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勾起了我很多很多回忆啊!!总是忍不住的笑一笑,呵呵!很简单,简单的句子,简单图片,但是每一张图片,都让曾经养过或现正在养的爱猫猫人士,觉得那就是 你心中那猫 的一切行为,呵呵!!推荐一切爱猫猫的人士必看!!

What cats teach us

我欣赏的句子,比狗狗的那本多About healthy livingWhen you can lie in the sunshine,do so.能在阳光下躺一会儿,就躺吧。Good grooming is an asset.把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮也是一种本事。Conserve your energy for when it counts.要蓄势待发。About getting along with othersNever underestimate the power of a purr.不要低估了娇弱之声的力量。Pay close attention to one person at a time.每一次只专注于一人。Be thankful that someone took care of you when you were too little to fend for yourself.要感激那些在你太年幼而无独立生活能力时照顾过你的人。Understand that no one owns you.要知道你只属于你自己。Faithfulness is a basic ingredient of a loving relationship. Make companionship a priority.忠诚是情爱关系中的基本要素,能在一起比什么都重要。About self-esteemIt enhances your reputation if you're a little mysterious.带一点神秘感有利于你的好名声。When you want to get to a high place, have confidence in your ability to get there.想到达更高境界,就得充分相信自己有实现目标的能力。Be proud of your unique attributes.为你的独特品质而骄傲。Learn to keep your cool in difficult situations.学会在困境中保持冷静。Nurture your independent spirit.培养你的独立精神。Express you individuality. Don't stifle your curiosity.张扬你的个性,更别抑制了你的好奇心。Make fun wherever you are.Hiding under the covers won't make your problems disappear.即便藏在床罩底下,你的问题还是掩盖不了。





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