
出版社:Ullmann Publishing
作者:Feher, Geza,Szunyoghy, Andras 绘


Andras Szunyoghy is Professor at the Institute for Anatomical Drawing in the Academy of Applied Arts in Budapest. He is a graphic artist, painter and stamp designer. He expanded his knowledge of human anatomy at the Academy of the Arts as a pupil ofJeno Barcsay, artist and
editor of Artistic Anatomy.


IntroductionFoundations of AnatomyThe Upper Extremity  The Bones of the Upper Extremity  The Joints and Movements of the Upper Extremity  The Muscles of the Upper Extremity    The Shoulder Muscles    The Muscles of the Elbow Joint    The Muscles of the Hand    The Short Hand Muscles  Comparative StudiesThe Lower Extremity  The Bones of the Lower Extremity  The Joints and Movements of" the Lower Extremity  The Muscles of the Lower Extremity    The Lumbar Muscle    The Muscles of the Femur    The Muscles of the Lower Leg    The Muscles of the Foot Comparative StudiesThe Trunk  The Bones of the Trunk  The Rib Cage and its Movements  The Muscles of the Trunk    The Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle     The Muscles of the Back    The Thoracic Muscles    The Stomach Muscles  Changes in Body FormThe Neck and Head  The Neck  The Head  The Bones and Muscles of the Head    The Eye    The Nose    The Lips and the Mouth    The Ear    The Muscles of the Jaw Apparatus   Facial StudiesMovementTable of Muscles


The proportions and movements of the human body are determined by the skeleton, joints and muscles. The anatomical make-up of the sensory organs gives the body its individual character. The study of human anatomy is essential if the artist is to achieve an effective portrayal of the subject. This book makes detailed observation possible, heightens our perceptions and fosters our understanding of the human form. With over 1200 detailed illustrations by the Hungarian Art Professor Andras Szunyoghy, "Human Anatomy for Artists" provides an insight into the body's structure and its movements. The illustrations are accompanied by specialist commentaries by Professor Gyorgy Feher.

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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     最喜欢这本书的解剖学部分。不但可以学到肌肉与骨架的英文名词,且其还提及了肌肉的origin and insertion。是一本简单易懂的好书。
  •     特别的贵穷人买不起凑字数~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

精彩短评 (总计3条)

  •     非常好的书...虽然有些人表示吓人...但图示够专业管用
  •     英文的看不懂
  •     所有目前读过艺术解剖版本里面不错的一本了吧

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