出版社:Tor Books
作者:Robert Jordan,Brandon Sanderson

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 10 After the Taint - Chapter 10 After the Taint

不想给自己多添一次恶心。On one side of the meadow, an ancient statue lay before a patch of trees.这就是Rand看到的情景,大约是在Rand烧毁Natrin's Barrow的时候,Saven-11之前?Grady smiled. “I think they’ve managed it.” 这边也可以Circle了。“I…It’s hard to explain. The weaves are saidin, but I seem to be able to strengthen them with saidar. 是噢,同性link的道理我已经完全可以理解了,就是把对方当成一个angreal,但是异性link是怎么回事呢?saidin和saidar可以相互促进的吗?这又是什么道理呢?They didn’t act at all as if Neald were in charge, and he was quick to obey. He’d been walking lightly around the Aiel since he’d said something a little too frisky to a Maiden and ended up playing Maiden’s Kiss.Neald也玩过这个啊。“Well, if I might have leave to slip over to the Black Tower for an afternoon, to see my family.”清洁saidin带来的希望。就是不知黑塔如今是个什么状态。He was riding his large black horse through a city with muddy streets, speaking with Nynaeve, who rode beside him.在Bandar Eban。进攻Natrin's Barrow之前?“I come to speak with the criminal Perrin Aybara,” Bornhald announced in a loud voice, pulling to a stop.这傻逼真不要脸啊。
Galadedrid Damodred
Dain BornhaldHe didn’t lead Trollocs against the Two Rivers directly. He pretended to defend them.Byar是神经病,Dain Bornhald是小人懦夫。Beyond that, there was the talk his people gave of him in alliance with the Seanchan and having with him men who could channel.Perrin还认为他们不知道阿傻的事。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 41 An Unexpected Ally - Chapter 41 An Unexpected Ally

能感到BS对Perrin深深的爱,他最爱的不是Eg而是Perrin。“I think it must be a Portal Stone,” 兽人来的方式,大概也不是Way gate。黑暗方引导者再次出现,Dreadlords?黑暗方实在是太蠢了,你们丫艾伊尔啊,你们丫还有Honor啊,暗杀会不会啊。我都着急死了。Galad knew that most generals, like Gareth Bryne, didn’t fight on the front lines. 你们傻哥儿俩就别跟人家比啦。Bornhald stood behind him, eyes wide with horror. Bornhald杀了Byre,真是个有趣的结局。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 55 The One Left Behind - Chapter 55 The One Left Behind

Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
Jain Farstrider
Moiraine Damodred
Aelfinn I’ve been used, Mat, one too many times. This is as good a place as any to meet the end.这是什么意思呢?Jain是不是黑暗之友?他只是被利用?“If you ever meet a Malkieri,” Noal said, “you tell him Jain Farstrider died clean.”还是那句,他为什么要说“clean”?他都做了些什么,除了提伊傻传播世界之眼的消息?Mat heard Noal’s voice echo down the corridor as he screamed a battlecry. It was not in any tongue Mat had ever heard.哪国话?Noal would die with honor. Once, Mat would have thought that kind of thinking foolish—what good was honor if you were dead? 我也讨厌贵族的荣耀,但是为朋友赴死的荣耀,和贵族的虚荣是完全不同的。Matrim Cauthon, you’re no hero, he thought, glancing over his shoulder. That man you left behind, he’s the hero. Light illumine you, Noal.真是个可爱的青年。The doorway had been shattered by something, a blow of awesome force.我开始觉得是Finns干的,为了把他们困在这里,后来想想,这样就很难再有人进来给他们过瘾了,也许真像百科说的,是神秘的男人干的。
Thom给自己的安魂曲:Oh, how long were the days of a man. When he strode upon a broken land.
He sailed as far as a man could steer, And he never wished to lose his fear.
For the fear of man is a thing untold. It keeps him safe, and it proves him bold!
Don’t let fear make you cease to strive, for that fear it proves you remain alive!
I will walk this broken road, and I will carry a heavy load!
So come at me with your awful lies, I’m a man of truth, and I’ll meet your eyes!很勇敢的歌呢。No, I didn’t ask for a weapon. I asked for a way out.
And they gave me this.一直很奇怪,Finns是怎么把Mat挂在生命之树上的,他们能离开自己的领域?大概是把Mat拴在ashandarei上,一起扔出来的吧?“Looks like the game can be won after all,” he said. “Tell the foxes I’m mighty pleased with this key they gave me. Also, you can all go rot in a flaming pit of fire and ashes, you unwashed lumps on a pig’s backside. Have a grand bloody day.”居然还要拽一拽,呜呜。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 22 The End of a Legend - Chapter 22 The End of a Legend

