
作者:坤杜 (Pijush K.Kundu)




About the DVDPrefaceCompanion WebsiteAcknowledgmentsNomenclature1. Introduction  1.1. Fluid Mechanics  1.2. Units of Measurement  1.3. Solids, Liquids, and Gases  1.4. Continuum Hypothesis  1.5. Molecular Transport Phenomena  1.6. Surface Tension  1.7. Fluid Statics  1.8. Classical Thermodynamics    First Law of Thermodynamics    Equations of State    Specific Heats    Second Law of Thermodynamics    Property Relations    Speed of Sound    Thermal Expansion Coefficient  1.9. Perfect Gas  1.10. Stability of Stratified Fluid Media    Potential Temperature and Density    Scale Height of the Atmosphere  1.11. Dimensional Analysis    Step 1. Select Variables and Parameters    Step 2. Create the Dimensional Matrix    Step 3. Determine the Rank of the Dimensional Matrix    Step 4. Determine the Number of Dimensionless Groups    Step 5. Construct the Dimensionless Groups    Step 6. State the Dimensionless Relationship    Step 7. Use Physical Reasoning or Additional Knowledge to Simplify the Dimensionless Relationship  Exercises  Literature Cited  Supplemental Reading2. Cartesian Tensors  2.1. Scalars, Vectors, Tensors; Notation  2.2. Rotation of Axes: Formal Definition of a Vector  2.3. Multiplication of Matrices  2.4. Second-Order Tensors  2.5. Contractiori and Multiplication  2.6. Force on a Surface  2.7. Kronecker Delta and Alternating Tensor  2.8. Vector, Dot, and Cross Products  2.9. Gradient, Divergence, and Curl  2.10. Symmetric and Antisymmetric Tensors  2.11. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Tensor  2.12. Gauss' Theorem  2.13. Stokes' Theorem  2.14. Comma Notation  Exercises  Literature Cited  Supplemental Reading3. Kinematics  3.1. Introduction and Coordinate Systems  3.2. Particle and Field Descriptions, of Fluid Motion  3.3. Flow Lines, Fluid Acceleration, and Galilean Transformation  3.4. Strain and Rotation Rates Summary……








精彩短评 (总计6条)

  •     内容很丰富,与本科教材连贯,容易上手,建议有能力的话精读
  •     比国内的大部分教材都要好~
  •     流体力学的书,已经买了十多本了。英文的也有几本。看了一年多,因为给学生上课的需要,每本基本上都看过。现在回想起来,这一本应该算是最好的。国内的流体力学教材吧,数学推导最为详细的当数吴望一的教材,对学生打好数理基础很有帮助。但是吴的教材有点老,涉及到的内容不够深入不够前沿。张兆顺的教材,我感觉确实是高手写的书,有些理论有作者独到的见解和解释,但是张的书公式印刷错误不少,我已经改正了多次。内容吧,前沿性和深入性兼顾的那种吧。清华用的教材。中科大庄礼贤的那本,明显的要难一些,前沿的东西讲的不少。据说是中科大研究生和本科生通用的教材。其实,中国人写书,有个通病:有些地方解释不清楚,或没有解释。我猜测有两种可能:一种是作者自己没有搞懂,另一种是,作者觉得内容太偏太深,不属于讲课内容,也就没有重视,只是拼拼凑凑。张的书和庄的书,都有这个特点。在这上,我不得不佩服Kundu的这本流体力学,当我看前两本书出现困惑时,总能从kundu的书上找到答案。要说哪本我最喜欢?吴望一的书,是我们用的教材,课上的补充内容大部分出自张兆顺的书,小部分出自庄礼贤的书。Kundu的书,一般我自己实在想不通的地方,我才会去查,总能找到答案。Kundu的书,深度和广度都具备,而且作者是真懂的,厚厚的一本,等我有了时间,一定好好拜读。这本书,我认为,是我所有书中,最好的一本书。对我来说,好多本书,我同时看的,这样收获最大。
  •     内容详细,深入浅出,涉及范围广,而且能够照顾到现代流体力学的前沿,对CFD也略有介绍。
  •     体系极其完整,内容非常丰富,建议精读。
  •     来的速度还行,只是书的背面有点脏

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