PASS BEC新编剑桥商务英语考试手册(中、高级)

作者:郑维 编


  郑维(女),福建长乐人,1953年出生。1990年毕业于北京教育学院英语系,1996年毕业于首都师范大学英语教育专业硕士研究生班。现为中国教育学会外语专业委员会会员,北京市民进东城区教育咨询委员会副主任,北京市东城区英语兼职教研员、高级教师、剑桥大学考试委员会商务英语考试培训教师,曾多次参加英国剑桥大学考试委员会商务英语考试培训。  编著有《商务英语考试成功之路》、《商务英语速成》、《商务英语词汇手册》等10多本书。  郑维教师从1978年开始从事英语教学工作,1996年起从事商务英语教学工作。由于她勤于钻研,数年来一点一滴积累教学经验,逐步形成了一套行之有效的商务英语的方法。岂今为止,她已培训过数千名学生参加剑桥商务英语证书考试,她所带的班在参加BEC证书考试中及格率在85%以上,多次取得优异成绩,在北京市名列前茅,深受学生们的欢迎。  她所撰写的《关于商务英语教学的探索与研究》一文获北京市东城区教育科研“九五”三等奖,2003年她参加了全国教育科学“十五”规划课题“中小学英语课堂教学模式优化研究与实验”子课题《关于中等职业学校英语课堂教学模式优化研究与实验》的研究,并担任子课题组组长。 


中级卷新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级考试说明中级词汇篇中级口试篇BEC Vantage Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart Four中级阅读篇BEC Vantage Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart Four中级写作篇BEC写作语言重点BEC中级写作样题(1)BEC中级写作样题(2)BEC中级写作样题(3)BEC中级写作样题(4)BEC中级写作样题(5)BEC中级写作样题(6)BEC中级写作样题(7)BEC中级写作样题(8)高级卷新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)高级考试说明高级词汇篇高级口试篇BEC Higher Part OnePart TwoPart ThreeBEC Higher Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart Six高级阅读篇高级写作篇BEC高级写作样题(1)BEC高级写作样题(2)BEC高级写作样题(3)BEC高级写作样题(4)BEC高级写作样题(5)BEC高级写作样题(6)写作附录


  应广大参考人员的迫切要求,《PASS BEC新编剑桥商务英语考试手册(中高级)》根据今年剑桥大学考试委员会口试、阅读、笔试新的要求,及时编写了口试、阅读、写作的样题和参考答案,并加以中文讲解供广大参加BEC考试的读者使用,参加其他各类英语考试的人员亦可参考使用。


《PASS BEC新编剑桥商务英语考试手册(中高级)》是一本提供剑桥商务英语初级考试所使用的专门词汇和一般词汇的参考书,特别是根据今年修订的剑桥商务英语考试内容增加了新的词汇,共收录商务英语中级单词8000个左右,词组2000个左右,涉及广告业务、银行业、金融业、商业、计算机业务、工业、法律、管理、办公室工作、销售业、运输等许多部门的词汇,配有大量适合商务英语考试的精选句型,以利于在语境中学习英语,提高学习效果。

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精彩书评 (总计4条)

  •     想起了当时努力学习英语的状态,当时学这本东东,真的是下功夫了,也坚持学完了,过了一段时间又回顾一遍,商务英语的听力、写作能力应该没啥大问题了。不过学习英语最重要的是口语,口语练习得有环境,进外企之前我是在这上面报名学的,现在百强企业上班。
  •     abandonee n.受委付人,(海运保险中)海损承保人abiding a.不变的,持久的abject a.不幸的,可怜的,卑鄙的abominable a.令人生厌的,讨厌的abrest adv.并肩地,不落伍地accordingly adv.因此,从而acronym n.只取单词首字母的缩略词acuity n.敏锐,锐利add-on n.随机附件adept a.熟练的,精通的adequacy n.适当的,充分足够adopt v.采用adulterate v.掺杂,掺假adulteration n.掺假aerogramme n.航空邮件affectation n.装模作样affected a.假装的affix v.粘上,贴上affluent a.丰富的,丰裕的afield adv.在...以外agile a.活泼的,轻快的agitate v.搅动;使不安agitated a.不安的,焦虑的aground adv/adj.搁浅ajar a.半开的alleviate v.减轻;缓和all-rounder n.多面手,全才alms n.救济金,救济品alumnus n.(pl.)alumni (男)毕业生,(男)校友ambiguity n.含糊,不明确ambiguous a.不明确的amenable a.服从的,服理的;可受影响的amortize v.分期偿还ancillary a.辅助的,附属的androgynous a.男女皆宜的anglicize v.使英国化,使英语化anguish n.极度的痛苦anguished a.痛苦的annals n.年鉴;纪年标annex n.附录 v.附加annihilate v.消灭annihilation n.消灭annul v.废除;宣布无效AOB 其他事项APEX 优惠价机票预订apiece adv.每个apothecary n.药商,药剂师appalling a.令人惊骇的append v.附加;粘上apportion v.分摊appurtenance n.附属物,配件aptitude n.才能,能力arbitrage n.套利,套汇ardent a.热情的,发热的arduous a.费劲的,努力的arena n.竞技场arid a.贫瘠的;乏味的arrears n.欠款,拖延artful a.巧妙的,狡猾的assay vt.试验 n.化验assay officer 检验关astounding a.令人惊骇的at the helm 主管,负责attache n.使馆官员audacious a.鲁莽的,大胆的automat n.自助餐厅aversion n.嫌恶,厌恶avert v.防止avow v.公开承认sitter-in n.参加者,旁听者,替人看家并照顾小孩的人back order (因无现货)有待日后交付的订货;待发货;待发货订单;待执行订单backwardation n.延期交割;延期交割费banana republic 中、南美洲发展中国家band n.波幅;汇率波幅Bangkok n.曼谷bar association 律师协会baton n.权杖,指挥棒,警棍bazzar n.中东市场;义卖be on good terms with 同...关系很好bear down 击败;征服beetle v.悬垂,突出beetle off 匆忙离开,赶快去beguile vt.