Gawyn Trakand
Jimar Chubain——白塔守卫
Gareth Bryne
Siuan Sanche
It was summer now, but though the day had been hot, the night was strangely cold.Saven(6)或者Amadaine(7)?The place he had told Egwene to meet him, the Field of Merrilor, was marked in bright red on the maps. It was north, on the border of Shienar.所以这个地方会离Tarwin's Gap比较近吗?One village near Dragonmount was circled four times, for some reason. 苹果村?“Nothing,” Gawyn said. “She’s everything.”在Gawyn这里这是一种狭隘,在Perrin哪里呢?主角模板?He can act quickly and decisively because he’s already determined what to do.对Galad一根筋的不错的解释。Find out who you would be without Egwene, and then figure out how to fit her into that. I think that’s what a woman—”这话该不该对Perrin说说,更应该对好多爱糊涂了的女孩子说说。There was nothing. Egwene’s door—inlaid with gold in the shape of Avendesora—sat closed, the hallway empty.Avendesora——生命之树。喂喂!我已经很投入地看了时光之轮一年半,古代语也入门了,可是冷不丁冒出来这个词不解释,我还是不知道是啥,TAR虽然长可是卷卷有,看见几个反引号也知道是什么了,可是这个词好几卷都没出现过了,怎么能指望我一看就知道是什么。
And so it was that he found himself hanging from the ceiling, disarmed, struggling, as the Amyrlin herself walked from her bedroom. She was alert and fully dressed in a crimson dress trimmed with gold.
She did not look pleased.比全书最蠢的角色Gawyn还蠢啊Mother!
Mat Cauthon
Noal Charin
Thom MerrilinPrince of Ravens, Lord of Luck. 咦,又有新奖杯出现了呢,幸运之主。No! He visited women in their sleep, getting them with child. No, that was the Dark One. No, Mat was the Dark One!关于Rand和Mat的传说还是很好玩的。Give this a few more months and you’ll be more famous than Jain Farstrider.呵呵这是自嘲还是自傲啊。Mat had offered to come up with a backstory for his act, but Thom had coughed and said that he already had one worked out. 恩,这段是BS写的吧,呵呵。I did find a captain’s widow’s younger son who once heard a story of someone who found great treasures in the tower.Mat第一次看见贞洁之塔的时候,也想进去找财宝呢,害怕Domon和他抢。People knew about them once. Those bloody doorframes are proof of that.所以两个大红门是传说时代沙袋研究Finns世界,并且和Finns达成制约协议的成果?If we knew what it was the Aes Sedai had that the snakes and foxes wanted—the reason they were willing to bargain—then maybe we could trade it to them for Moiraine.交换的东西...They answered knowing she would come back to them. And they gave me what they did knowing I’d get pulled back, too. They want me. They want us.第一次看的时候没有意识到,Mat其实是知道要付出什么的。He figured they were the memories of people who had touched the tower or been into it.那为什么截止到鹰翼时代之前呢?“I’m going,” Noal said. “I’ve seen a lot of places. Most places, actually. But never this one.” He hesitated. “It’s something I need to do. And that’s the end of it.”自杀式旅行。
Courage to strengthen——Mat的幸运
Fire to blind——火把,灯,And a few of those exploding cylinders we used against the Seanchan. She calls them roarsticks.Aldura的焰火
Music to dazzle——Thom的乐器以及给Noal用的锣鼓,还有 I also bought an extra flute.” He eyed Mat. “A simple one, designed for those with thick, slow fingers.”好怀念呢,Mat做Thom学徒学吹笛子的时候,就是第一次见到贞洁之塔的时候。
Iron to bind——铁质的飞刀和短剑,and a band of iron to clip around the butt of Mat’s spear.让ashandarei一半看上去像金箍棒。Mat saw him sitting on a fine chair, staring down at the floor in front of himself in a dark room, a single lamp flickering.在哪里呢?有多黑暗呢?但Mat把他形容成啃松果黑貂是不是过于可爱了。…nobody but Birgitte. Mat stopped in the street. Birgitte. She had been the one to tell Olver how to get into the Tower. How had she known?想起来了,不过也没什么用。“A robbery?” Mat said with relief.想起第一卷了。A city without cutpurses, well, that’s like a field without weeds. And if there were no weeds, what would you need a farmer for?真不是您给个黑店掌柜吓哭的时候了,咱那时候怎么不知道随便抄起跟棒子呢。现在没遇见个把劫匪都会觉得寂寞啊。Moonlight revealed Mat’s face on it. 黑暗之友还跟着呢。说起来一直下着小雨还一直有月光?
Elayne Trakand
Ellorien Traemane
Kaila Bent——Birgitte的手下,女王护卫之一
Renald Macer——被Mat诱惑的禁卫,男的哦。
Mat Cauthon
The Grand Hike——Birgitte有VIP房的酒馆,店主是叫做Snert的丑男。Groups like this—acting out stories—had become very popular in Cairhien, and were now trying to achieve the same success in Andor. 歌舞剧,JR很不喜欢似的,通过Thom的口说过坏话。
The Marriage and Death of Princess Walishen——舞剧。Would she remember waking up as an adult with no history? 不要担心,Pattern自有安排。It whispered of a political maneuver by Elayne that was thirteen steps more subtle than Birgitte had a mind for.搞不清政治的银弓比政治女孩儿们可爱多了。“You could charm the helmet off a general on a battlefield, couldn’t you, Mat?” she said.个人魅力,会飞媚眼,还是ta'veren,真是说不清呢。My name is Garard, a simple beggar who has a quite interesting past, if you care to listen to it—还Galad呢。“It’s a woman,” Mat said.
Ah. Birgitte thought. Bloody fool. Heroic, but still a fool.如果是个男人您就不去了是吗?“Look, if you go in through the portals, then you’re locked into the treaties. They protect you to an extent, but they also restrict you. You’ll never get anywhere useful after entering by one of the doorframes.”如果从大红门进入,是不会被伤害的,但也不能去那个世界的其它地方。想起来Finns们吊Mat的时候,是跑到这个世界来的吧,他们能过来吗?或者怎么做到的?The treaties won’t be in effect, so the Aelfinn and Eelfinn can draw blood. Normally, you only have to worry about tricks with pits or ropes, since they can’t….” She trailed off, glancing at him. “How did you get hanged, anyway?”如果从贞洁之塔进去,就可能被伤害,他们不能直接杀人是吗?Mat didn’t look down at the coins. He met her eyes as they all rolled and vibrated to a stop. She glanced at them. Two dozen coins. Each had landed face up.一把扔出24个硬币,全部是公的概率,($2^{24}$)=16777216,一千六百万分之一。
因此“One in a thousand is good odds,” he said. “For me.”呜呜太厉害了。
“The Eelfinn never Healed him,” she continued. “They killed us both. I didn’t survive, Mat. That is the end of that particular legend.”所以说,记忆来自进入贞洁之塔的人,也不太对啊。Not and leave Elayne. She has a death wish the size of your pride, and I mean to see she survives.咱也自傲了哦。“The tower isn’t a place, it’s a portal. A kind of gate to the crossroads between their realms. You’ll find both of them there, Aelfinn snakes and Eelfinn foxes. Assuming they’re working together currently. They have a strange relationship.”解说。“Emotion,” Birgitte said. “That’s why they built portals into our world, that’s why they entice us in. They feed off what we feel. They like Aes Sedai in particular, for some reason.强烈的情绪,和引导能力?You don’t get anything free if you go in the tower, by the way. They’ll ask for something, something dear to you.唉...“You reconsidering?” she asked.
“No,” he said. “But when we get out, Moiraine better bloody appreciate this! Two months?” 一道这会儿就用他人视角,真是很显强大呢。He frowned. “Wait. If you both died in there, how did the story get out?”是噢。“Never did find out. Perhaps one of the Aes Sedai used their questions to ask. Everyone knew I’d gone in. I was called Jethari Moondancer then. You’re sure you’ve never heard the story?”是这样吗?月舞。“Elayne. In trouble. Again. She’s hurt.”AGAIN!!!

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 40 A Making - Chapter 40 A Making

为自己打了把锤子,Mah'alleinir,意为He who soars。因为Fager Neald有制造武器的天赋,所以这把锤子也是引导者制造的武器。或许还是个ter'angreal。If someone had to be lord of these people, he wanted to do it himself. Because doing it yourself was the only way to see that it was done right.我想希特勒啊,老毛啊,都有同样的想法吧。From now on, he would carry the hammer of a king.做你的国王去吧,只要你的POV能早点结束。
略Well, I realized what the Lord Dragon was implying, so I turned my attentions toward one of his close attendants. Perhaps he did not ‘promise’ them to me. That was a poor choice of words. But I knew he would be pleased if I made a union with one of his close allies and friends.特意回头去看一下,Rand当时说了什么让Berelain有这样的误解,完全看不出来,他只说不会让Tear吞并Mayene。还是她自己会错意了。不过看她如此为国捐躯,到没有过去那么反感了。果然除了Perrin和Faile,别人都可以不憎恶的。“Half-brother of the Queen of Andor,” Berelain said, blushing slightly. “If the Lord Dragon does intend to marry Elayne Trakand, this will give me a link to him.”一半还是真爱。

Elayas离队。他的狼名叫Long Tooth,挺没用的一个角色。
Jaret Byar

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 27 A Call to Stand - Chapter 27 A Call to Stand

