


理查‧泰勒(Richard Taylor)
1967年生。牛津大學英文系、倫敦大學法律系畢業。目前定居於英格蘭南約克夏(south Yorkshire),並持續性擔任基督教文化特有符號、符碼的講師。






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精彩书评 (总计7条)

  •     BBC的纪录片Churches:How to Read Them (6 episodes)presenter就是本书的作者Richard Taylor和这本书一起看,受益匪浅。Churches - How to Read ThemArts Documentary hosted by Richard Taylor, published by BBC in 2010 - English narration Information Author Richard Taylor examines how the imagery, symbols and architecture of English parish churches have inspired, moved and enraged people down the centuries. Dark Beginnings Presenter Richard Taylor explains how churches were originally simple buildings intended to protect the altar and the most important Christian rite of all, the Eucharist. He visits Britain's finest early medieval churches to untangle the mystery of why the Anglo-Saxons and Normans seem to have been unwilling to shake off their pre-Christian past and to have continued to fill their sacred buildings with mysterious pagan images. An ancient book in an Oxford library helps Richard find an answer. Medieval Life Richard Taylor uncovers evidence that shows how and why our parish churches came to play such a crucial role in the everyday life of the Middle Ages. He looks at how humorous wall paintings and intricate carvings were used to teach moral lessons and how carved angels in such churches as Blythburgh were used to create a heaven on earth. He finds out how rites such as baptism and the largely forgotten ritual known as the 'churching of women' offered people protection from the cradle to the grave. Medieval Death Richard Taylor shows how churches were designed to give medieval people a way to escape death, with their Judgement scenes, cadaver tombs and graphic depictions of the crucifixion. He explains why scenes of suffering on the cross became so prominent and why the instruments used in the persecution of Jesus were depicted on the windows, floors and walls of sites like Malvern Priory. Taylor explains how the medieval obsession with purgatory transformed churches with the building of chantry chapels. Reformation - Chaos and Creation With the help of art historian Sister Wendy Beckett and a stained-glass window, Richard Taylor tries to understand the intense medieval devotion to the Virgin Mary and how this fuelled the anger of the Reformation that followed. Richard 'reads' a ruined church and explains how it was not Henry VIII but his boy-king successor, Edward VI, who was responsible for the greatest changes in the Reformation. He also traces how the Book of Common Prayer and the translation of the Bible into English transformed the way that the English worshipped and the appearance of their churches. Restoration and Reason Church life in the 18th century is often thought to have been genteel and dull, but Richard Taylor finds that churches in this Age of Enlightenment reflect the intellectual excitement, the vigour and the potential for conflict of a turbulent time. He shows how the symbols in the everyday parish church reveal the ever-closer identification between church and state and he tries out the triple-decker pulpit at St Mary's in Whitby, and he discovers how the London churches of Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor reflect the latest scientific insights and archaeological discoveries of the age. The Victorians and after Richard Taylor discovers how, during the industrial revolution, medieval imagery and ritual make a surprise return to Victorian places of worship and plunge the Anglican Church into conflict. Richard retraces the controversy surrounding this Oxford Movement of Anglo-Catholics and explores their finest churches. He sees how the impact of war in the 20th century is reflected on imagery in our churches and how the First World War brought a return to another medieval practice - the commemoration of the dead.
  •     一本阅读教堂的快速入门书,读完后很有走进教堂的冲动。里面有很多故事,给我这个几乎对西方宗教一无所知的人扫了盲。很想有系统、有脉络地详细了解一下耶稣基督与十二门徒以及几位先知的故事。
  •     也是这个作者主持的:http://movie.douban.com/subject/5350014/  (额,豆瓣说我的评论过短,无法发贴,其实我觉得这些文字已经足够囊括所有的信息了。。、、还是不行,天啊,究竟要码多少字才够发表?一定要洋洋洒洒的那种才可以么?)      

精彩短评 (总计57条)

