
作者:[台] 蔡文宜


1-1 Whatever I eat goes right
through me.
我一吃就拉。 ........................................ 014
1-2 I've got the runs.
我拉肚子。 ............................................ 015
1-3 I have to go number one.
我得去上一号。 .................................... 016
1-4 I have to go number two.
我得去上大号。 .................................... 017
1-5 Need to go drop the kids off at
the pool.
我得去上个厕所。 ................................ 018
1-6 Can you hold it?
能忍一下吗? ........................................ 019
1-7 Did you cut the cheese?
是你放屁吗? ........................................ 020
1-8 You have bad breath.
你有口臭。 ............................................ 021
1-9 I have to blow my nose.
我得擤个鼻涕。 .................................... 022
1-10 Stop picking your nose.
别再挖鼻孔了。 .................................. 023
1-11 My eye is twitching.
我的眼皮在跳。 .................................. 024
1-12 Don't pop your pimples.
别挤青春痘。 ...................................... 025
1-13 His feet smell.
他的脚很臭。 ...................................... 026
1-14 I have strong body odor.
我有严重的狐臭。.............................. 027
2-1 I'm going to puke.
我快吐了。 ............................................ 028
2-2 I can't feel my legs.
我的脚麻掉了。 .................................... 029
2-3 My head is killing me.
我的头痛死了。 .................................... 030
2-4 I am under the weather.
我不太舒服。 ........................................ 031
2-5 I have an upset stomach.
我肚子痛。 ............................................ 032
2-6 I'm aching all over.
我全身酸痛。 ........................................ 033
2-7 I can't seem to get up an
appetite these days.
我最近胃口不太好。 ............................ 034
2-8 We're losing her.
她快不行了。 ........................................ 035
2-9 You'd better prepare for the worst.
你最好要做最坏的打算。 .................... 036
2-10 I'm not ready for that yet.
我还没做好心理准备。 ..................... 037
2-11 He will be back on his feet.
他会好起来的。 .................................. 038
2-12 He didn't make it.
他没能活下来。 .................................. 039
2-13 He kicked the bucket.
他挂了。 .............................................. 040
3-1 My aunt Flo is visiting.
我大姨妈来了。 .................................... 041
3-2 My period is late.
我月经迟了。 ........................................ 042
3-3 She has morning sickness.
她害喜。 ................................................ 043
3-4 She got knocked up.
她怀孕了。 ............................................ 044
4-1 I am beside myself with joy.
我实在是太高兴了。 ............................ 046
4-2 I am having a ball.
我玩得很开心。 .................................... 047
4-3 It really hits the spot!
正合我意! ............................................ 048
4-4 I'm really pissed off.
我真的快被气死了。 ........................... 049
4-5 She always gets on my back.
她老是对我唠叨个没完。 .................... 050
4-6 Don't you jump on my back.
你少惹我。 ............................................ 051
4-7 Don't blow your cool.
别发火。 ................................................ 052
4-8 You'll get what's coming to you.
你会有报应的。 .................................... 053
4-9 He got what he deserved.
他活该。 ................................................ 054
4-10 Get out of here!
少来了! .............................................. 055
4-11 You can't be serious.
不会吧! .............................................. 056
4-12 I am going bananas.
我要疯了。 .......................................... 057
4-13 That's going too far.
这太夸张了。 ...................................... 058
4-14 I'm not myself today.
我今天有点失常。.............................. 059
4-15 I'm fed up!
我受够了! .......................................... 060
4-16 No sweat!
没问题! .............................................. 061
4-17 It can't be worse.
实在是太糟糕了!.............................. 062
4-18 She gave me a dirty look.
她给我一张大臭脸。 ......................... 063
4-19 Don't give me the cold shoulder.
别对我那么冷淡。.............................. 064
4-20 It's a pain in the neck.
这真是件讨厌的事! ......................... 065
4-21 I'm screwed.
我完蛋了! .......................................... 066
4-22 Don't get worked up.
别激动。 .............................................. 067
4-23 Keep cool!
冷静一点! .......................................... 068
4-24 Don't freak me out.
别吓我。 .............................................. 069
4-25 Are you out of your mind?
你疯了吗? .......................................... 070
4-26 Get lost!
走开啦! .............................................. 071
4-27 I'm off my luck today.
我今天真背。 ...................................... 072
4-28 Zip your y!
闭上你的嘴! ...................................... 073
4-29 You suck!
你真差劲! .......................................... 074
5-1 How has the world been
treating you?