Egwene al'Vere
Silviana Brehon
Nicola Treehill——这卑鄙的姑娘也升级成实习生了。
* Blue - Lelaine Akashi - YES
Blue - absent
Blue - absent
Brown - Janya Frende - NO
Brown - Saerin Asnobar - YES
* Brown - Takima - NO
* Gray - Andaya Forae - NO
* Gray - Varilin - NO
Gray - Yukiri - YES
* Green - Faiselle - YES
* Green - Farnah Sadaou - YES
* Green - Rubinde - YES
* Red -Barasine - NO
* Red - Raechin Connoral - YES——这两个是代替Pevara和Javindhra的,现在是白塔唯一的一对姐妹。
* Red - Viria Connoral - YES
* White - Ferane Neheran - YES
* White - Saroiya - NO
White - absent
* Yellow - Doesine Alwain - YES
Yellow - Magla Daronos - YES
* Yellow - Romanda Cassin - YES
给各国领导人写信,让他们劝说Rand。Obliquely, she realized what she was doing. She was using Rand’s proclamation as a beacon by which to gather and tie the monarchs to the White Tower. They would come to support her arguments against breaking the seals. But in the end, they would serve humankind in the Last Battle.说起来呢,在前面几卷,Patron Niall也是这样做的,只不过手法卑鄙些就是了。This meeting meant her plans were proceeding as hoped, and that her enemies—or, well, her reluctant allies—hadn’t seen what she was really doing. 这些斗争有聊无聊啊。
分权投票,军队归Hall管,国王们归Eg。The calculating White studied Egwene, tugging her ear. Suddenly, her eyes went wide, and she opened her mouth to speak.Saroiya忽然意识到Eg是希望投票通过的。 “Don’t you see? He is a king! He holds the Laurel Crown. You’ve just given the Amyrlin sole responsibility for dealing with the Dragon Reborn!”又是这些小手腕。打死大妈,有意思吗?
Eg提出的新条款,很长的一段:I propose that there be no further meetings of this nature. I propose that it be written into Tower law that if any Sitter leaves the White Tower, her Ajah must appoint a surrogate to vote for her while absent. I propose that it be written into Tower law that no meeting of the Hall can be convened unless every Sitter or her surrogate either is present, or has sent word directly that she cannot attend. I propose that the Amyrlin must be informed—and given a reasonable amount of time to attend if she wishes—of every meeting of the Hall, save when she cannot be found or is indisposed in some way.总之就是sitters不能背着Amyrlin开会,不能缺席投票。Go to the Traveling ground, and go to Caemlyn—the Queen there will be expecting you. Return with the items she gives you.去取ter'angreal并且散布谣言:“I simply need them to spread the rumor that I have a very important meeting coming up. If I lay the groundwork properly, our phantom won’t be able to resist coming to listen in.”One of the sisters delivering your messages to the Queen of Andor returned with news of seeing him there.Gawyn已到Caemlyn,Eg又要把他叫回来,累死了。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 19 Talk of Dragons - Chapter 19 Talk of Dragons

Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
Talmanes Delovinde
Charlz Guybon——迎接Mat一行人的军官,Elayne曾非正式地考虑过把他也绑了。他来自Aringill,很奇怪,红手曾在Aringill对面的Maerone(LOC:CH5)驻扎过好一阵,Guybon对他们却毫无了解?
Elayne Trakand
He had nicked himself a few times while shaving.化了很多笔墨写失去Lopin之后的无措。其实Lopin成为他的男仆到现在只有不到半年的时间。我觉着还不至于不会刮脸吧。而且之前Mat也见过贵族女王无数,从来没提过他穿着不得体,倒是一直在强调他的适应性。而且,即使Mat自己不知道如何应对,他的某个记忆也会知道的啊。“Who taught you that language?”是哦,谁教的呢?“I didn’t tell nobody we don’t trust, Mat,” Olver said. “Don’t worry. Most were Redarms.”Olver是字面意义上的大嘴巴。How had the man so perfectly transformed from an old scamp of a gleeman into a royal courtier? Light!Thom的高调回归哈哈。“Well, Mat,” Talmanes said, “you never have made any sense, so why should we expect you to now? Onward, then, to meet the Queen of Andor. Certain you don’t want to roll in the mud first?”这话也不想小塔该说的。Sometimes he thought that the Creator must be like Talmanes. Straight of face, but secretly having a grand time laughing at Mat.这个,话是没错啦,我一直对Creator就是这个感觉,因为Mat的反应太好玩了吗,所以使劲捉弄捉弄他,然后捂着嘴暗笑。但是直接说出来...太像读后感啦。WOT,特别是Mat这部分,到底是别人的作品是吗?Did Elayne know what a bubbling kettle she was brewing here? Too much heat, and the whole bloody thing would boil over!Elayne在这上面是挺失策,就想着利用了吧。Odd, how he had never noticed that when he was younger. If Caemlyn fell, this palace could hold on its own. They needed more barracks, though, within that wall. This camping out in the courtyard was ridiculous.上次来的时候还没有古代记忆。这是不是对本卷结尾是一个预示?He was high-ranking, second-in-command of the armies. 红手的情报工作一直很好。
城中关于Mat的传言,多数应该是Olver——红臂——红手——其他人这样传播出来的。“What of the story of you hanging from a tree for nine days?”除了时间都是真的,而九天,是奥丁吊在树上的时间。“that you never lose at dice or at love, and that your spear never misses its target.”关于刀矛的传言,也是对应奥丁的永恒之枪——Gungnir。“They say you slew one of the Forsaken,” 这个就没有啦,咱只是个凡人,高魔的事情让其他人去做吧。“And the stories of you dueling the King of the Aiel invaders in a battle of honor? Did you really win the Dragon Reborn the loyalty of the Aiel?”这也算真的吧。“Well, there’s this rumor that says you stepped into death’s domain to challenge him and demand answers to your questions,这个,呵呵。
讨价还价。其实虽然用了美男计之类的手段,Mat的目的首先是最终之战和霄晨,为的还是这个世界,而Elayne立刻就想到据为己有,扩张势力,这境界真是不够啊。“Burn me!” Mat said. “He’s the father!”反正主角是可以知道的。“There are three bellfounders in the city; 所有的老说铸钟人,还以为有一百个,才三个啊。“Why would you want to launch chunks of iron up into the air?” Elayne said, frown deepening.Elayne真是皇家女孩子哦。But look here. I had her design a spreading shot.还有霰弹炮。He meant to return to Tuon eventually, somehow. If only to work out what she really felt about him.
He had no intention of giving the Seanchan access to these dragons, but he did not fancy giving them to Andor, either.这也是理解不太正确的地方。和Tuon的婚姻一点也没改变Mat对霄晨的立场,在11卷结尾已经说得很清楚,他还曾经担心Aldura说走嘴,让Musenge得知龙蛋的存在。BS这后爹啊。You get it for one day if you agree to start production on a prototype dragon this evening.成交结果是三天,在知道Gholam在城内的情况下,这是很大的冒险了。说是讨价还价,结果还是Mat为了更重要的目的做出了牺牲。政治性的女人真是很烦人啊。还好这个牺牲换来了不错的结果。“I agree to that,” Mat said, “but Elayne, the Band has to be free to fight in the Last Battle, however Rand wants.也可以说,Rand和Mat的目标,更多是Tarmon Gai'don,而Elayne,Eg,Perrin这些人,想得更多的是之后的未来。“Did you know that I might ask you to take arms against the Two Rivers?” 还是非常不喜欢政治Elayne,如果Mat一开始答应了她,她真会派红手去镇压两河独立吗?她是真的完全把Mat当成一个工具。Mat还是图样图森破啊。“I suppose,” Mat said. “If Talmanes can come. He’ll tear my throat out if I don’t at least let him meet you, Elayne. Taking dinner with you will have him dancing all the way back to the camp.”小塔不要不高兴啦,人家还是想着你的嘛。“The court of Andor lacks a proper court-bard,” she said. “I thought you might be interested.”其实是打死大妈的顾问吧。“Not yet,” she said. “You don’t have Perrin’s audacity in naming yourself to a title. I’ll see that you get one.”已经有啦。I may have committed in Andor or Cairhien. I wonder who told her….”Elayne知道了他杀死 Galldrian的事,怎么知道的。What kind of coat are you going to buy me, anyway?”
“I didn’t say I’d pay.”这种打情骂悄不知该说什么好。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 38 Wounds - Chapter 38 Wounds

