final Detail最后的细节

作者:Harlan Coben


Book Description 
Myron Bolitar screwed up. He was supposed to be protecting a woman. Instead, he fell in love with her – and then she died. So he’s dropped out, and run away to the Caribbean to escape his guilt.

But now everything has come back to haunt him. Esperanza Diaz, his closest friend, is in trouble. Murder trouble. The victim is one of Myron’s own clients, and the case seems to be watertight. It’s inconceivable that Esperanza is involved, but she is refusing to deny it. So, in order to help his friend, Myron must battle for her freedom – against her own wishes…

Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)10.8

 final Detail最后的细节下载



精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     上周末半夜在成都机场等冯老大的时候把结尾几章看完的~5个小时啊!电闪雷鸣的晚上,几乎所有飞机都备降到别的机场了,唯一降下来的是台湾来的一架~第二天看新闻才知道富士康成都工厂ipad2生产线炸了~郭台铭连夜赶过的~
  •     打发时间的时候看完了 文笔不错又不失烟火气 当日常英语学习了。。 字里行间的插科打诨很有些小幽默

外国儿童文学,篆刻,百科,生物科学,科普,初中通用,育儿亲子,美容护肤PDF图书下载,。 零度图书网 

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