诱骗;夺走beguile the time 消磨时光beguile with 用...消磨时间,用...消遣belie vt.掩饰bequeath vt.遗赠,遗留bequest n.遗产,遗赠berth n.停泊处;卧铺bestow vt.赠与,授予bicentennial n.二百年bid fair to do/be 有...的希望bilateralism n.根据两国间双边协议的原则biscuit porcelain 素瓷blackball n.反对票 v.投反对票以阻止某人加入black-out n.灯火管制;停电blanch v.漂白,变白,变得苍白blasphemous a.亵渎神明的,不敬的blatant a.明显的blaze about/abroad 传播,宣扬消息等blaze up 燃烧,发怒blemish n.污点;缺点,毛病blink the fact 不顾事实真相blink at 惊愕地看着blockade n.封锁;vt.封锁boarding pass n.登机牌bog n.沼泽;厕所bog sth. down 使...陷入困境;停顿bog up 使...混乱,将...弄得一团糟bold stroke 果敢的措施bolster v.支持bolster up 支持,促进bolt n.门闩;螺栓bona fide a.真实的,守信的bondsman n.保证人,担保人bonus pool 津贴总额,红利总数boorish a.乡土气的,粗野的borough n.自治的市镇,区bound into fame/favor 一举成名bound document 装订成册的文献bound for 驶往bountiful a.慷慨的,宽大的bounty n.慷慨,宽大;奖励金,补助金bourgeois n.中产阶级,商人bourgeoisie n.中产阶级(女人)boutique n.专卖流行衣服的小商店bow out 退出,引退break (one's) neck 竭尽全力;努力break the ice 开始;打破僵局;缓和紧张气氛brevity n.(时间)短暂bribery n.行贿,受贿,贿赂brunt n.最沉重的部分bucket shop 投机商号bulge v.暴涨,上涨bulge bracket (美国纽约)华尔街投资银行领导集团bullion n.金银,银条,金块burgeon n.嫩芽 v.发芽,萌发;开始迅速成长,茂盛bushel n.蒲式耳bust n.经营失败;破产;萧条时期大范围的经济不景气bust up 分离,分居;破灭;破裂;破产;失败cadmium n.镉candid a.无偏见的,公正的;坦率的canvass n.拉选票;招徕顾客carve out 获得centenary n.一百年 a.一百年的centennial n.百年纪念 a.一百年的charcoal n.木炭chase the wild goose 徒劳无益的举动chattel n.动产chip away 逐步瓦解chip in 插话;下赌注;凑钱choke sth. back 克制;压抑churn out 粗制滥造出citation n.引用jell or clash 合作或冲突clash & breakage risks 碰损破碎险clean draft 光票clog vi.阻满,塞满cluttered a.乱糟糟的coerce v.强迫collude v.串通,共谋comely a.清秀的,标致的comfort station 公厕commence v.开始,着手commend itself to 受...欢迎compendium n.纲要,概略complaisant a.彬彬有礼的,殷勤的concession n.关税减让;外商投资特许权;让步conciliate vt.安慰,赢得confer vt.授予confiscate vt.征用,没收,充公confiscation n.没收;充公;征用confute vt.驳斥conjecture n/v.推测,臆说connoisseur n.专家,行家connote vt.含言外之意,意味着consignment n.装运的货物,运送consignment note 到货通知单consolation n.(被)安慰consolidate v.整顿;整理;并帐;汇总账目consortium n.国际银行财团,金融财团constraint n.制约consular visa 领事签证contemplate vt.反复打算contemptible a.可鄙的contemptuous a.轻蔑的,侮辱的contention n.争夺,争论contingency n.偶然,可能性;紧急情况continnum n.连续时间contraband n.违法交易,违禁品,走私controvert vt.议论,辩论convene v.召集,集合conversable a.谈得来的,易开口的conversant a.熟悉的conversion n.不动产和动产之间的转化,兑换conveyance n.产权转让证书;转让conviction n.说服力cordially adv.诚挚地cornerstone n.柱石,基础cosponser n.共同主办人couch v.(用言语)表达countermand vt.取消,撤销counteract vt.抵消;减少或消解countersign n.会签;副署courier n.特快专递,送急件的人covenant n.契约,盟约covetous a.贪婪的credence n.信任creed n.信仰culprit n.罪犯curb n.场外交易市场,场外证券市场curt a.简略的curtain call 谢幕dabble v.浅尝,涉猎damp off 腐败,枯萎damp check 防潮层dandy n.花花公子dandy fever 登革热dandy note (海关出口货物)提货单daunt v.沮丧debar v.组织,禁止,剥夺debase vt.降低货币的交换价值;使...的意义下降deceased a.死的decoration day 阵亡将士纪念日deference n.顺从,尊重defiance n.蔑视;挑衅deformity n.畸形;畸形的人或物defray vt.支付,支出deft a.灵巧的defy vt.蔑视;挑衅;违抗delicacy n.敏锐,敏感洞察力,敏感delinquency n.拖欠债款;怠工delude v.迷惑deluge vt.泛滥;困扰delve v.探究,钻研delve into sth. 深入研究某事,钻进去demand-led a.由于供不应求而导致的demise n.终止;财产的转让depict vt.描述,描写depot n.储运站depress vt.使跌价deputy n.副手derelict n.(尤指海上的)遗弃物derision n.嘲笑designation n.意义despondency n.情绪低落destitute a.穷困的,缺乏的destitute of 剥夺detention n.拘留;滞留感化中心、管教所detention house (移民)临时扣留所deter vt.阻止deteriorate v.(使)恶化detract vi.削弱,贬低devise n.不动产遗赠devoid a.