Egwene al'Vere
Nynaeve al'Meara
Nicola Treehill——其实这是挺震惊的一件事呢,Nocola这样就死了,她之前怎么卑鄙,闯祸,都时可以的,稍微成长了一些,却为自己的轻率付出了生命,真可怜,谁让你不是主角呢。
Katerine Alruddin——被Messana伪装成自己,并被Eg所杀。
Alviarin Freidhen——逃走,真是偏爱她啊。
Gawyn Trakand
She was Aes Sedai and she was a Dreamer. She had to use both. 以前就没怎么想到吗?还真是小班长型好学生啊。This was how Moghedien had been captured by Nynaeve and Elayne. She was kept captive, forced to do as they demanded. 啊啊,又带上a'dam了。An Aes Sedai must, the quiet piece of her replied. An Aes Sedai can suffer all things, for only then can she be truly a servant of all.但居然克服了。“It occurs to me, Mesaana,” Egwene said calmly, “that Moghedien made a mistake. She accepted the a’dam.”和被捕的时候是一个思路。“Thousands of years of trouble and chaos. Yet most of your life, you lived in a time of peace, not strife. Curious, that you should think yourself so strong when much of your life was so easy.”这是在解释,为什么弃光魔们都会蠢得不可思议吗?其实War of Power是小孩子的游戏吗?
Mesaana也完蛋了。“The message I sent….”
“We never got a message,” she said. “Be still. Help!”为什么没有收到呢?<原文开始>He gasped. Suddenly, she could feel his emotions, and his pain, as if they were her own.</原文结束>Gawyn得逞了。
As Slayer advanced on him, Perrin gritted his teeth and hurled the ter’angreal into the river of lava.为何梦中的岩浆可以,梦中的锤子就不可以?He tried to make it vanish, as he had in the wolf dream.会不会有一天分不清梦和现实,大概知道Perrin的死法了。Mat会死于攻击他的女人,而Perrin则会在真实世界中一只箭射向他时,试图使其消失。 The wrongness was still there, in the air. 绳马?Graendal?
SlayerThe leather cushions were stuffed with the down of the fledgling kallir, which during this Age lived only in Shara.大约是一种鸟毛。This is not done yet, Fallen Blacksmith. Not by an inch or by a league.因为沉沦的铁匠这句话,认为Perrin会死?我觉着他在几卷前就沉沦了。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 46 Working Leather - Chapter 46 Working Leather

Jaim Torfinn——来自两河的阿傻战士
Welyn Kajima——来自Arafel
Emarin Pendaloan——这个大概是在Tear给Rnad提供藏身处的Algarin Pendaloan,用的是他被Gentle的弟弟的名字。
Arlen Nalaam——来自Arad Doman的大忽悠
Jonneth Dowtry——来自伊蒙地
“Defend. Guard. Protect.”阿傻的三字经he’d been able to channel only when he was holding a strap of leather. The M’Hael had beaten that out of him.他的blockIt burst alive in front of him, slicing the strap in two.gateway还可以用来割东西啊。Taim had given one of his half-smiles at that, the kind that never reached his eyes, and told them the group from the White Tower had first pick, since they’d come first. The others waited, impatiently.就是奈奈听到,但没听懂的话。其实被阻在外面比较好吧。Shadows of rocks and clefts in the earth. Slowly, deviously, they turned toward Androl.Androl也有点疯。The Tower was beginning to split and divide, those loyal to Logain shunned and ostracized.这里也分裂了。“A Retashen Dazer?” Androl said. “It’s a drink. Mix of mead and ewe’s milk. Foul stuff.”他到底是什么人呢,去过很多地方,还懂得骑马打仗。“Makashak Na famalashten morkase,” Nalaam mumbled, “delf takaksaki mere!” Arlen Nalaam的疯病,是说这种不知所谓的语言。我怎么觉着这是对古代语的嘲讽啊。“The men who take Taim’s private lessons learn too quickly,”在暗示什么,他们是dreadlord吗?That was where Coteren’s nickname for Androl had come from. Pageboy. The only thing he was good for was delivering messages, taking people places.Androl外号的由来

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 21 An Open Gate - Chapter 21 An Open Gate

反正就是Seonid他们从Cairhien回来,总结一下传言,都是早已知道的事情。“Yes,” Seonid said. “Well, many of the rumors say that he is planning to meet the Seanchan in Arad Doman. I suspect he would want the clans there to aid him.”而这时的时间,就是Rand会见Tuon之前了。“No,” Perrin said. “Not yet. Rand isn’t in Cairhien, but Andor seems stable. It makes the most sense for me to head there and talk to Elayne. She’ll have information for us.”SB依旧。 “Not just Shaido, who deserve their fate. If there is an alliance with the Seanchan, it will end as soon as the Car’a’carn’s work is finished.现在真不认为Shaido也是艾伊尔了?谁该做Damane啊?这些态度是狭隘不是强大,灭族啊啊。Maighdin stood, looking stunned, arms at her sides. The fallen tray lay on the ground before her.她也终于知道自己和多厉害的人睡过觉了。Balwer nodded, smelling fierce. What had the Whitecloaks done to Balwer? The dusty secretary was fascinated with them.他还真是苦大仇深。He pulled out a sheet of paper with a sketch of Perrin’s face on it. Perrin与Mat的招贴画,挂遍了Randland。“My previous employer was a man I respected, my Lord,” Balwer said. “He was killed by the Children of the Light. Some among them may recognize me.”这不是沙袋语吗?他还真的很尊敬Niall呢。我也不讨厌Niall,他虽然野心勃勃,但是不傻,和Elayne与Eg差不多的水平。
Rodel Ituralde的POV
Rodel Ituralde
Yoeli——Maradon守将,最后关头终于开门了。“I know.” Yoeli’s voice sounded oddly grim. “I hope you are worth this, invader, for my actions this day will likely cost my life.”大概是Saldaea的什么法律吧,那个女王就很讨厌的样子。
Taringail had tried to manipulate her. In truth, he’d been successful much of the time.Taringail还挺厉害吗,还是很难讨厌他。Taringail saw me as a pawn, Thom as a beauty to be hunted and romanced, and Gareth as a queen to be served. 这样吗,很没原则地觉着玛丽莲好酷,原来沐姐才是真爱么。The weather, the way food spoils in a heartbeat, the movements of this Rand al’Thor. He is no false Dragon. The Forsaken must be loose again.我觉着那些到两位数卷还在讨论Rand是不是伪龙的,都非常愚蠢。They call it Compulsion. A dark, foul weave that removes the will from your subject. I’m not supposed to know that it exists.在白塔不小心得到的知识吧。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 24 To Make a Stand - Chapter 24 To Make a Stand

