


版权页:   是的,但是我们首先应该搞清楚我指的是哪一种民主。我们可以简单直接地称其为民主——公民有权以少数服从多数的投票形式决定国家的公共政策。关乎战争与和平的政策,以及其他轻分量的事件都由人民做出抉择。 从理论上看,这的确很吸引入。这其中涉及的自由以及自治的观念有着无可争辩的魅力。人们有一种行使权利的本能,并且这种政府形式正好满足了人们这样一种心理。但是直接形式的民主需要付出的代价也很大。明智的抉择需要渊博的知识,需要深思熟虑,要深刻理解政府制定的目标。但是大多数公民的愿望是至高无上的,因此这些明智因素会毫无立足之地。欠缺思考的愚蠢抉择看起来也是相当明智谨慎。 这样的民主形式,仍然孕育着使其堕落为最糟糕的政府形式——暴玫——的种子。如果每个公民都按照自己的意愿行使主权,最终会引起内讧或发生纠纷。当这种现象变得十分严重的时候,很有可能出现一位将自己标榜为“人民的拥护者”的煽动政治家——他在自己的身边安排保镖,免于受到来自所谓“人民的敌人”的攻击,并且最终他会夺取国家的独裁权力。 与贵族统治、寡头政治、君主政治一样,跟由出身良好之士、富人、国王或者大多数公民实行的政权奴役制度相比,民主统治对我来说只是一种比前者更加不真实的政体。 Taking into account the tendency of unrestrained power to corrupt those who wieldit, I came to favor a mixed polity, as I said in the Statesman and the Laws-onethat combines some features of monarchy and some of democracy. There must besome whose task it is to administer the laws, but their power must not be exercisedwithout the constraint of law and the consent of the people. By far the most importantfeature of our polity is the supremacy of the laws. Wherever the law is subservientand impotent, over that state I see ruin impending. But wherever the law is lord overthe magistrates, and the magistrates are servants to the law, there I see salvation andall the blessings that the gods bestow on states. To ensure the subservience of themagistrates to the law, there must be a clear division of power among them, theymust be elected for fixed terms by their fellow citizens, and they must all be liableto indictment for misdemeanors during their terms in office and careful audits at theend of their terms-with severe penalties for malfeasance. In order for this polity tosucceed, the state must be small enough that the electors can know who among themis best suited to govern, and the state must adopt public education as its first priority.I'm convinced that if the task of educating the citizens is well carried out, theneverything will work out, and if it isn't, then nothing can save the day. If you like, youcan call this polity "representative constitutional democracy."


作者:(英国)唐纳德·R.莫尔(Donald R.Moor) 译者:张媛媛  唐纳德·R.莫尔(Donald R.Moor),美国俄勒冈州波特兰州立大学荣誉哲学教授,在该校研究执教达四十年之久。


序言/9 导读/13 柏拉图(公元前428/427—前348/347):生平简分/15 现在,谈话正式开始/29。 哲学家的诞生/33 领会对话的内涵/43 至善的理想/5l 罪行的代价/57 民主与哲学王/63 自由与审查制度/71 关于女性平等/83  柏拉图式的爱情/91  西西里岛的不幸遭遇/l05 头脑敏锐之人/111 柏控图主义——形式论/119 走出洞穴/129 数学与追寻真理/l35 再论柏拉图主义/l47








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  •     买的时候还有些小犹豫,怕和时下的许多堆织罗列的丛书一样,机械堆砌,了无生趣,然而还是在打折的诱惑下下了单,然而结果竟是物超所值,大大超出了我的想象,且不说设计精美,简约大方这些外部因素,最重要的是新颖的行文方式,深入浅出的语言风格,实实在在的吸引了我的注意力并饱享了一顿精神盛宴,且中英对照,板式简约,是很成功的一次网购,强烈推荐给爱书的朋友!
  •     精神恋爱不是因为令人亢奋 而是因为使人得以扩展和升华
  •     通俗哲学读物 有趣的对话形式
  •     可以对整个柏拉图的思想有个大致的了解

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