  •     谢谢
  •     一直非常喜欢教堂,这本书让我更了解这个伟大的艺术。
  •     绝版了555555,看了电子版,还是好想有本纸质的,三联还会再重印吗
  •     读过的最精简实用的教堂入门。可配合BBC How to read a church食用。
  •     教堂完全解读百科全书,一句废话都没有,值得一读。
  •     之前就看过BBC的纪录片"How to read a church",这本书的优势在于突出了教堂中各种符号的特征,有冲动把以前拍的教堂照片好好再梳理一下。
  •     也是休闲读物,缺憾是对于副标题的建筑着墨太少,对于图象和艺术的发展史没有太多涉及,对于教堂符号的深度挖掘不算够。嗯?……不过作为一本兴趣入门读本够了。 另外,推荐学符号学和电影批评的友邻必看,不详述理由了。
  •     书写得不错,但是翻译水平有待提高……
  •     虽然略像字典式陈列~但内容确实很清晰很丰富~图文并茂便于理解~很想再去看看以前去过的教堂
  •     快成为一部圣经局部故事的介绍版了
  •     如果想简单了解基督教历史和圣经中故事,这是一本易读的入门书。 只可惜书中的有关教堂装饰(雕塑、绘画)的配图大多来自英国的天主教堂,鲜有名作。
  •       BBC的纪录片Churches:How to Read Them (6 episodes)
      presenter就是本书的作者Richard Taylor
      Churches - How to Read Them
      Arts Documentary hosted by Richard Taylor, published by BBC in 2010 - English narration
      Author Richard Taylor examines how the imagery, symbols and architecture of English parish churches have inspired, moved and enraged people down the centuries.
      Dark Beginnings
      Presenter Richard Taylor explains how churches were originally simple buildings intended to protect the altar and the most important Christian rite of all, the Eucharist. He visits Britain's finest early medieval churches to untangle the mystery of why the Anglo-Saxons and Normans seem to have been unwilling to shake off their pre-Christian past and to have continued to fill their sacred buildings with mysterious pagan images. An ancient book in an Oxford library helps Richard find an answer.
      Medieval Life
      Richard Taylor uncovers evidence that shows how and why our parish churches came to play such a crucial role in the everyday life of the Middle Ages. He looks at how humorous wall paintings and intricate carvings were used to teach moral lessons and how carved angels in such churches as Blythburgh were used to create a heaven on earth. He finds out how rites such as baptism and the largely forgotten ritual known as the 'churching of women' offered people protection from the cradle to the grave.
      Medieval Death
      Richard Taylor shows how churches were designed to give medieval people a way to escape death, with their Judgement scenes, cadaver tombs and graphic depictions of the crucifixion. He explains why scenes of suffering on the cross became so prominent and why the instruments used in the persecution of Jesus were depicted on the windows, floors and walls of sites like Malvern Priory. Taylor explains how the medieval obsession with purgatory transformed churches with the building of chantry chapels.
      Reformation - Chaos and Creation
      With the help of art historian Sister Wendy Beckett and a stained-glass window, Richard Taylor tries to understand the intense medieval devotion to the Virgin Mary and how this fuelled the anger of the Reformation that followed. Richard 'reads' a ruined church and explains how it was not Henry VIII but his boy-king successor, Edward VI, who was responsible for the greatest changes in the Reformation. He also traces how the Book of Common Prayer and the translation of the Bible into English transformed the way that the English worshipped and the appearance of their churches.
      Restoration and Reason