Elayne Trakand
Melfane Dawlish——稳婆
Mat Cauthon
however—the two of them had been sharing curses, each trying to top the other. 这个小比赛一定很好玩吧。This wasn’t fair! She did up the front of her gown.仍然不肯吸取教训,反而觉得行动被限制了很委屈似的,这种女人是不是就欠踹肚子啊。真是激气。 “Like Gelfina, from the stories, locked away for a thousand years in the forgotten tower?”这个Gelfina是白娘娘的化名吗?The Black Ajah would never have killed her, not under those circumstances. She was too valuable.是啊,别人的命,好几百人的命,就没有这么值钱咯。该死的贵族太太。But the ones who escaped have a copy of your medallion, Elayne thought. She didn’t speak it, however. 有点担当好不好,这两章Elayne实在是讨厌。Elayne thought. She didn’t speak it, however. She also didn’t mention the invasion that Chesmal had spoken of. 虽然即使她说出来,Mat也不一定会联想到那封信,但是至少作为军官,他会想一些有用的对策,会考虑到很多可能性。这女人不相信自己的护法,不相信朋友,自以为是,还要害死多少人啊。我之前没仔细看这几章,论坛上别人黑她,我还在心里使劲儿给她辩护呢,真蠢。 I’ve been wanting to ask you something. Now might not be the time.”
“Speak of it,” Elayne said, tired. “Might as well.”
“Well, it’s about the gholam…”要开始啦。
Rodel Ituralde的POV:
Rodel Ituralde
Captain Yoeli
Vram Torkumen——Tenobian女王不在时代理Maradon城主。Queen Tenobia took many with her when she rode to find the Dragon Reborn.”这家女人也都是傻逼。He held a horseman’s long spear on his shoulder, the tip tied with a triangular black and yellow pendant. It was called the Traitor’s Banner by the Saldaeans here.这就是上章Yoeli说自己会死的原因,他是造了反才能出城解救小狼的。Desya gavane cierto cuendar isain carentin, Ituralde thought. A phrase in the Old Tongue. It meant “A resolute heart is worth ten arguments.”古代语会话。“May you keep your eyes northward, but your heart southward, my friend,” Saldaea祝福语。The Queen,” Vram interrupted, “will soon return from her expedition to unmask and capture this false Dragon. 城主不是黑暗之友就是傻逼。他是女王的亲戚,哼哼。
决定和白袍开战。 “I wanted to, but then the Aes Sedai wanted to gentle me. I had to flee.”怎样gentle不会引导的人,会有啥效果呢,很好奇。 “That place is dangerous, Perrin. It’s another world, although tied to this one somehow. 同样是亦师亦友的角色,在Perrin身边的都这么怂。人家Lan,玛丽莲都多么酷,多么好玩啊。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 30 Men Dream Here - Chapter 30 Men Dream Here

Faile Bashere
Perrin Aybara
Rand al'Thor
Rand wore a coat of black and red. Fine and ornamented, with a sword at his waist. 有意思,在TAR的投影中,Rand穿的仍然是去Ebou Dar之前的Moridin风格服装。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 52 Boots - Chapter 52 Boots

Elayne Trakand
Charlz Guybon
Alise Tenjile以及其她亲:
Samitsu Tamagowa——Cadsuane留在Cairhien的黄宗
Sashalle Anderly——被Rand Still又被Flinn治好的红宗
Lorstrum Aesnan
Bertome Saighan
攫取狮子王座。Birgitte wore one of Elayne’s foxhead copies, though it had a different shape, a thin silver disc with a rose on the front. Birgitte也得到一个呢。She was having a great deal of difficulty without the original to study.还是不太行啊。Cairhien had been too long without a monarch, their king dead by unknown hands, the Lord Dragon seemingly abandoning them.她到底知不知道是玛丽莲干的啊。
Birgitte was holding up a small needle, tipped black. “Hidden in the cushion.”是谁干的呢?扎小兰的屁股。The Warder rubbed her chin. “One way to find out,” she said, then plopped herself down in the throne with an unceremonious amount of force.哈哈哈哈哈
Mat Cauthon
Setalle Anan
Come Ye Maids
Fallen Willows at Noon
肯定不是什么正经歌。The scarf he had chosen this time was red. In memory of Tylin and the others who had fallen to the gholam.形象小小的改变。He should be able to sit at one of those fires and sing “Dance with Jak o’ the Shadows.”咱不是很讨厌这首歌了么?So Tuon really had crowned herself, or whatever it was the Seanchan did to name a new leader.是喜是忧呢。呵呵。Rand was sitting around and talking with some people in a tent. Perhaps he was in Arad Doman, but he could not be both there and fighting in the Borderlands, now could he? 时间已经同步了。He set the envelope aside, then put the last of the spy reports on a stack, just beside a series of sketches he’d been doing on some new crossbows, based on the ones Talmanes had bought.新十字弓真在设计中了。“She didn’t ask for anything. She merely wanted to send word that they had arrived safely in Tar Valon.”Joline他们到Tar Valon了,其实很想看看Eg怎么对待sul'dam的。Knowing that you used to be able to enjoy those pies every day, but now they have been denied you. Your friends, they can have as many of those pies as they want. You envy them, and you hurt, but at the same time you’re happy. At least someone can enjoy what you cannot.这一章是打比方比赛吗?Mat sat for a moment. Why was it? Finally, he looked down at his foot, then replaced his boot. “It’s boots.”结果Mat胜?He stood up and went looking for Thom and Noal. Tomorrow, they would leave for the Tower of Ghenjei.这章最好的一句话,悠闲欢快了半章,原来这就是前夜,还是挺有力的写法。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 36 An Invitation - Chapter 36 An Invitation

Egwene al'Vere
Nynaeve al'Meara
Siuan Sanche
Wise ones:
Leane Sharif
Seaine Herimon——白
Sea folk:
Shielyn din Sabura Night Waters——Zaida din Parede Blackwing的Wave Finder。Zaida现在是Mistress of the Ships。
Renaile din Calon Blue Star——前Msitress of the Ships:Nesta din Reas Two Moons的Windfinder,Nesta被霄晨处死后,Renaile需要从头做起。Egwene nodded, and Nynaeve vanished. She’d remain hidden near the Hall of the Tower, watching for Mesaana or Black sisters coming to spy on the decoy meeting happening there.计划不算成功,因为Messana不是Moghedien。The Aes Sedai considered the Wise Ones to be poorly trained wilders; the Wise Ones, in turn, thought the Aes Sedai full of themselves.彼此彼此啦。Siuan had said, from her time teaching them, that the Sea Folk had legends about Tel’aran’rhiod and its dangers.Sea folk也是知道TAR的。Can we not at least be civil with one another?呵呵,因为时轮中所有的人都太傻了,所以同样很傻的主角们,在配角们面前常会显得更加理智。settling on crimson, and her jewelry kept vanishing and reappearing.所以会这样,大概是在算计自己的决定会不会导致地位的降低。
会议还是很有成效的,达成了白塔和Sea folk,艾伊尔间互派研究生的协议。研习期为半年到两年,之后需回到自己的出身地,服务一年后,在决定未来的职业。“I would not presume to second-guess the Amyrlins who came before me, but there is an argument to be made. 听起来很是诱惑,但是以后选Amyrlin的时候,会不会发生艾伊尔和Sea Folk的势力较量,如果艾伊尔没有灭绝的话...“To live on ships?” Melaine said, aghast.
“What better way to conquer your fears of the water?”哈哈,不管艾伊尔有时候多烦人,恐水症一发作就会变得很可爱。“The Seanchan,” Melaine said.最后霄晨和大陆的关系会是怎样的呢,似乎一切都取决于,Tuon不要死得太早。“There was a time when the Aiel would have taken pride to have served the Aes Sedai. That time has passed.”唉,不是说再次对不起沙袋的话,你们都会死嘛。“It has,” Siuan said, panting. “It happened right off. Mother, they didn’t come to eavesdrop! They attacked.”Mesaana不是Moghedien哦。
把ter'angreal带到了Tar Valon。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 48 Near Avendesora - Chapter 48 Near Avendesora