全无的,缺乏的devoid of all gratitude 忘恩负义devoid of all pretence 毫不做作地diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手diamond edition 袖珍本dip v.轻度下滑;回落;伸进discern vt.辨别,看清楚disciplinary a.惩罚性的discrete a.互不联系的dishonor n.拒绝承兑disincentive n.障碍discretionary n.可自行处理的拨款dismantle vt.拆除dismember vt.肢解disoblige vt.使失望,不答应...的要求dispensable a.不必要的,可有可无的;可分配的dispense v./n.发放,施与,分配disposition n.气质ditch n.沟渠,壕沟diverge vi.(道路等)分叉;(意见等)分歧divergence n.分歧,分散divest v.撤销投资,转让投资do one's utmost 尽最大努力docile a.听话的,驯服的,温顺的dole n.施舍dormant a.睡眠状态的,静止的dosage n.量,配药,用量dossier n.档案dot down 暂且记下来downswing n.下降drain away/off 渐渐枯竭drastic a.激烈的,药性猛烈的dwarf vt.使相形见绌dynamo n.发电机a human dynamo 一个干劲十足的人eavesdrop v.偷听,窃听economic indicators 经济指标elimination 删除,淘汰elongate vi./vt.使更长,伸长,拉长eloquent a.善辩的,有口才的;强烈的显示出,有说服力的embargo n.禁令,禁止贸易令,禁止船舶行驶令,封港令等lay an embargo on 禁止(船只)出入,对...进行禁运emblem n.象征,标志,标记emergent a.在出现过程中的eminence n.卓越,著名emphatically adv.强调地emulate vt.赶上或超越,与...竞争,仿效enact vt.(常用被动)(政府)制定法律enactment n.(法律)通过,制定;法律,法令,法规enc.(enclosed/enclosures) n.附件engross vt.埋头于,全神贯注于;(法律文件)以大字写,正式澄清be engrossed in 全神贯注于enjoin vt.(正式)命令,吩咐;禁止ensue vi.继而发生,因而产生;接着entail vt.使...必要,牵涉;限定(地产)继承人entangle vt.使...缠绕,纠缠于...中;使...陷入entice vt.诱惑entrant n.刚就业者,新成员environ vt.包围,环绕envoy n.使者,代表,外交官;大使epitome n.梗概;摘要errand n.差事,差使;使命,任务evacuate vt.将某人移往安全处,疏散;撤离;排空(尤指肠)excavator n.挖掘机;挖掘者exchequer n.国库,公共资源;个人资金excise n.国内货物税exert v.尽力,运用exertion n.行使,发挥;尽力,努力exhort vt.规劝,告诫exigence n.紧急,危急;苛求,苛刻exonerate vt.使免罪,免除,解除expatriate n.移居国外的人 v.逐出国外,流放,移居国外expedient a.便宜的,有利可图的 n.权宜之计,紧急手段expiate vt./vi.赎罪exploit vt.暴露;揭露;陈列exposure n.公众对某一产品或公司的知悉;广告所达到的观众总数expropriate vt.没收财产;征用;充公ex-stock n.仓库交货价faciliate vt.使容易;帮助faculty n.才干,能力;全体教师(有时也包括学生)fastidious a.爱挑剔的,过分讲究的curry favour with sb. 拍某人马屁fervent a.热的,强烈的,热情的fetter n.脚镣;束缚,羁绊fictitious a.假的,虚构的fidelity n.忠实,忠诚;忠贞,贞洁fiduciary n.财产受托人;信托结构;信托业务finesse n.技巧,技术;计谋,手段fiscal a.公款的;财政的;会计的fivefold n.五倍fledgling n.刚会飞的小鸟,缺乏经验者 a.刚开始的fling vt.投掷,抛,摔flip chart 活页图表flop n.彻底失败,砸锅flotation n.(企业等的)筹资开办;创立;(为创立企业的)筹款;(债券、股票等的)发行;发售flyover n.汽车天桥,立交桥folio n.对折纸,对开纸;文件夹foolhardy a.鲁莽的,有勇无谋的foolscap n.大页纸foppish a.(贬)浮华的,矫饰的foreclosure n.抵押品,赎回权的取消foreman n.工头forfeit n.丧失物,没收物,代价 vt.没收,处罚,丧失forte n.特长fractious a.(老人,小孩,病人)乖张的,易怒的,好争吵的;(动物)难驾驭的fraternity n.大学中的兄弟会free on board 离岸价格fringe n.穗;流苏,毛边;边缘,外围 v.加穗于,在...上装穗frugal a.节约的,简朴的fudge n.一种牛奶软糖funnel v.向某点集中fuss n.大惊小怪,小题大做 v.大惊小怪,忙乱futile a.无效的,无用的gadget n.小而精巧的器具,工具gage n.挑战,抵押品,担保品 vt.以...为担保,以...为赌注gait n.步态,步法gallant a.华丽的,雄伟的gallop n./v.飞奔,疾驰gallop over/through 匆匆赶完,赶工gazump v.(房屋买卖)抬价卖房germinal a.处于萌芽阶段的,初级阶段的get hunches about sth. 对...有预感ghastly a.可怕的,恐怖的;极坏的,令人反感的,糟透的gild vt.覆金箔于...;涂金色于...;尽力改进本已合意的事物gild the lily 锦上添花,精益求精glut vt.超量供应某事物;吃得太饱;大吃gourmet n.美食家grapple v.与...搏斗,尽力解决gratuitous a.无缘无故的;免费的gratuity n.赏金,小费;养老金,退休金greenback n.美钞grin v.傻笑grind on 无聊乏味地继续着groom v.使做好准备,培养guild n.协会,行会,同业公会haggle v.争论不休,讨价还价hail v.招呼;热情地承认,欢呼halogen n.卤素hammer and tongs 全力以赴地hammer away at 一再强调hands-on a.有直接经验的haphazard a.杂乱的,任意的;偶然的hasten v.促使,促进hazy a.有薄雾的;模糊的heal the breach 调停helm n.领导heave v.举起;有规律地起伏hectic a.忙乱的hedge n.套期保值highseas n.公海high-sounding a.