




第1章 考研英语(二)作文命题分析
1.1 考研英语(二)题型综述
1.2 考研英语(二)命题规律
第2章 考研英语(二)应用文写作应试指导与高分范文20篇
2.1 应用文写作应试指导
2.2 应用文高分范文20篇
1. 邀请金博士发表演讲 invitation of Dr. King to make a speech
2. 邀请新老师参加非正式聚会 invitation of a new teacher to an informal party
3. 因错过约会而道歉 apologies for your failure to keep the appointment
4. 感谢盛情的款待 thanks for generous hospitality
5. 养猫建议 advice on raising a cat
6. 戒烟建议 advice on getting rid of smoking
7. 求职信 A Letter Applying for a Job
8. 申请生产专员的岗位 application for the position of production coordinator
9. 投诉食堂服务 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus
10. 投诉宿舍管理问题 A Letter to the Dorm Management Office About the Dorm Management
11. 推荐学生继续学习 a letter to recommend your former student to continue her study
12. 询问留学事宜 inquiry of admission abroad
13. 询问产品的详细情况 inquiry of detailed information of their products
14. 婉拒工作邀请 refusal of a job offer
15. 通知参加短期英语口语课程 notice of attending a short-term oral English class
16. 通知员工参加短途旅行 a memo to notify the staff of a short tour
17. 招募青年志愿者为残疾家庭做家教 a memo of recruiting young volunteers to tutor the children of disabled patents
18. 给室友的便条 a note to your roommate
19. 工作报告 work report
20. 招聘暑假志愿者a poster of recruiting volunteers
第3章 考研英语(二)大作文写作应试指导与高分范文80篇
3.1 考研英语(二)大作文写作应试指导
3.2 考研英语(二)高分范文80篇
21. 员工工作满意度调查 Investigation on Employment Satisfaction【2012年真题】
22. 品牌轿车的市场份额分布 Market Shares of Automobiles of Three Types of Brand Affiliations【2011年真题】
23. 发展中国家和发达国家的手机购买量 The Mobile-phone Subscription in Developing Countries and Developed Countries【2010年真题】
24. 某城市内的交通事故情况 Accidents in a Chinese city
25. 发展中国家的健康状况 Health Improvements in Developing Countries
26. 中国人口老龄化情况 The Percentage of Old People In Chinese Population
27. 世界人口增长情况 The Growth of the World’s Population
28. 就业和经济 Employment and Economy
29. 手机的使用情况 The Use of Cell Phones
30. 英语使用的目的 The Percentage of Students Using English for Different Purposes
31. 主要城市的空气质量状况 Several Major Cities’ Air Quality
32. 更多的学者留学回国 More Scholars Return from Overseas
33. 中国使用互联网的人数 The Number of Chinese Surfing the Web
34. 不同职业的加班时间状况 Overtime in Some Fields and Sections of Our Society
35. 全国出境旅游人数 The Number of Chinese Traveling Abroad
36. 车祸的时间分布 the distribution of traffic accidents
37. 中型城市的石油消耗情况 The Petroleum Consumption of Medium-sized City
38. 中国获得的金牌情况 A Chart of Gold Medals Snatched by P.R. China
39. 不同国家和地区在中国的投资分布 Investment in Beijing from Different Countries and Regions
40. 不同院系的男女比例 The Proportional Representation of Male and Female in Different Faculties
41. 农民收入情况 The Situation of Farmers’ Income
42. A市本科毕业生就业情况 The Employment of Undergraduates in City A
43. 美国的野生动物保护问题 The Problem of the Wildlife Protection in the U. S.
44. 中国西部某地区偷猎案件发生次数 The Number of Poaching Cases in the West of China
45. 美国的暴力和偷窃的受害者 The Victims of Violence and Theft in the U. S.
46. 艾滋病感染人数和传播途径 HIV/AIDS Infected Population and Ways of Transmission
47. 学生使用电脑的情况 Student Use of Computers
48. 英国的交通事故 Road Accidents in Britain
49. 在国外度假是最好的度假方式 The Best Holidays Are the Ones Spent in a Different Country
50. 儿童时期的苦难有助于成年后更好的生活 Childhood Hardship Contributes to Better Life in Adulthood
51. 书本知识和经验 Book Knowledge and Experience
52. 现代社会的竞争 Competition in a Modern Society
53. 大学校园应该禁止旅游团参观吗?Should the University Campus Refuse Tourists?
54. 出国留学的利弊 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad
55. 如何面试成功 How to Succeed in a Job Interview
56. 博客 Blog Writing
57. 照顾老人 Who and How to Take Care of the Seniors
58. 大学毕业生当村官 College Graduates Work as Village Officials
59. 大学生是否可以结婚? Whether College Students Should Be Allowed to Get Married
60. 发腐斗争 My View on the Struggle Against Corruption
61. 跳巢 My View on Job-hopping
62. 大学课程与未来职业的关系 Should All College Courses Be Specifically Related to a Future Occupation?
63. 假日经济 Holiday Economy
64. 广告和生活 Advertising and Our Lives
65. 保护环境是每个人的义务 Environment Is Everybody’s Business
66. 电视上的暴力画面 Violence on TV
67. 第一印象是否可靠? Is the First Impression Reliable?
68. 网上购物的优缺点 Pros and Cons of On-line Shopping
69. 室内活动的好处 On the Advantages of Indoor Activities
70. 假冒伪劣商品的害处 Harmfulness of Fake Commodities
71. 做人应该诚实 It Pays to Be Honest
72. 读书 On Reading Books
73. 如何解决大城市的住房问题 How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities
74. 风俗习惯的改变 The Change of Customs and Habits
75. 贫富差距 Polarization Between the Rich and the Poor
76. 小广告 The Problem of Small Ads
77. 养宠物 On Raising Pets
78. 醉酒驾车 Drunk Driving
79. 考公务员热 Craze for Civil Service Examinations
80. 虚假广告 False Advertisement
81. 水资源短缺 The Shortage of Water Resource
82. 消失的绿地 Our Disappearing Countryside
83. 地球母亲在呼救 Our Mother Earth is Crying Out for Help
84. 防沙治沙 Combating Desertification
85. 可持续发展 Sustainable Development
86. 态度决定结果 Attitude or Motivation Decides the Result
87. 勤奋的重要性 the Importance of Diligence
88. 自信是成功的关键 Self-confidence Is a Key to Success
89. 持之以恒 Perseverance
90. 爱心是一盏灯 Love is a Lamp
91. 竞争与合作 The Relationship Between Competition and Cooperation
92. 文明——从小事做起 Civilization—A Little Effort Will Work
93. 美丽不是表面的 Beauty is not in a facial mode
94. 个性 Individuality
95. 落叶归根 Fallen Leaves are Destined to Return to the Root
96. 给予老年人关爱 It Pays to Give the Elderly Love
97. 学术抄袭 On Academic Plagiarism
98. 热门专业与冷门专业 Popular Majors vs Unpopular Majors
99. 挥霍时间金钱vs为未来充电 Waste Money and Time vs Prepare for the Future
100. 不对口 It Doesn’t Match Each Other
附录1 考研英语(二)写作常用词汇
附录2 考研英语(二)写作常用谚语警句
附录3 考研英语(二)写作常用句型


5.考研英语(二)终极预测密卷5套题【最新大纲+最新题型+最新题源】 \





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