


  citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, tow-generation households.  3. The fact that ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nations moral climate, says this ethics professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.  4. But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that if you have one  locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder.  5. While its true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions--be they scientific or artistic.  6. But more than mere taste is at stake; and, realizing this, the supporters of either party  have rationalized their preferences in terms of argument that involve an appeal to more objective standard than those of a simple personal preference.  7. Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals, and in doing so ensured their survival, by the ability to observe and understand their environment and  then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs.  8. It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to  develop our reading to meet the new demands being placed upon us by studying at a  higher level.  9. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique--a speech of the hand.  10. Robert Foss, a scientist at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, says the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with "really stupid behavior" than with just a lack of driving experience.


  全新版“英语四、六级710分冲关快训”系列,是在认真研究《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》和《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》的基础上,完全以教育部制定的新的四、六级考试大纲和样题为蓝本进行设计,并组织一批在英语授课以及四、六级考试辅导方面经验丰富的大学一线教师精心编写而成该系列自2006年9月第一版出版以来,以其紧扣四、六级考试最新脉搏、 为考生提供更加快速有效的考前冲刺方案的特点而深受广大读者、考生和培训班的欢迎,更让我们喜出望外的是,在全国2007年6月23日四级考试中,该系列之《英语四级冲关快训预测试巷》一书中第8套试题押中听力长对话部分总计28分,这更加印证了该系列书的权威性和有效性,也是对出版社的极大鼓舞 和鞭策。为了不负广大考生众望,更上一层楼,我们再次组织编写教师,对第一版进行总结、分析并加以补充完善,推出第二版。 “英语四、六级710分冲关快训”系列改变了以往传统的训练模式,强调“快 速”、“准确”、“有效”。专家合理分配时间,瞄准考试重点、难点,反映最新考试信息。具体表现在:1.体现科学性、实用性和灵活性的原则。2.听力部分录音按新样题标准语速朗读,再现真实考场效果。3.解题策略讲解透彻,详略得当;实战演练仿真度高,接近真题。


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  令你耳目一新,使你事半功倍的四级英语学习手册。全书分为5大部分:实战测试、基础技能训练、快速阅读训练、选词填空训练、常规阅读训练,共20天的训练。《英语四级阅读20天冲关快训》立足于阅读基本功、阅读技巧突破以及实战演练,对各大题型精细分析,透彻讲解,总结技巧,指点迷津,旨在帮助考生短时间内获得突破,攻克新四级阅读关。 《英语四级阅读20天冲关快训》内容丰富而精练,例文典型而适当,版式活泌而明快,使你“赏心”之余,更加“悦目”。既可供考前“临阵磨枪”之用,也可作平日翻检浏览之备。







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