夸大的,言过其实的hindrance n.妨碍,阻碍hinge n.铰链,合叶hinge on 靠...转动hoard n.贮藏之物,积蓄 v.贮藏,积蓄hoard up 聚集hoarded cash 贮存的现金hold down a job 保住工作homestead n.家园;(政府和开垦者的)土地hosteller n.旅行者hypothesis n.假说ignominy n.耻辱,不体面,不名誉illustrious a.著名的,杰出的imbecile n.弱智,傻瓜imminent a.即将来临的,逼近的impalpable a.无法触摸的;难以理解的impart v.给予,传授;通知impasse n.僵局;死胡同;绝境impending a.迫在眉睫的,行将到来的imperceptible a.难以察觉的,感觉不到的imperishable a.不灭的,不朽的,永恒的impermeable a.不透水的impertinent a.鲁莽的,不敬的impetuous a.轻率的,冲动的impious a.不恭敬的,不虔诚的implicate v.涉及,牵连impoverish v.使贫穷;恶化impromptu a.即席的,临时的impute v.归因于,归咎于in line with... 与...相一致in-tray n.(办公室中存放待处理的来函及来文的)收文筐inception n.开始,开端incessant a.不断地,无穷尽的incidental n.小事,杂项,杂费 a.附属的,补充的;难免的;偶然的inclination n.斜坡;倾斜面;意欲;爱好;意愿;趋势;倾向indent vt.代购订单;委托采购 n.出口订货单open indent 未限定订单;开口订货单indent for 订购indent house 购货受托商号;进口代办商行;进口订货行indenture n.(旧时师徒间的)契约;合同indignant a.愤慨的;愤愤不平的infuse vt.灌输ingenuous a.(指人及其行为)淳朴的;率直的;单纯的in-house n.机构内部inlet n.注水口;入水口insatiable a.不知足的,贪得无厌的insipid a.乏味的;淡而无味的;枯燥的instill sth. in/into sb. 将...灌输给某人intact a.完整的;未动过的intercept vt.中途拦截;截取interlock v.连锁;连串interminable a.漫无止境的,冗长的interpose vt.插话;干涉,干预;行使interpose one's veto 行使否决权intimidate vt.恐吓,威逼intricate a.复杂难懂的intuition n.直觉,直观invincible a.难以克服的,不可战胜的iron in the fire 正在进行的事情或项目iron out 通过讨论或妥协来解决;消除irony n.反语;具有讽刺意味的事irremediable a.不可救药的,无法补救的irreparable a.不可修补的,不能挽回的irresolute a.犹豫不决的itinerary n.旅程表,旅行计划jell v.定型,明确jeopardize v.使(某事物)受到伤害,损坏或破坏;使限于困境jeopardy n.处于受伤害,受损失或受破坏的危险境地jilt vt.抛弃jittery a.极度紧张不安的jobbing n.(为一次性的或小的订货需要而特设的)生产制度;做零工的,做散工的jumble vt.搞乱jumble sth. up 使混乱jumble sale 旧物义卖junk price 赔本价钱juridical a.法律上的,司法上的jurisprudence n.法律学;法学juror n.陪审员keelage n.船舶入港费;停泊费kickback n.回扣;酬金kin n.族人;亲戚;家人next of kin 至亲no kin to sb. 和某人无亲戚关系king-size a.(尤指香烟)特长的,特大号的laconic a.用字简洁的landfall n.初见陆地lapse n.失效保险单,过期保单lay-by n.路边停车区,铁路侧线lay days 装卸天数;靠岸天数leasehold n.租赁权lee n.庇护所;避风雨处legitimate a.依法的;合法的;正当的liability n.累赘;不利之物;责任,法律义务liable a.易患的,常患的;易于;有责任的liaison n.工作上之关联,联系liberal a.宽容的,心胸宽阔的;慷慨的,大方的;充分的,大量的lighterage n.驳船费liquor n.酒精类饮料litigant n.诉讼当事人litigate vi.提出诉讼 vt.在法律上辩论或否认loathe vt.憎恶,厌恶loathsome a.可憎的;令人作呕的lode n.矿脉lollop v.(非正式)蹦蹦跳跳loot n.战利品,掠夺物,栽赃;v.掠夺,盗取财物lousy a.多虱的;很糟的;令人作呕;无用的lout n.不识礼教;举止笨拙的男人或男孩;粗人lowkey a.有节制的;不花哨的,不招摇的;低调的lucid a.易懂的,明白的;清醒的,有神志的;明亮的,清澈的,透明的lucre n.(贬义)利益;钱luggage rack (火车、公汽的)行李架luggage van (火车的)行李车厢;货车厢mackintosh n.雨衣,防水布magistrate n.行政长官,政府中执行法律权限的官吏magnanimous a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的mailshot n.大量外发广告make a buck 挣钱malignant a.怀恶意的,恶毒的,恶性的maneuver n.调遣,换房;(pl.)演习,策略manifold a.多种的,繁多的,多种形式的martyr n.烈士,殉教者massage n.按摩 v.按摩matriculate vi.(大学里的)入学,注册maturity n.到期,偿还日meddle vi.干预,扰乱mediocre a.普通的质量中等偏下的melancholy n.忧郁,意气消沉 a.忧郁的,孤独而又伤感的memoir n.研究报告;传记mete v.分配,分给;给予mildew v.生霉;发霉mince v.切碎切细mirage n.海市蜃楼,梦想,幻想misdemeanor n.不良行为;轻罪mob n.平民,民众mock-herolic a.模仿英雄诗的,模仿英雄气概的mold n.模子,模型;铸模moor n.荒野,沼泽地multifold a.多样的,多方面的nautical a.海员的,船舶的,航海的neutral a.中立的,非彩色的nicety n.微妙,细微;细微之处,细微的差别,细节notarial a.公证的,由公证经办的obnoxious a.令人很不愉快的,讨厌的,引起反感的obsolete a.已废弃的,已不用的obstinate a.固执的,执迷不悟的;顽皮的;倔强的oddment n.剩余商品,零头omen n.预兆,预知operative n.工人 a.工作着的,操作的opportune a.(时间)合适的,恰好的;及时的oration n.