地点在Acad Doman,艾伊尔在这里扎营,一直没有建立城市。
在这个时期,霄晨和艾伊尔发生冲突,霄晨偷抓Wise one做Damane,而艾伊尔杀死越境的霄晨人。
The old empress, the one who had ruled during the days of the Last Battle, had been considered a woman of honor by Ronam’s father.这里很可怕,此时仅仅是十七年后,Tuon才37岁,比Tylin大概还要年轻十岁。 But many years had passed since her rule.就是说她已经死了好几年了。那么发生了什么?Mat又在哪里?RJ说他会写十年后Tuon和Mat回到霄晨的故事,那么他们是不是死在那里了,RJ应该不会写这样的外传吧,就为了杀死自己的主角。所以这是不是真正的未来呢,如果Tuon不死,后面的一系列惨剧就都不会发生了?“The Dragon asked others for peace,” Alalved replied. “He excluded the Aiel.”这也是关键之一,如果Rand把艾伊尔包含进来呢。按照这里所说,Rand并没有为艾伊尔计划未来,他从来没有把自己当成艾伊尔人,这也是事实。Our fathers knew nothing of steam horses or dragon tubes. 奇怪,Rand是见过蒸汽机车的,想必也会见到龙炮。但活着他不在意,一结尾来说,他在意与否也真的没关系了。Skirmishes between the nations are common, though none speak of them.但和平被打破是必然的。
Oncala和Hehyal(Dawn Runners,当时Taardad的新酋长)觐见安多女王
而做这一切的原因是: The Seanchan would fall, and the Aiel would take their rightful place. The blood of the Dragon Reborn was in her veins. She deserved to rule.
It would not be the Raven Empire that rose at the end of this all, but the Dragon Empire.她的野心。
这个女人,真是真龙之耻啊。Av对她的评价是:“That…creature had no honor,” she said. “She has ruined us.”傲慢,愚蠢,自恋,奸诈,全书下来和她最像的好像是Elaida啊。“They are invaders who forced him to bow to their Empress.所以这件事还是发生了。Underneath that were similar plans for dealing with the rulers of Tear, the Two Rivers, and Illian.而两河也独立了。
十一个部落只剩五个(另外可能还有Shaido),能引导的Wise ones所剩无几。Ladalin也不能够引导。
霄晨给艾伊尔的最后通牒为,投降,不许逃走,否则会被赶尽杀绝。艾伊尔的选择是,回到三绝之地。“The Dragon wanted peace,” she replied.在艾伊尔中的分歧,有人认为这是对他们打破真龙和平的惩罚,有人认为真龙抛弃了他们。
Dragon Blooded——艾伊尔中的的男性引导者。 It had been twenty years since the Seanchan had gained the Andoran war machines.这又指的是什么?
王朝的名字不再是霄晨而是Raven Empire,渡鸦帝国。被艾伊尔成为Far Ones的Shara也不再是神秘帝国,和渡鸦帝国建立了联系。火枪开始在战斗中使用。
艾伊尔战士团体所剩无几,Stone dog勉强留存。
大量外来平民进入荒漠采矿,士兵被称为Illuminated Ones,大概因为他们使用火枪。
渡鸦帝国的人被称为Lightmakers,灯泡,火器,火车等等广泛使用,科技程度大约接近18到19世纪Trousers that fit too well, coats covered with pockets and glistening bits of metal. Both had hats, though one wore his back, held around his neck by a thin leather strap.不再使用古怪的头盔,制服接近现代。Blood and char相当于Blood and ashes。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 51 A Testing - Chapter 51 A Testing

Min Farshaw
Rand al'Thor
Jahar Narishma
Merise Haindehl
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
King Paitar Neramovni Nachiman——Arafel国王,前帅哥。
Queen Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi——Saldaea女王
King Easar of House Togita——Shienar国王,诗人
Queen Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga——Kandor女王
Min的预视:A glowing sword, Callandor, being gripped in a black hand. He took the sa’angreal from Min, then slid it over his shoulder into a sheath on his back.随身背着Callandor。“I have been unable to Travel there,” Rand said. “That implies great trouble, worse than I had feared.果然是Travel不到黑塔了。“Tell them that I was wrong. Tell them that we’re not weapons. We’re men. Perhaps it will help. Take care. 是不是有点晚了。“And you’re wearing a full paralis-net in your hair, which includes a Well. I’m certain you keep it full, and that should be enough to create a single gateway.”Cadsuane步摇的名曾,叫paralis-net,其中有几个是Breaking之后制造的,大概专门用于对付疯掉的男性引导者。
I was four hundred years old on the day I died during the Age of Legends.LTT死的时候四百岁,算是正当壮年吗?If you wish, you may call me Rand Sedai. I am, so far as I know, the only male Aes Sedai still alive who was properly raised but who never turned to the Shadow.Rand沙袋...
Aren Deshar, Aren Mador, Far Madding. Always a thorn in our side, Aren Deshar was. 所以Far Madding的ter'angreal是传说时代就有的呀。
How I wish I had listened to Gilgame…有人说这是Gilgamesh,吉伽美士。
Tenobia:Tenobia has a spear hovering over her head,” Min said. “Bloody, but shining in the light.大概快死了。
Ethenielle:Ethenielle will soon be wed—I see that by white doves. She plans to do something dangerous today, so be careful.Paitar和Easar:The other two have various swords, shields and arrows hovering about them. Both will fight soon.”
边境诸王找了Rand这么久,就是为了一人扇他一巴掌——怪不得要选Far Madding——再问他一个问题:“How did Tellindal Tirraso die?”
同上。“It was given by an Aes Sedai of my own family line,” Paitar continued. The square-faced man sipped a small cup of tea. “My ancestor, Reo Myershi, was the only one who heard it. He ordered the words preserved, passed from monarch to monarch, for this day.”这确认真龙的仪式,来自边境人的预言:“I see him before you!” Paitar quoted. “Him, the one who lives many lives, the one who gives deaths, the one who raises mountains. He will break what he must break, but first he stands here, before our king. You will bloody him! Measure his restraint. He speaks! How was the fallen slain? Tellindal Tirraso, murdered by his hand, the darkness that came the day after the light. You must ask, and you must know your fate. If he cannot answer…”“The Guardian blocks the One Power,” Rand whispered. “The One Power only.”是说TP给Rand不再害怕被屏蔽的力量吗?There is a man in your army named Hurin. I would like to apologize to him.真是变好了啊。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 33 A Good Soup - Chapter 33 A Good Soup