你好吗? ................................................ 075
5-2 What's up?
近来如何? ............................................ 076
5-3 I'm getting by.
还过得去啦。 ........................................ 077
5-4 Hey, dude.
嗨,老兄。 ............................................ 078
5-5 They are my folks.
他们是我爸妈。 .................................... 079
5-6 He’s/She’s my better half.
他是我的另一半。 ................................ 080
5-7 Please remember me to him.
请帮我问候他。 .................................... 081
5-8 What brings you here?
什么风把你吹来的? ............................ 082
5-9 You are a sight for sore eyes.
能见到你真好! .................................... 083
5-10 I have to powder my face.
我得去补个妆。 .................................. 084
5-11 Knock yourself out.
请不要拘束。 ...................................... 085
5-12 I am a sh out of water here.
我与这里格格不入。 ......................... 086
5-13 Sorry, hands full.
抱歉,我正在忙。.............................. 087
5-14 Thanks, but no thanks.
谢谢,但还是免了。 ......................... 088
5-15 I'll have to beg off.
容我拒绝。 .......................................... 089
5-16 I'm out of here.
我要走了。 .......................................... 090
5-17 Catch you later.
再聊啰! .............................................. 091
5-18 I'll try to catch you some other time.
我再找时间跟你聊。 ......................... 092
5-19 I will see myself out.
不用送了。 .......................................... 093
5-20 I'd better let you go.
不耽误你了。 ...................................... 094
5-21 Thanks for walking me home.
谢谢你送我回家。.............................. 095
6-1 I'll put her on the phone.
我去叫她来听电话。 ............................ 096
6-2 I'll put you through.
我帮你转接过去。 ................................ 097
6-3 Who's on the line?
谁打来的? ............................................ 098
6-4 I will give him a buzz.
我会打电话给他。 ................................ 099
7-1 What's eating you?
你在烦什么? ........................................ 100
7-2 Are you following me?
你知道我在说什么吗? ........................ 101
7-3 Do I have to spell it out?
我还得讲得更清楚吗? ........................ 102
7-4 I won't breathe a word of it.
我会帮你保密。 .................................... 103
7-5 Knock it off.
不要闹了。 ............................................ 104
7-6 Don't try to pass the buck.
别想推卸责任。 .................................... 105
7-7 What is your problem?
你哪根筋不对啦? ................................ 106
7-8 You have a lot of nerve.
你脸皮可真厚啊。 ................................ 107
7-9 Don't give me your attitude.
少给我摆脸色。 .................................... 108
7-10 Do you want to pick a ght?
你是想要吵架吗?.............................. 109
7-11 You wanna take this outside?
你想要到外面解决吗? ..................... 110
7-12 You asked for it.
这是你自找的。 .................................. 111
7-13 You are out of line.
你太过分了。 ...................................... 112
7-14 I'm not nished with you.
我话还没讲完。 .................................. 113
7-15 That's your problem.
那是你的问题。 .................................. 114
7-16 You're just pulling my leg.
你是在逗着我玩的吧! ..................... 115
7-17 I don't know what came over me.
我不知道我是哪根筋不对了。 ......... 116
7-18 I didn't mean anything by it.
我没恶意。 .......................................... 117
7-19 You're telling me!
这还用你说! ...................................... 118
7-20 Don't take it to heart.
别在意。 .............................................. 119
7-21 Think nothing of it.
别放在心上。 ...................................... 120
7-22 I can feel it in my bones.
我就是知道。 ...................................... 121
7-23 I don't have all day.
我没时间跟你耗。.............................. 122
7-24 Don't make a fool out of me.
别让我丢脸。 ...................................... 123
7-25 There's no law against it.
这又不犯法。 ...................................... 124
7-26 You can never tell.
很难说。 .............................................. 125
7-27 I'm cool.
我没事。 .............................................. 126
7-28 Leave it to me!
包在我身上! ...................................... 127
7-29 It can't be helped.
这也是没办法的事。 ......................... 128
8-1 That's what I say.
我同意刚刚的话。 ................................ 129
8-2 You got it.
你说对了! ............................................ 130
8-3 That's more like it.
这还差不多。 ........................................ 131
8-4 That's the way it goes.
这很正常。 ........................................... 132
8-5 Now you're talking.
你总算说出像样的话了。 .................... 133
8-6 That's too much!
这太过分了。 ........................................ 134
8-7 I don't mean maybe!
我不是在跟你开玩笑! ........................ 135
8-8 I'll thank you to keep your
opinions to yourself.