演说orator n.演说者,演说家ornament n.装饰物,装饰 v.装饰,修饰outcast n.被抛弃的人,流浪者outdo vt.优于(别人),胜过,比...领先outgiving a.友好且乐于助人的;友善的 n.公开的言论,给予,给予之物,支出outlandish a.奇特的;异国风味的overcast a.天阴的,多云的overhaul vt.检修,大修;革新overhead n.经营,经营费用overpass n.天桥,陆桥 vt.穿过或穿越;通过;超越;越出;忽略或不注意,忽视overt a.(看法或行动)公开的pail n.提桶,桶;满桶,一桶之量panel n.操作板;门窗上的方格,嵌板;专门小组,陪审团pang n.一阵剧痛,突然的痛苦palatable a.合乎口味的panorama n.全景,综述;概观par n.同等,平等;(股票的)票面价值;面值;(健康,活动等)一般程度,标准,常态on a par (with) 和...同等,和...一样up to par 达到正常健康水平;达到一般水平paradigm n.范例,样式paralysis n.麻痹,瘫痪;失去能力,停顿paralyze vt.使麻痹,使瘫痪;使无能为力parchment n.(尤指古时用的)羊皮纸,上等纸;正式文件;毕业文凭parley n.谈判,会谈parlor n.客厅,会客室;店堂parvenu n.暴发户pastel n.淡雅彩色put out to pasture 放牧,退休,离休pauper n.贫民;依赖于公共慈善度日的人pawn vt.典当,抵押;以...为保障 n.典当品,抵押品,人质paying-in slip 存款单pecuniary a.钱的或关于钱的;应罚金的penitent a.悔罪的,悔过的 n.忏悔者perk n.特殊待遇,外快,特权persevere vi.坚韧不拔,坚持不懈pervade vt.(味道,思想,感情等)蔓延,遍及,渗透perverse a.故意作对的,任性的,恶意的pestilent a.瘟疫的,引起疫病的;不断扰人的,令人不快的cut a pie 卷入某事have a finger in the pie 干预某事,多管闲事piecemeal a.一件一件的,逐渐的pigment n.颜料 vt.用涂料给...着色,染色于,染play along with 与...合作play down 降低...的重要性,不太重视play off 从中渔利,在...之间挑拨离间play on 利用play out 结束,精疲力竭play up 大肆宣传;强调;夸大(某事)重要性pliable a.易弯的,容易弯曲或塑造的plow n.犁 v.犁,耕plow back benifit 用于再投资的利润plow into 投资plow back into 再投资pluck vt.采,摘,拔;突然地扯,拉plumber n.管道工plume oneself on 以...为荣polytechnic a.(从事)各种技艺的,各类专业的pp (post-paid)邮资已付的preach down 贬低preach to 告诫preach up 赞扬premier a.主要的,第一的 n.总理prerequisite a.必须的 n.先决条件,前提prevailing a.盛行的print run (报纸、杂志等的)印刷量probate n.遗嘱检验proclaim vt.正式宣布,宣告proclamation n.公告,布告,文告,宣言profane a.亵渎的,非神圣的 vt.亵渎profess vt.自称,冒充,装作;公开声明,声称,承认profound a.造诣深的,知识渊博的;深切的,深刻的,强烈的profuse a.充沛的,很多的,大量流出的;慷慨的,大方的prolong vt.延长,拉长proofread v.校对prosecution n.起诉;提起诉讼的一方puff n.喷气,一阵;蓬松物; v.一阵地吹;喷出;肿起be puffed up 趾高气扬;傲气十足pungent a.刺鼻的,刺激性的;穿透性的、辛辣的、刻薄的purvey vt.提供,供给;供应purveyor n.承办商,供应粮食者,粮食征购商pygmy n.矮人qlty = qualityqty = quantityquarantine n.检疫期,隔离期 vt.隔离quaver vi.发颤音,(声音或音乐)颤抖 n.颤音quench vt.扑灭;熄灭;平息,减弱quicksand n.流沙quot. = quotation 报价;上市;上市证券牌价quote v.报价;上市;开价radiant a.发光的,发热的;明亮的ranch n.专业牧场,专业农场;大农场的所有者居住的房屋rapport n.和谐,亲善reassess v.重新评价rebate n.回扣,运费回扣 v.打折recess n.休息时间recoil vi.弹回,跳回;退却,缩回recoil on/upon sb. 报应refurbish vt.刷新,使重新干净、明亮或新鲜,创新refute vt.驳倒;通过论据或证据推翻regent n.摄政者;校务委员remiss a.怠慢的,疏忽的remission n.豁免(债务,刑罚),义务的豁免remunerate v.报酬,酬劳remuneration n.薪酬,报酬renounce vt.放弃(如头衔);拒绝;否认renown n.名望,声誉renowned a.著名的reproach n.责备,指摘 vt.责备,使蒙耻reproduction n.复制品respite n.间歇;暂缓处决 vt.延期;推迟retaine v.保留,拦住;聘请retaliation n.报复retention rate 留任率revamp v.重修,修改reverend a.值得尊重的revolt n.反叛;反抗revolting a.使人反感的ritual n.正式的仪式;例行公事rouge n.胭脂,口红rouse v.吵醒;激活sales pitch = sales talk 以推销为目的的文章;商品宣传salvage gear 救助船具salvor n.(失事船舶或货物的)救助人;救助船sanction n.批准,同意;支持,认可,制裁savvy v.知道,了解scapegoat n.替罪羊scold v.叱责,责骂give scope to (for) 给发挥...的机会have full scope 有充分的余地within the scope of 在...的范围之内scrambler n.(电子)扰频器from the scratch 从零开始,从头开始up to scratch 够上水准,情况良好scribble v.潦草地写,手写scrupulous a.多顾虑的,谨慎的,小心翼翼的seamless a.无缝合线的,无伤痕的seclude v.隔离seduce vt.引诱,勾引seize up 中止,停顿selenium n.硒sensual a.肉体的,感官上的set sb.'s heart at rest 使某人放心set forth 宣布,动身set on 攻击,鼓动set out 出发,发表,企图setback n.挫折take shape 成型,实现(market) shape up 进展良好shipyard n.