      Church life in the 18th century is often thought to have been genteel and dull, but Richard Taylor finds that churches in this Age of Enlightenment reflect the intellectual excitement, the vigour and the potential for conflict of a turbulent time. He shows how the symbols in the everyday parish church reveal the ever-closer identification between church and state and he tries out the triple-decker pulpit at St Mary's in Whitby, and he discovers how the London churches of Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor reflect the latest scientific insights and archaeological discoveries of the age.
      The Victorians and after
      Richard Taylor discovers how, during the industrial revolution, medieval imagery and ritual make a surprise return to Victorian places of worship and plunge the Anglican Church into conflict. Richard retraces the controversy surrounding this Oxford Movement of Anglo-Catholics and explores their finest churches. He sees how the impact of war in the 20th century is reflected on imagery in our churches and how the First World War brought a return to another medieval practice - the commemoration of the dead.
  •     很有意思!纪录片里的口音,我实在不是太喜欢,还是看书好~
  •     这可以说是一整本的笔记啊!弥补了纪录片的不足,变得更广泛、细致而又显浅易懂。
  •     结合圣经故事去读这本书,会觉得更丰富。本书相对全面地阐释了各种教堂符号的深意,它们是人类历史智慧的艺术象征,千百年来的精炼。
  •     看上去蛮有意思的,标记一下
  •     旅行路上读完的 教堂是西方文化的入口
  •     入门级别吧,比我想的要差一点。原本以为会系统讲教堂的结构、建筑,不同的流派分支,然而除了开头讲了下教堂的构造,后面都是符号意义和故事,这些都是入门级别的啊,《圣经》都看了,这些故事还会陌生吗?所以整个看下来很无味,想要的信息没得到。只能说是入门级别的书吧,求推荐更专业点的。彩绘不错。
  •     还不错
  •     对于理解教堂的装饰和宗教画的主题内涵十分有用
  •     没有这方面的知识打底,也只能走马观花看看图,虽说作为入门书籍,但我还是云里雾里,找个时间结合着BBC纪录片会比较好吧
  •       还是英文书名 how to read a church 贴切,中文书名让人以为书里都是教堂的图片,其实是讲教堂图案的意义,然后介绍了很多圣经和基督教人物的来历和故事,教堂的结构布局啥的。
  •     写的很客观的教堂工具书
  •     为欧洲行做的功课
  •     从学术上讲比较浅显,不够深入全面……国度归耶和华!
  •     覆盖面广,讲得较清楚,配图也较详尽,适合入门。
  •     很棒的书,即使没有专业知识背景只是随便翻翻也很不错。如果有圣经基础就更好了。图文并茂。图书馆看过一次,还想再买一本。
  •     推荐看《剑桥艺术史》,对教堂建筑雕塑绘画分析得很到位,而人物介绍所占比重极少,是很专业的艺术史书籍
  •     纪录片是英国教堂建筑风格演化史。书讲的的是抽象符号和具象故事。值得收一本。配图略少减一星。
  •     意犹未尽
  •     这本书属于教堂游览必读,但还是要有点《圣经》的基础,看了以后游览教堂会有意思的多,有点符号学的意思,东西很多记不住,去教堂的时候得带着
  •     有点晕,基督教的名词解释大全
  •     读这本书在某种程度上比读宗教史能帮助我们更好地理解宗教的历史、内涵和它与人们的关系。
  •     旅游时太实用了,和LP一样实用
  •     不是一般地有用,妈妈再也不用担心我去教堂了!
  •     嗷我当年就这么把一本绝版书送人了好心疼嘤嘤嘤……
  •     道教支系教徒的我以一个门外汉的身份去窥探基督教的文化的确有些吃力,不过还好那段故事比较妇孺皆知,撇开信仰方向不论,都是为了寻求心灵的安宁吧,至少比起那些没有信仰的所谓“天不怕地不怕”的人而言,有了一种理所应当的恐惧。
  •     这本书居然绝版了。。。对比在欧洲游玩过的一些教堂,再回来看这本书,写的非常棒。什么时候,汉族佛教能出一本这种书就好了。
  •     欧洲旅行前看看挺好
  •     虽然觉得翻译很奇怪,但仍然被宗教的语言和教堂的玻璃花窗深深地感动......
  •     啊,我也以为是讲教堂建筑来着
  •     差个结尾没看,看了BBC的纪录片,很不错
  •     教堂作为神圣的公众建筑,每一个装饰模块都体现了特殊的意义,作者从人物、植物、动物等多方面讲解教堂图像和符号的意义,举例虽然有图片,如果能有一些指示会更好,另外阅读比较枯燥,像字典,准备结合BBC的纪录片再看下,加深下印象。
  •     6年前小学同学送我的一本书,里面提及了很多圣经的内容
  •     与之相配同作者的BBC纪录片《如何读懂教堂》,能读懂,更觉历。第一集:http://t.cn/zjpOQaD 第二集:http://t.cn/zjpWgmn 第三集:http://t.cn/zjplJ9P 第四集:http://t.cn/zjplJV7 第五集:http://t.cn/zjpOQlf 第六集:http://t.cn/zjplJ0L 怪不得都说BBC为人民服务啊~
  •     美妙。
  •     宗教的各种象征性的描述颇有启发,不同圣徒对不同行业的人的守护与佛教道教不同需求拜不同神也没有太大本质区别,以前孤陋寡闻,自以为是的误解了。晦涩难懂的语汇能成为权威控制他人的工具
  •     很遗憾是回国后才读的,若在欧洲游学时得此书相伴,受益更深。
  •     适当做了解教堂艺术的入门书看的,图文并茂挺明了
  •     冷知识,开始懂得欣赏接近上帝的艺术。
  •     很细
  •     三联,摸起来舒服。类似图解叉叉叉系列,什么象征什么的故事书。圣母玛利亚曾经是个小女孩。
  •     這本書側重英國的教堂 並且它並不完全從建築學角度入手
  •     书本身还是比较详细的,可以当作备查的辞典使用,感觉该讲的都提到了,使我基督教的了解更近了一步,因此给五星。但是觉得这本书需要两个基础才能比较好的消化吸收:1.完整读过圣经,熟悉圣经;2.在欧洲亲身游历过一些著名教堂。很遗憾这两点我都没做到,读过以后记住了一些,但是忘记得更多。
  •     非常棒
  •     还是BBC的那款纪录片有趣
  •     更像是字典和手册 读了很久,因为真的有读字典的赶脚

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