我不需要你的意见。 ............................ 136
8-9 I'll thank you to mind your own
不用你多管闲事。 ................................ 137
8-10 It's nothing.
这又没什么。 ...................................... 138
8-11 Nothing to it!
这很简单啊! ...................................... 139
8-12 Search me!
我不知道! .......................................... 140
8-13 That's news to me.
我不知道有这件事。 ......................... 141
8-14 It's just my cup of tea.
这正是我要的。 .................................. 142
8-15 It's still up in the air.
还不确定。 .......................................... 143
8-16 Anything you say.
全都听你的。 ...................................... 144
8-17 It's all one to me.
对我来说都一样。.............................. 145
8-18 That'll be the day.
永远不可能! ...................................... 146
8-19 I'm on your side.
我站在你这边。 .................................. 147
8-20 It's beyond me.
我无法理解。 ...................................... 148
8-21 You're something else!
真有你的! .......................................... 149
8-22 Enough is enough!
够了! ..................................................... 150
8-23 Show some teeth!
笑一个嘛! .......................................... 151
8-24 You are so difcult!
你真难搞! ......................................... 152
9-1 Let's hit it off!
我们好好相处吧! ................................ 153
9-2 Let's get over it.
我们忘记过去的不愉快吧! ................ 154
9-3 He is a people person.
他人缘很好。 ........................................ 155
9-4 He's not my type.
他不是我的菜。 .................................... 156
9-5 Is there someone else?
你喜欢上别人了吗? ............................ 157
9-6 He's been two-timing me.
他劈腿。 ................................................ 158
9-7 He is seeing somebody.
他正跟某人交往。 ................................ 159
9-8 I'm over you.
我已经不爱你了。 ................................ 160
9-9 Are you hitting on me?
你现在是在跟我搭讪吗? .................... 161
9-10 I'm all over you.
我非常迷恋你。 .................................. 162
9-11 You don't deserve me.
你不值得我爱。 .................................. 163
9-12 I've decided to make a big
commitment to him.
我决定要嫁给他了。 ......................... 164
9-13 We split up.
我们分开了。 ...................................... 165
9-14 All she wants is to marry into
the purple.
她一心一意想嫁入豪门。 ................. 166
10-1 Let's ditch the class.
咱们逃学吧! ...................................... 168
10-2 Which eld are you in?
你是哪个系的? .................................. 169
10-3 I have a schedule conict.
我冲堂。 .............................................. 170
10-4 I'll hit the books.
我要温书。 .......................................... 171
10-5 I am cramming for it.
我正在临时抱佛脚。 ......................... 172
10-6 Where can I nd old exams?
我要去哪里找真题? ......................... 173
10-7 I aced this one.
我这科考得很好。.............................. 174
10-8 I bombed the test.
我考砸了。 .......................................... 175
10-9 I'm nally off the hook now.
我这下终于解脱了。 ......................... 176
11-1 I am a 9-to-5er.
我是一个朝九晚五的上班族。 ......... 177
11-2 In the middle of something?
你手头有事情在忙吗? ....................... 178
11-3 I don't have time to catch my
我忙死了。 .......................................... 179
11-4 It won't take much time.
不会花很长时间的。 ......................... 180
11-5 I'll get back to you.
我晚点再回复你。.............................. 181
11-6 Can I have a word with you?
我可以跟你谈谈吗? ......................... 182
11-7 We have ten minutes to kill.
我们有十分钟空闲时间。 ................. 183
11-8 Let's talk over coffee.
我们边喝咖啡边谈。 ......................... 184
11-9 Let's get down to business.
谈谈正事吧。 ...................................... 185
11-10 Come to the point.
直说吧! ........................................... 186
11-11 Don't work your socks off.
别太拼命工作。 ............................... 187
11-12 I don't feel up to that.
我不觉得能胜任那个工作。 ........... 188
11-13 This job sucks.
这工作烂透了。 ............................... 189
11-14 My boss has been giving me hell.
我老板一直在找我麻烦。 ............... 190
11-15 I'll get right on it.
我马上去办。 ................................... 191
11-16 Everything is going like
一切顺利进行中。 ........................... 192
11-17 It's good to go.
一切都准备好了。 ........................... 193
11-18 She just called in sick.
她刚打电话来请病假。 ................... 194
11-19 I've missed four days of work.
我已经四天没去上班了。 ............... 195
11-20 He's on leave.
他休假。 ........................................... 196
11-21 Fill in for me for a couple of hours!