造船厂,修船厂,船坞show biz 表演业steal the show 抢镜头shrug vi.耸肩sink in 被了解sinking fund 偿债基金,折旧基金sit in 待人暂时照料sit out 不参加slander n.诽谤,造谣slant v.倾斜 n.倾向slip-up n.疏忽,错误sluggish a.不活泼的;缓慢的smelt vt.熔炼,炼取snob n.势利之人,媚上傲下的人sob vi.呜咽,抽泣sober a.未醉的,头脑清醒的,冷静的sorority n.大学中的女生联谊会sovereign a.最高的,至尊的,优秀的spearhead vt.领先,当...的先锋speculative a.推测的,投机的speculator n.投机商squash n.软式网球stagnant a.停滞的,(生意)清淡的stammer n./vi.口吃stance n.姿态,态度,立场stark a.僵硬的;无装饰的;纯粹的;完全的stir v.轰动,搅动statutory a.法定的stenography n.速记,速记法stew n.炖过的食品stick to one's guns 坚持己见stiff a.不易弯曲的,硬的stipend n.薪水,奖学金,津贴stipulation n.规定(条约)条款stockholder of record 登记股东stool n.凳子;厕所;粪便straight away 直截了当地straight B/L 记名提单strand n.组成部分streamline v.使合理化;使效率更高,精简strike home 命中striped a.有条纹的studious a.好学的,用功的subdue vt.征服,克服,压制;减弱subscriber n.(电视、电话等的)用户subside vi.减弱,消退;下降sue v.起诉,请求superfluous a.过多的,多余的superlative a.最高级的suppress vt.镇压surge n.巨浪,汹涌 v.颠簸surmise n/v.猜测,推测syllabus n.大纲,讲义syndicate n.辛迪加;理事会,董事会 vt.组成辛迪加tab n.账单,标签pick up the tab 付账,承担费用taboo a.禁忌的,禁止的 n.禁忌tacit a.不言而喻;无言的take-home pay 实得工资take off 走红,腾飞take the rains 掌权tantalize v.使...可望而不可即tar n.柏油taskmaster n.监工tear at 损害tear off 草率凑成temptingly adv.诱人地tenement n.住房,公寓tenure n.任期in no uncertain terms 坚决的come to terms 达成协议terms credit 远期信用证term loan 定期贷款soft term 优惠条件in terms of 按照;就...而言terrier n.小猎犬testament n.契约;誓言testate a.留有遗嘱的the specifications 规格thorn n.刺;荆棘thought-out a.慎重考虑后产生的tidal a.潮汐的tie up a deal 达成交易till n.钱柜;放钱处tint n.色彩,色度to be entitled to... 享有...的权利to be unaccustomed to sth. 不习惯某事to put sb. through 给某人接通电话to put forward a proposal 提出建议to pool ideas 集思广益to shoot up (直线)上升to lodge a claim 提出索赔to settle a claim 理赔to enclose herewith 随函附上to make a counter offer 作出还盘toil v.辛劳;辛苦 n.辛劳tort n.(民事)违法;(过失)行为Trade Mark Act 商标法transcribe vt.誊写,抄写,转录treacherous a.背叛;叛变;不忠的tribunal n.法官席trying a.难忍的,使人痛苦的tuberculosis n.结核病turmoil n.混乱turquoise n.天蓝色unanimity n.全体同意unassuming a.平易近人的,没有架子的unclutter v.弄整洁under cover 随函附上unduly adv.过分的;不适当的unfailing a.忠诚的;可信赖的;确实的unprecedented a.前所未有的;空前的unscrupulous a.不审慎的;无耻的upstart n.暴发户upward surge 上涨usury n.高利贷van line 长途搬运公司variegated a.杂色的varnish n.油漆vegetate vi.如植物那样生长;过单调呆板的生活vend vt.售卖,贩卖vendor n.卖主vendor seller 货主venom n.毒液;恶毒veritable a.真正的,确实的vest v.(法律)授予所有权vex v.使...烦恼;激怒volatile a.多变的volatility n.易变的;易挥发性voracious a.贪婪的waive v.放弃wary n.蜡;石蜡water-borne a.由水路运送的water gauge 水表waybill n.运货单wear and tear 自然磨损whereabouts adv.下落,行踪wield vt.使用wintry a.冬天似的,寒冷的;荒凉的withhold v.扣押;扣留woolshed n.羊毛打包房work sheet 工作单wound up 停业整理wring vt.扭动writ n.船票wry humor 冷面幽默flat yield 实际盈利率yield gap 收益率差额yield net 净产出Zurich n.苏黎世
  •     1. Letters of enquiryA) Reply to and advertisement/letter/enquiry With reference to your advertisement in...With reference to your letter/enquiry of...(date)We are writing to enquire about...We are writing in connection with...B) Requesting action/sendingWould you please send me...C) Requesting informationWe would like to know whether...We are interested in... and we would like to know...D) Closing a letterWe look forward to hearing from you.We look forward to receiving your reply.2. Replies to enquiriesA) Thanking for a letter/requiryThank you for your letter/enquiry of...