
作者:Michael Raduga (Author),Andrey Goodkov (Illustrator)


1. 如何进入仙境并不惧噩梦
2. 从地牢救出鲁德尔以及魔力时分
3. 怎样成为超级英雄并和任何女孩重修旧好
4. 乘飞碟在外太空旅行和外星人绑架
5. 可怕的墓地探险和秘密的会面地点
6. 危险的赛车和奥斯特拉的回归
7. 水下探险和与水怪的战斗
8. 化身成动物和狼群的猛攻
9. 时光机旅行和法老王的秘密
10. 与恶龙的魔战和赢得奥斯特拉的心


我们从小就习 惯认为,做梦只是微不足道的一连串毫无意义的幻象,我们身处其中,毫无自由意志。写下逆天的《灵国童话》的迈克尔·拉杜加则不敢苟同。作为出体旅行学校的 创始人。他创作了世界首批此类故事,帮助您和您的孩子找到方法,可以不惧噩梦,可以在梦的世界里神志清醒地旅行,还可以在日常生活中以各种各样的方式使用 这种技巧。
Ten original and educational fairy tales for teaching children and their parents to contr ol their dreams and use their skills to accomp lish a variety of goals in everyday life. Since childhood, we've grown accustomed to thinking that dreaming is a trivial succession of meaningless illusions in which we are deprived of free will. Michael Raduga, author of the scandalous Phasieland Fairy Tales, begs to differ. As the founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel and OOBE Research Center, he has created the world's first tales for helping you and your children find out how to not be afraid of bad dreams, consciously travel in the dream world, and use this skill in quite a variety of ways in everyday life.





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