


  1. Inadequate rest could weaken the human immune system, laying the body open to a whole range of illnesses.  2. This was a psychological warfare designed to keep the enemy awake and so scupper his performance.  3. The American studies suggest that four out of every ten shift workers regularly fall asleep at the wheel. The performance at work also deteriorates.  4. The erosion of sleep by the pressures of work has created a vogue for the primeval practice of snatching forty winks or as it's now more fashionably known "power napping":  5. Stress is a spectrum; at one end are normal day. to-day pressures that do no harm. At the other is distress from prolonged difficulties, coping with demands on our resources and the response to a situation perceived as unsafe.  ……


  听是语言交际的重要方面。在对外交往中,听力水平的高低直接影响着人们的相互理解和工作效率。随着国际交流的日渐频繁和电讯技术的迅猛发展,提高英语听的能力显得尤为重要。本教材正是为了适应时代的发展和英语教学的需要而编写的。在编写中,我们努力借鉴国内外近年来英语听力教学的研究成果,在总结几十年教学经验的基础上,遵循本课程的教学理论和原则,针对中国学生英语听力学习的特点,进行了新的尝试。本教材可供高等学校英语专业的学生使用,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业的学生及社会上广大英语自学者使用。  本教材在编写中努力体现以下两点:  1.以培养听力技能为主线。通过系统的听力专门技能的单项训练及综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等能力;  2.力求听力材料的语言真实性、典型性和实际应用性。由于听力理解与学习者的知识水平,特别是与他们的语言和社会文化知识的水平密切相关,因此本教材注重在不同阶段选择既与技能训练匹配又与学生求知兴趣相称的素材。  全套教材共分6册。每册配有教师用书和录音光盘。前4册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,题材接近生活和工作实际,由近及远,涉及的面较宽;后两册以综合技能训练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反复训练,题材以反映社会、科技领域的新发展为主。教师用书的内容包括练习答案和全部录音内容的文字材料。


1 Treasure PleasurePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit2 Buckle Up for SafetyPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit3 What Do You Gain from Slowing Down?Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit4 Advice on SurvivalPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit5 The Green ImagePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit6 Changing LifestylePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast track 44Part Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit7 What's On?Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit8 Why the Sport?Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit9 Saving EnergyPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit10 Fighting Against DrugsPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit11 On the World ArenaPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Fast trackPart Ⅲ Independent listeningPart Ⅳ Reminder of key points in this unit12 ReviewActivity 1 News itemsActivity 2 The rise of the GreensActivity 3 The misfortune of the wildlifeActivity 4 Sports psychologyActivity 5 Climbing the walls to have a good timeActivity 6 A boat race


  全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖第一版  汇集国内一流专家  融合多年教学经验  倡导现代学习理念  提供教学解决方案


英语听力教程,ISBN:9787040200348,作者:张民伦 主编





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