作者:Tracy, Brian


There's an old saying that if the first thing you do in the morning is to eat a live frog, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that it's probably the worst thing you'll do all day. Eat That Frog! takes this saying as a metaphor for tackling the most challenging task of your day - the one you are most likely to procrastinate on, but also probably the one that will have the greatest positive impact on your life. Bestselling author Brian Tracy shows how successful people don't try to do everything, but instead focus on the most important tasks. With three vital rules of effective personal time management: decision, discipline and determination, and twenty-one practical and doable steps to help you stop procrastinating, this book will appeal to anyone who wants to get more of those important tasks done - today!

 EAT THAT FROG 吃掉那只青蛙下载 精选章节试读 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     好几年前就看过的书,抱着温故知新的目的,我从网上找了个电子版的,看了Introduction后,果断而冲动的在Amazon上买了Kindle版<和>有声版。耐着性子边做家务边把整本书听完,很遗憾,这书介绍的21条Tip, 条条都是cliché的不能再cliché的陈词滥调。其实我不反感cliché,只要你能帮助加深理解,提升读者更好的领悟,把看似平凡的真理内化,那反而是最有价值的。不幸的是,这书具有一切成功学书籍的特性:车轱辘话反复说,证据的极度缺乏----不需要你摆科学实验,但是总要以理服人吧?举几个personal的例子也好啊!你是怎么运用这条策略的,是自己突然明白的还是从别人那儿学来的?如果是自己明白的,你是通过什么事情突然顿悟了?如果是学来的,别人的什么故事让你信服的?为什么这个策略行得通,阻碍大多数人贯彻它的通常是什么?怎样克服?作者就仅仅是把烂大街的时间管理原则一条一条的列出来,没有丝毫说服力。并且为了达到书的副标题中的21(始终不明白为什么畅销书都痴迷这个数字),差不多一个意思的东西换个名字来凑数,实在不厚道,比如:Take it one oil barrel at a time; Slice and dice the task, 等等。当初但凡先浏览一下每章的标题,都不会做这么错误的购买决定。唯一有诚意的内容(从销量的角度考虑也是最需要有诚意的部分)就是preface了。在开头这个章节中,作者阐述了他早年生活经历带给他的一个revelation: 那些牛人,他们之所以比你牛,不是因为他们本来就<是>比你厉害的<存在>,而仅仅是因为,他们<做>事情的<方式>跟你不一样。而那些正确的做事情的方法,他们能学会,你也可以学会。原文:Coming from an unsuccessful background, I had developed deep feelings of inferiority and inadequacy. I had fallen into the mental trap of assuming that people who were doing better than me were actually better than me. What I learned was that this was not necessarily true. They were just doing things differently, and what they had learned to do, within reason, I could learn as well.学习成功的人的方法,然后应用在自己的生活中,直到它生效。That's it. 多么简单!没错,宝贵的东西总是简单的。----Take home message----总之记住一句话: Everything is learnable. ----显而易见,这个belief是强大的(强大到我动心买了两份copy)。的确,真正有用的不是那些小的方法(诸如要先工作再玩啦,要计划啦,要坚持啦),别人告诉你了你还是做不到。有用的是类似上面讲的这样的信念,一切行动都是它衍生出来的。当你吸收了这个思想,你也就自然而然的会产生与之相符合的行动。就好像,别人再怎么告诉你装逼没用,再怎么教你踏实内敛的技巧,只要你一天不改变你那根深蒂固的fixed-mindset,去接受一个growth-mindset,你就一天逃脱不掉想要证明自己的欲望。(参考:《Mindset》)这个意义上讲,教授琐碎的方法,不如传递一个有力的信念。至少,下次再看到什么成功人士的多少多少个习惯,多少多少个方法,我知道该怎么办了。╮(╯▽╰)╭

精彩短评 (总计2条)

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  •     Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. 即使当英文阅读材料都不太合格的书。

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