erary canon,and influencing the way we think about racial and ethnic groups.At the heart of her book are the stories of individuals-the activists,workers,entrepreneurs,politicians,scientists,writers,and families whose lives,struggles,and victories have shaped and been shaped by this history.
Interweaving political,social,economic,and cultural history in an engrossing and passionately told account,Iris Chang offesrs a fresh view not only of what it means to be Chinese American,but of what it is to be American.




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  •     本来想做英文的脑残粉打五星的,但里面关于个例的描写还是太琐碎了。书中对描写的台湾对中国的看法之前都没见过,对华人“莫谈国事”的分析有一定道理。在何伟的《Oracle Bones》里看到了这本书的影子,何伟之后的《寻路中国》与本书不同因为聚焦于某几个人物命运的从而写的更成功。扯远了,这书对中国向美国的几次移民潮及中美关系对美籍华人的影响描写还是很有阅读价值的。

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