Siuan Sanche
Egwene al'Vere
Nynaeve al'MearaNewly raised, she’d taken the oaths earlier in the day. 我总觉着发过誓之后会渐渐变丑。“As the Aes Sedai who chained him and beat him are yours, Mother?” Nynaeve asked.奈奈真犀利。She glanced down at her Great Serpent ring. She did that a lot, recently. As a fisher with a new boat often glanced toward the docks and smiled. 能保持这点天真真不容易呢,不要变得和别的沙袋一样哦,奈奈。You and Siuan will hold a meeting in the Hall of the Tower, but it will be a decoy to draw Mesaana or her minions out of hiding. 引诱Mesaana计划。好像是散布Eg会在TAR开会引Mesaana来听?You two are skilled, true, but I have more experience. 不过,在TAR中捕获一个弃光魔,协助Rand杀死一个弃光魔的,可不是Eg哦。

Gawyn Trakand
Elayne Trakand
Kaisea——Sul'damThe bellfounders in Caemlyn had been working straight through the nights, from what he’d heard.量产了。“A week back the cloud cover in Andor broke around Caemlyn, but nowhere else.”也就是说,此时是Rand顿悟后一周,时间终于渐渐同步。
这样一来,Rand顿悟和Eg登基在同一天的说法就更不合理了。Doesn’t Egwene need you?”和Gawyn这SB相比,Elayne都显得睿智起来。Gawyn就是个一再从自己该做的事情中逃走的懦夫。And if there’s anyone I’d want you protecting, it would be Egwene. She deserves you.她该配个更好的人。我是曾经期待过Eg和Perrin的,结果这两个人分别和书中最恶劣的男女在一起了。即使是Perrin,我虽然一开始就嫌他闷,但是不是Faile,他不会变得眼界那么狭窄,不会变成砍手魔,他的POV虽然仍然会枯燥,可是大约不会糟他的成长都会让我生理上作呕的程度。“So it’s jealousy,” Elayne said softly.一语中的,Gawyn对Rand神经病似的憎恶。Rand al’Thor was already condemned to die at the Last Battle. So why keep hating the man?就算想通了,也还是充满二流角色感,真为Eg不值。He reached into his pocket, slipping out the assassin’s knife, and held it up in the sunlight, inspecting those red stones.解开了血刃的秘密。“If I see you leashed?” Gawyn asked. “Will you answer me then?”想通想不通的,这就是个讨厌的男人。呵呵,不像Perrin,看来BS也不喜欢他。“You cannot have light without shadow, great Lord,” the woman said. “Create more light, and you will create more shadows.”Kaisea这番话,是不是在偷偷地暗示着结局?He tried to cool his rage. He wouldn’t go back, not now. Not when it would look as if he’d come crawling back at her command.明知道自己的女人有危险,为了表示自己不是招之即来,就故意拖延?

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 50 Choosing Enemies - Chapter 50 Choosing Enemies

Elayne Trakand
Dyelin Taravin
Charlz Guybon
Arymilla Marne
Elenia Sarand
Naean Arawn——三个被囚禁的前竞争者
Bertome Saighan——Cairhien贵族,Colavaere的亲戚。
Lorstrum Aesnan——Cairhien贵族
Ailil Riatin——Toram Riatin的妹妹,和海民做枕边友的。
Morgase Trakand
Did she know where her husband’s army had vanished to?Elenia的丈夫,AMOL序章会说。As soon as possible, they would commit suicide rather than face their Houses.剥夺爵位和领地,和Rand对Colavaere做的相似,但其实不是这样。If I were to find you and your husband a place to form a new seat in Cairhien, would you take what is given?其实是让他们和Cairhien贵族类似于交换领地。当贵族真好啊。 “What in the name of the Dark One’s bloody left hand just happened?”弄不懂这些道道的Birgitte还是可爱的。“She’s right,” Elayne said, sipping her tea. “He gave in because he saw that I was handing him the chance for both thrones.”这些打死大妈真是无聊啊。“As usual,” Elayne said. “Fortunately, I have you to watch over me, don’t I?”她会离开的。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 13 For What Has Been Wrought - Chapter 13 For What Has Been Wrought

Min Farshaw
Rand al'Thor
Jahar Narishma
Merise Haindehl
Damer Flinn
Corele Hovian
Nynaeve al'Meara
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
Darlin Sisnera
Weiramon Saniago——呜呜,他真是黑暗之友,而并非仅仅是一个傻瓜,好可惜,呜呜,LTT白喜欢你啦。
Anaiyella Narencelona——一直很酱油的一个High Lady,跟着Rand征过霄晨,她也是黑暗之友。
Tamlin al'Thor
years ago, she’d prided herself on being able to beat any boy she knew in an honest footrace. 自信的来源?您以前遇见的男孩子都是娘炮吧。Except…the air did seem to distort around him. Was that a trick of the sunlight?圣光环绕啊。
新的预视:An open cavern, gaping like a mouth.大概是Pit of DoomBloodstained rocks.这是血洒傻妖沟的预言吧。Two dead men on the ground, surrounded by ranks and ranks of Trollocs,谁呢?都是真龙?a pipe with smoke curling from it.有人说过这是Talmanes的死旗,现在看应该不是,太好了。a pipe with smoke curling from it.上卷结束后的三天,既然现有的日历不可靠,我也不知道这该是几号了。“Yes. I felt her go. Northward somewhere. The Borderlands, perhaps Arafel.”去哪儿,做什么,也收到了Verin的信?“This is true,” Rand said, meeting Rhuarc’s eyes. “I will meet my toh, then.”怎么个meet法。I’ve finally gained a portion of wisdom. I do think you need some new insults, however. The ones you use are wearing out like last year’s lace.讽刺奈奈,顿悟之后幽默感大幅度提高。Also, post word that the White Tower has been reunified, and that Egwene al’Vere is the Amyrlin Seat.宣布了一下。
下面是Rand CEO时刻,布置工作完全是忙碌办公室的气氛。“Callandor,” he said. “It plays a part in this. You have to find out how. I cannot seal the Bore the way I tried last time. I’m missing something, something vital. Find it for me.”Min秘书也被安排了工作。You tried to manipulate me, and you failed horribly. But in that failure, you have shown me something.和Cadsuane和解。No, the person I want is probably somewhere in the Caralain Grass. I’ll explain more when we are not in the open.这是要找谁?
顿悟之后,具备了识别黑暗之友的能力之前预言的“瞎”也就应验了。There, holding to his father, the Dragon Reborn began to weep.这里还是感人的。“Father,” Rand said, resting his hand on Min’s back. “This is Min Farshaw. And she’s very special to me.”大奶地位奠定,没白算计。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 26 Parley - Chapter 26 Parley