(date)B) Referring to the contents of a letterWith reference to your letter/enquiry of..., asking if...Thank you for your letter/enquiry of..., enquiring about...Thank you for your letter/enquiry of..., questioning ...Thank you for your letter/enquiry of..., concerning...C) Enclosing/sendingWe are pleased to enclose...We have pleasure in enclosing/sending...D) Closing a letter with hope for future businessWe look forward to hearing from you.We look forward to receiving your first order.I hope this information will help you.Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.3. Letters of ApologyA) ApologizingWe must apologize for the delay in replying your letter.We sincerely apologize for not replying to your letter.B) Expressing resultThis move to a new office has resulted in delays.C) AssuringWe assure you that there will be no more delays in the future.4. Letters of apologyA) Expressing regretWe are extremely sorry to learn that a mistake was made in the packing.We greatly regret the...B) ApologizingPlease accept our apologies for...We offer our sincere apologies.5. Letters of complaintA) ComplainingWe must point out two discrepancies/errors in your entries/statement.We must point out that you have made an error in the total.B) Staing politely that an error has been madeWe have no record of this invoice in our files.We have no documents that might explain this entry.According to our invoice the correct figure is $208.According to our records we have not yet received payment.C) Requesting actionWe should be obliged if you could investigate these matters.We should be obliged if you could let us have your comments/credit note.We should be obliged if you could amend the invoice.6. Replies to complaintsA) Disagreeing politelyWe cannot agree with your figures.B) Indicating the source of error politelyThis gives the possibility that the writer may be wrong.We feel that you may have overlooked the carriage charge.C) Requesting agreement politelyWe hope that you will now feel able to agree with the calculation.7. Letters of invitationA) Invitinga) FormalThe directors request the company of Mr.Williams on the occasion of the 25th anniversary at the Ashohi on 10 November at 8:30 p.m.You are cordially invited to the Grand Opening of the Imperial Plaza Hotel.I take great pleasure in inviting you to and exclusive exhibition of the works of the Mexican sculptor, Joachim Paz.b) InformalWe are organizing a dinner to mark the 25th anniversary of our company and would very much like you to attend.I should like to invite you to our new custom-built factory premises in Tsuen Wan.You are invited to attend a seminar entitled, The Teaching Of Business English in Hong Kong on 21th December 1996.B) Refusing and invitationa) FormalMr.Williams thanks but regrets that he cannot attend due to a prior engagement.b) InformalUnfortunately I have already agreed to speak at a conference in Oslo and will therefore be unable to attend your dinner.8. Letter of thanksA) Initial thanksI enjoyed visiting your showroom last weekend.Thank you so much for your hospitality on Friday.I was delighted