


  Using the nine world regions as an organizing~amework,the worlds states and terri—tories,whose locations are shown in Figure 1.3,are listed in TabIe 1.3,with an estimate of the total size of each states economy(GDP).Reference maps with greater detail appear after the preface,and high—resolution interactive maps are on this books companion Atlas CD.  Although geography provides one fixed context in which IR takes place,history provides another.The world as we perceive it developed over many years,step by step.Of specialinterestinIRarethepast500years.known asthe“modemage.’’Thishasbeentheage of the international system that we know(sovereign states).The remainder of this chapter briefly reviews the historical development of that system and its context.SpeciaI attention is given to the relations between Europe and the rest ofthe world.in which are found the roots of the present North—South gap.  History  The turn of the century and millennium finds the world breaking free of the logic of the two world wars and the Cold War that dominated the tWentieth century.New possibilities are emerging everywhere,some good and some bad.With SO much change occurring,one night wonder whether history is still relevant tO understanding the world.1t is.The basic structures and principles of international relations,even in the current era,are deeply rooted in historical developments.Our discussion of these developments--necessarily only a series of brief sketches--begins with a long—term perspective and gradually focuses on more recent history.


  改革开放二十多年来,中国的国际关系研究迅速成长。其进步和成就之一,是在努力发掘、撰写中国人自己的国际关系著述的同时,国内学术界、出版界还把相当大的力量用在介绍、引进、翻译、出版大量的国外,特别是西方国际关系研究的重要成果上。尤其是在国际关系理论方面,从1948年出版的现实主义经典著作《国家间政治》,到1999年发表的最新的建构主义代表作《国际政治的社会理论》,西方国际关系理论的几乎所有重要著作在中国都得到了翻译和出版。这对中国国际关系学的成长进步,对中国人了解、借鉴国外的理论和思想,无疑起了重大的、不可缺少的推动作用。  同时我们也看到,到目前为止在国外国际关系理论著述的翻译、引进、介绍中,绝大多数是单一理论著作,即某一理论、某一作者的代表著作。对国外,包括西方国际关系理论基本的、综合的、全面的教科书的介绍、引进、翻译、出版寥寥无几。这样使国内的读者,包括青年学生、外事工作人员和专家学者,对某些国际关系的权威理论、思想较为熟悉,并各有侧重;但对国际,特别是西方国际关系理论的全面总体情况则了解得不够清晰。对不少人,包括一些国际关系专业学生、专家学者等,有些“只见树木,不见森林”的状况。  此外,在国际关系理论的介绍和引进中,对单一理论和作者深奥的理论关注多,对国际上国际关系理论及思想的总体、综合阐述和评论的著述少。这也使很多国内的学生、学者和其他读者,在深奥、复杂,甚至繁琐、隐晦的理论专著面前,感到真正理解和把握上的困难,造成某种“各尽所能、各取所懂”的局面。


Detailed ContentsPrefaceTo the studentA note on nomenclatureA key to lcon UsageCHAPTER 1 Understanding intemational relationsPART I International securityCHAPTER 2 power politicsCHAPTER 3 Alternatives to power politicsCHAPTER 4 foreign polictCHAPTER 5 International conflictCHAPTER 6 Military ForceCHAPTER 7 International organization and lawPART 2 International political EconomyCHAPTER 8 TradeCHAPTER 9 Money and businessCHAPTER 10 In tegrationCHAPTER 11 Environment and populationCHAPTER 12 the North-south gapCHAPTER 13 international developmentCHAPTER 14 postscriptGlossaryPhoto creditsAuthor indexsubject index







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  •     影印版的字儿看着很费劲儿……
  •     IR用的教材,辛苦了一年还是后悔没好好研读,现在再重新拿起来跟着大一的学
  •     我读过的第一本英文国关书,甚至是第一本英文书
  •     适合作为入学前导读,讲得比较浅

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