


~Series PrefacePreface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionChapter 1 Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry1.1 Basic Cansiderations1.2 Proximity Effects in Organic Chemistry1.3 Molecular Adaptation1.4 Molecular Recognition and the Supramolecular LevelChapter 2 Bioorganic Chemistry of Amino Acids and Polypeptides2.1 Chemistry of the Living Cells2.2 Analogy Betweel~~ Organic Reactions and Biochemical Transformations2.3 Chemistry of the Peptide Bond2.4 Nonribosomal Peptide Bond Formation2.5 Asymmetric Synthesis of a-Amino Acids2.6 Asymmetric Synthesis with Chiral OrganometaUic Catalysts2.7 Transition State Analogs2.8 Antibodies as Enzymes2.10 Molecular Recognition and Drug DesignChapter 3 Bioorganic Chemistry of the Phosphate Groups and Po[ynuc[eotides3.1 Basic Considerations3.2 Energy Storage3.3 Hydrolytic Pathways and Pseudorotation3.4 DNA lntercalantsChapter 4 Enzyme Chemistry4.1 Introduction to Catalysis4.2 Introduction to Enzymes4.3 Multifunctional Catalysis and Simple Modeis4.4 a-Chymotrypsin4.5 Other Hydrolytic Enzymes4.6 Stereoelectronic Control in Hydrolytic Reactions4.7 Immobilized Enzymes and Enzyme Technology4.8 Enzymes in Synthetic Organic Chemistry4.9 Enzyme-Analog-Built Polymers4.10 Design of Molecular CleftsChapter 5 Enzyme Models5.1 Host Guest Complexation Chemistry5.2 New Developments in Crown Ether Chemistry5.3 Membrane Chenlistry and beliceIles5.4 Polymers5.5 CycIodextrins5.6 Enzyme Design Using Steroid Template5.7 Remote Functionalizadon Reactions5.8 Biomimetic Polyene CycIizationsChapter 6 Metar Ions6.1 Metal Ions in Proteins and Biological MolecuIes6.2 Carboxypeptidase A and the Role of Zinc6.3 Hydrolysis of Amino Acid Esters and Amides and Peptides6.4 Iron and Oxygen Transport6.5 Copper Ion6.6 Biomodels of Photosynthesis and Energy Transfer6.7 Cobalt and Vitamin B,, ActionChapter 7 Conenzyme ChemistryChapter 8 Molecular DevicesReferencesIndex~



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  •     化学不见得必须依靠纯化学书籍才能学习,这本书就从生物方面对化学的机理,结构等等内容进行了全新的诠释。他从化学的侧面打开了一扇窗户让生物的阳光透进来,照亮了一片以前被人忽视的领域——生物有机化学。再加上精美的插图,厚厚的一大本书是每一位爱好化学的人值得拥有的!

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