


  Transport in USA  In USA, transport system is quite developed and highways and trunk lines leadto each corner of the country. No matter where you go, you will find a convenientmeans to get there easily, by bus, by train, by car or by plane.  By far, the cheapest way to get around is to take buses. The main long-distanceoperator, Greyhound, links all major cities and many towns. Along the main high-ways, buses run around the clock to a full timetable, stopping only for meal breaks.However, Greyhound buses are more uncomfortable than you could expect.  Another choice is to take a train. TheAmtrak Rail Service charge more moneythan Greyhound and it is reasonable be-cause it offers a higher quality service. It isworth having a try if you have enough time.Traveling by train is full of fun and you mayenjoy more scenery on the way than fromthe plane.  Cars are everywhere in America. Gas price in America is much lower than thatof most European countries, so any family or anyone can afford a car. Furthermore,the income level is higher than that of most countries. For a few hundred dollars, acar can be purchased and it will take you from your yard to a peaceful coast. Manyfamilies like traveling by car in America.


  《中等职业教育基础英语》是依照教育部颁发的最新《中等职业学校英语教学大纲(试行)》(以下称“大纲”)的目标要求,并针对中职中专英语教学的特点和目前各省市的教学实际情况进行编写而成的。  本教材注重素质教育的推行和学生英语交际能力的培养,充分考虑中职学生的现状、特点和发展需要,以话题为主线,精心选材、精心编写,尽力做到编适于学、编便于教。  本套教材共三册,覆盖了“大纲”的全部语法项目、交际功能项目和约98%的“大纲”基本要求的词汇项目。学完本套教材三册后,将能达到“大纲”规定的基本要求。  学生用书版块介绍:  Warm-up:  通过提供图片场景,使学生初步接触本单元话题和相关词汇,激活学生兴趣,在轻松的氛围中展开对本单元的学习,为本单元后面的学习打下基础。  Passage:  文章围绕本单元话题,选材生动丰富、贴近生活、富有时代感,符合读者对象的年龄特点;内容知识性、逻辑性、连贯性强。通过教师的讲解分析,强化学生对相关语法和单词的理解与记忆,课后问题帮助学生进一步巩固消化对文章的理解。  Notes:  解释课文相关的文化现象,帮助学习者了解英语国家的语言背景知识,加深学生对课文的理解;从语法、词汇等方面点拨课文中的语言点和难点重点;对课文中出现的难句、长句进行翻译,分析句子结构,举例说明语言点,扩大学生的知识面。  Grammar:  由浅入深,循序渐进的讲解语法条目,同时列举大量的实例,帮助学生做到举一反三。  Listening and Speaking Exercises:  主要是以对话的形式,要求学生在听完材料后能按照要求完成题目,理解听力材料的内容并且能对其进行反馈。围绕本单元交际功能,以卡片问答形式,让学生交互进行简单的口语练习。锻炼学生的听说能力,学习本单元的交际功能,调动学生的学习兴趣。


Unit 1 Famous People著名人物    Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 2 Interpersonal Relationship人际关系  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 3 Job Interview and Work求职与工作  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 4 Travel旅行  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 5 Transport交通  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingRevision 1Unit 6 Popular Science科普知识  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 7 History and Geography历史与地理  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 8 Culture文化  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit 9 Social Issues社会话题  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingUnit lO Services服务  Warm-up  Passage  Grammar  Exercises  Supplementary ReadingRevision 2附录一 答案附录二 单词和短语总表








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