Teaching Formal Methods形式方法教学/会议录

作者:Dean, C. Neville; Boute, Raymond T.;


A Beginner's Course on Reasoning About Imperative ProgramsDesigning Algorithms in High School MathematicsMotivating Study of Formal Methods in the ClassroomFormal Systems, Not MethodsA Practice-Oriented Course on the Principles of Computation,Programming, and System Design and AnalysisTeaching How to Derive Correct Concurrent Programs from State-Based Specifications and Code PatternsSpecification-Driven Design with Eiffel andfor Teaching Lightweight Formal MethodsAgentsIntegrating Formal Specification and Software Verification and ValidationDistributed Teaching of Formal MethodsAn Undergraduate Course on Protocol Engineering How to Teach Formal Methods Without Scaring StudentsLinking Paradigms, Semi-formal and Formal NntationsTeaching Formal Methods in Context  Embedding Formal Development in Software EngineeringAdvertising Formal Methods and Organizing Their Teaching:         Yes, butRetrospect and Prospect of Formal Methods Education in ChinaA Survey of Formal Methods Courses in European Higher Education The FME Subgroup on Education (Convenor: J.N. Oliveira)Author Index


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the CoLogNet/FME Symposium on Teaching Formal Methods, TFM 2004, held in Ghent, Belgium in November 2004.  The 15 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper and 2 abstracts of invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers presented explore the failures and successes of formal methods education, consider how the failures might be resolved, evaluate how to learn from the successes, and attempt promoting cooperative projects to further the teaching and learning and the usage and acceptance of formal methods

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