to receive your letter today.Thank you very much for all your help over the past few weeks.B) Personal commentI was very impressed with the way you organize staff training. We all have a lesson to learn from your experience.I do appreciate your thoughtfulness.I should just like you to know that I appreciate your willingness to help out in times of need.C) Repetition of thanksOnce again let me express my thanks to you for making the visit the success it was.Your understanding and sympathetic attitude will not be forgotten when the company is once more on its feet.9. Job applicationsA) Applying formallyI would like to apply for the post of personal assistant advertised in today's Guardian.I have seen your advertisement for a personal assistant in today's Guardian and would like to apply for the post.B) Refusing and applicationI am sorry to inform you that on this occasion you have not been selected for interview.C) Offering formalI am pleased to offer you the position of personal assistant.D) Formal welcome/thanking/congratulatingI would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to...I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for...I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on...E) Expressing willingness to provide extra information or helpPlease do not hesitate to contact if there are any points you would like to discuss.10) MemorandaA) Asking for informationI want you to pass me all the information you have about...I should like to know exactly what action has been taken...I should like you to give me a record of...B) Asking for actionCan you please arrange for...?Do not forget to...Please find out what is going on...Could you please ensure that...?I would like you to...Do you think it would be possible to...?I am writing to remind you that...C) Giving informationa) Explaining background to and enquiryI have looked into this matter...I have made enquiries about...I have dealt with the enquiry about...I have checked my records...I have investigated... as requested in your memo of 2 March.I have completed my study of...b) Explaining enquiriesI am told that...I am informed that...It is possible that Ms Shun was unaware of the situation...I told Mr. Qiu that...Mr. Qiu was informed that...I made it clear that...I have found/discovered that...c) Explaining follow-up to and enquiryI have written to Mr. Shun about this.I have recommended that...I have offered/arranged a discount of 10%...I have sent an invoice for the outstanding sum to Mrs. Lau.D) Making suggestions and recommendationsCan we get together sometime later this week to discuss...?What about Thursday afternoon at 2:30 p.m.?We ought to be thinking about...You really ought to...Don't forget to...It seems to me that you should...Perhaps it would be a good idea if you were to...If you wish, I can...May I suggest that...?I suggest you...I think that we should...We need to...E) WarningUnless we order..., the store may run out in the middle of the heavy season.Our supplies are becoming increasingly.We urgently need ... if we are to meet demand.

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