代替我几个小时吧! ....................... 197
11-22 I can't handle this alone.
我自己一个人做不了。 ................... 198
11-23 Don't make me do the dirty work.
别叫我做那种讨厌的差事。 ........... 199
11-24 Don't make me pick up the
pieces for you.
别叫我帮你收拾残局。 ................... 200
11-25 Don't bury your head in the sand.
不要逃避现实。 ............................... 201
11-26 You got to do what you got to do.
该做的事情还是要做。 ................... 202
11-27 I screwed it up.
我把它搞砸了。 ............................... 203
11-28 It's time to knock off.
该下班了。 ....................................... 204
11-29 Let's call it a day.
今天就做到这儿吧。 ....................... 205
11-30 My boss gave me the boot today.
我今天被我老板开除了。 ............... 206
11-31 He decided to hang up on
the job.
他决定辞掉工作。 ........................... 207
11-32 I am between jobs.
我目前待业中。 ............................... 208
11-33 Do you have any openings?
你们有缺人吗? ............................... 209
11-34 Please sell yourself.
请自我介绍一下。 ........................... 210
12-1 Let's do lunch.
一起吃午餐吧。 .................................. 211
12-2 Do as you please.
就照你的意思吧。.............................. 212
12-3 I am up for anything.
我什么都好。 ...................................... 213
12-4 Let's pig out.
让我们大吃一顿吧. ............................ 214
12-5 I'm going to eat till I drop.
我要吃到撑死。 .................................. 215
12-6 He is such a big eater.
他真的是大胃王。.............................. 216
12-7 Don't make a pig of yourself.
别吃太多。 .......................................... 217
12-8 The restaurant is on the map.
这间餐厅很有名。.............................. 218
12-9 It's open twenty-four seven.
这家店全年无休。.............................. 219
12-10 It's on the house.
这是免费招待的。 ........................... 220
12-11 Are you still working on it?
您还在用吗? ................................... 221
12-12 I am up to my throat.
我饱到喉咙口了。 ........................... 222
12-13 I have a sweet tooth.
我喜欢吃甜点。 ............................... 223
12-14 Let's down some beer.
去灌几杯啤酒吧! ........................... 224
12-15 Don't get hammered.
别喝醉了。 ....................................... 225
12-16 This is my treat.
这次我请客。 ................................... 226
12-17 Let's go Dutch.
我们各付各的吧! ........................... 227
12-18 She is a foodie.
她是个美食家。 ............................... 228
12-19 I need to take a smoke break.
我得去抽根烟。 ............................... 229
12-20 Wrap it up, please.
请帮我打包。 ................................... 230
12-21 How late are you open?
你们开到几点? ............................... 231
12-22 How long is the wait?
还要等多久? ................................... 232
12-23 Is this still any good?
这东西还能吃吗? ........................... 233
13-1 Let's hit the road.
出发吧。 .............................................. 234
13-2 He stood me up.
他放我鸽子。 ...................................... 235
13-3 Let's go out just for laughs.
咱们出去乐一下吧! ......................... 236
13-4 Do you want to catch a ick with us?
要不要跟我们去看电影? ................. 237
13-5 This movie is a tear-jerker.
这部电影很催泪。.............................. 238
13-6 The singer is a has-been.
那歌手过气了。 .................................. 239
13-7 That show was a turnoff.
那节目让人倒尽胃口。 ..................... 240
13-8 Don't be such a party pooper!
别那么扫兴! ...................................... 241
13-9 Do you want to shoot some hoops?
要不要打篮球啊?.............................. 242
13-10 He really stole the show.
他真是抢尽风头了! ....................... 243
14-1 We got lost in the middle of nowhere.
我们在一个鸟不生蛋的地方迷路了。 244
14-2 Keep your eyes in front!
看路! ...........................................245
14-3 Where is the head?
洗手间在哪里? ..............................246
14-4 There is a line, buddy.
老兄,请排队。 ..............................247
14-5 My car gave up on me!
我的车抛锚了。 ..............................248
14-6 It's really coming down out there.
雨下得好大。 .................................249
14-7 It's burning up out there.
外面热得跟火炉一样。 ...................250
14-8 Please step on it.
请开快一点! .................................251
14-9 Are we there yet?
我们快到了吗? ..............................252
14-10 I'm stuck in trafc.
我被堵在半路上了。 ....................... 253
14-11 Heads up!
小心! ............................................... 254
14-12 Can I take a rain check?
可以改天吗? ................................... 255



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