We tried to make a gateway this morning to send refugees back, and it didn’t work. One time earlier, it happened, too.因为Slayer做了什么,不是说男人Travel是在pattern上开个缝吗,和女人通过TAR是不一样的?The battlefield was ahead, a broad green grassland lined on the far end by troops in white. 要说他们这种,能叫“战斗吗?这叫对砍吧,旺角慈云山的风格吧。
好歹上上任白跑总司令是西境五虎之一啊,你们丢不丢人啊。But the hammer was different.看怎么说了,理都是讲出来的,你可以说锤子可以杀戮,也可以创造,我也可以说,你拿个创造的工具去杀戮,Twitterm邪恶了。Edarra laughed. “I would like to see someone tell that to the Shaido, Perrin Aybara. Or, rather, I would like to have seen someone suggest that to you when they still held your wife!”其实是一语中的,Shaido和白袍到底有什么区别?白跑就是一群疯子,若兰他们显然比白袍高尚得多,为什么Shaido该死白袍不该,说到底是因为Shaido抓了Faile。Bring Berelain and Alliandre back as well, and perhaps someone with drinks and the chairs and table from my tent.这一番做作,就是为了让Galad有机会见到Berelain和Morgase。
Galadedrid Damodred
Dain Bornhald
Jaret Byar
Alaabar Harnesh——一个白袍
Perrin Aybara
Faile Bashere
Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
Morgase Trakand
And those eyes. So dark, with long beautiful lashes. He seemed…pulled toward them. Why hadn’t this woman come last time?美女帅哥,绣花和枕头,对上眼了。Yes, she was obviously Saldaean, by that nose. 呵呵,心丑人丑啊。 “If you think that a judgment by one from the White Tower would satisfy my men, you know little of the Children of the Light, Perrin Aybara.”Perrin的傻逼气真难洗白啊,说是不打仗,要讲和,可是他根本就拿不出个方案来,这倒不是Galad固执了,而是Perrin本身太蠢。以前也说过,一Perrin的思维方式和行为方式,他能够没有堕入黑暗,能够取得好大的成就,甚至最后成为这个世界最强大的男人,真是运气太好了,在不努力做正确的事却能得到好结果这方面,Mat真要羡慕死他。It was Morgase.见面了。I killed Valda, Galad thought immediately. Killed him for the death of my mother. Who is not dead. I have done evil.一根筋咱就纠结吧,杀一个坏的人,以一个不正确的理由,该怎么算呢啊哈哈。“I would,” Galad said. “And if I vouched for her, my men would as well.”达成协议还是靠Morgase的出现,Perrin自己根本做不到嘛。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 20 A Choice - Chapter 20 A Choice

Nynaeve al'Meara
Saerin Asnobar——褐宗
Romanda Cassin——黄宗
Lelaine Akashi——蓝宗
Seaine Herimon——白宗
Egwene al'Vere——Amyrlin
不知道这一章的作者是谁,相当好看的一章,奈奈的成长得到了最后的升华,这也算是奈奈个人在这本书里的结局了。“To show that I am worthy,” Nynaeve said.
Several of the women frowned, including Egwene. Those weren’t the right words—Nynaeve was supposed to say that she wanted to learn whether or not she was worthy. Eg是不是忘了自己不久前还在强调我就是我呢。
测试需要进入一个圆环的ter'angreal,而主持测试的沙袋通过引导,让受试者经历各种场景,在每个场景中,受试者都需要对一个六角星进行编织(就是Daigian Moseneillin教授的一百个无用而复杂的编织),编织完成后,会出现一个新的六角星指示出口,如此重复一百次,除了对着六角星编织之外,不能引导。
和实习生的测试一样,这个测试也是让受试者把成为沙袋放到最重要的地位,为了这个“最重要的目的”放弃一切,漠视一切。Rand在奈奈离开前曾说, “Don’t let them ruin you, Nynaeve. They’ll try.”我觉得这就是白塔毁灭一个好女孩的方式,尽管沙袋们自己都没有意识到。
但是我的奈奈,才不会被他们摧毁呢。Nynaeve felt the weaving of Spirit settle into her.这个灵魂引导,大概是为了让她暂时忘记一些事情和记住一些事情的吧。She split her weaves a half-dozen times and finished the complicated thing in mere moments.真是很强啊。Dripping wet, she looked around. She’d completed forty-seven of the hundred weaves. She knew that, but nothing else. Other than the fact that somebody very badly wanted her to fail.呵呵,Eg吗?One of the worst was when she had to form a weave while villagers were consumed by enormous spiders with bright red fur and crystalline eyes. She hated spiders.Moghedien。She rose to her knees, which were scraped and bleeding. Her braid ended in a smoldering stump about a handspan below her shoulders. She retched to the side, shivering.呜呜,宝贝辫子木有了,呜呜。Then she wove balefire.真是什么都不顾了呢。“Properly?” Saerin repeated. “That wasn’t proper. That was downright vengeful, Rubinde! Almost any one of those tests was beyond what I’ve seen demanded of other women. You should be ashamed. All of you. Light, look what you’ve done to the girl!”Saerin还真有正义感呢,怪不得四万觉得可以和她做朋友。“I did what I had to. Who among you would not run if you saw people in danger? Who among you would forbid herself to channel if she saw Shadowspawn attacking? I acted as an Aes Sedai should.”奈奈结束测试后的说话真是句句都值得引用。“This test,” Barasine said, “is meant to ensure that a woman is capable of dedicating herself to a greater task. To see that she can ignore the distractions of the moment and seek a higher good.”这个测试其实是又假又傲慢好不好。One should not demand calmness for the mere sake of calmness, and a prohibition on running when there are people you need to save is foolish说的真是好。 Not saving them wouldn’t be serving a higher good; it would just be selfish.第二卷学徒测试的恶气,终于出掉了。“You’ve spent too much time in Tel’aran’rhiod. This test…it seems to function much in the same way as the World of Dreams. What we create in our minds became your surroundings.”这样啊,但那是个什么世界呢,TAR又是什么呢?这个ter'angreal是不是传说时代的人,用来研究TAR的?“But the Two Rivers was you.”
“Yes,” Egwene admitted.
“And the last one. With Lan?”Eg是公事公办还是心狠手辣啊。What people call me doesn’t change anything inside of me. Lan, however…he is more than a title. I can still channel—I can still be me—if I never become Aes Sedai. But I would never be myself again if I abandoned him. The world changed when I married him.”
She felt…freed, somehow, realizing it and saying it.这是奈奈的顿悟时刻。“And yet, so many of us do it without families,” Nynaeve said. “Without love, without passion beyond our own particular interests. So even while we try to guide the world, we separate ourselves from it. We risk arrogance, Egwene. We always assume we know best, but risk making ourselves unable to fathom the people we claim to serve.”总说Eg是伟大的Amyrlin,但其实还是奈奈的眼界更为宽广哦。She wanted to be Aes Sedai, fully and truly embraced. She wanted it badly. But in the end, if these people chose to refuse her their approval, she knew she could continue on and do what she needed to do anyway.到这一步,人物的塑造算是最终完成了,忍不住泪一下。
而且还不肯发誓不再使用业火:“I’m going to be there,” Nynaeve said softly. “It is not a question. Rand has asked it of me, though I would have gone if he hadn’t.”“Refusing the shawl to the woman who helped cleanse the taint from saidin—the woman who defeated Moghedien herself in battle, the woman married to the King of Malkier—would set a very dangerous precedent.”好厉害呢。真是快到结尾了,主角们都开始开成绩表了。
Myrelle Berengari——在能使用暴力的最后一天,把Lan的绑缚抢回来。
Nuhel Dromand——Myrelle的护法。The Asha’man had said that “others had the first choice,” whatever that meant. 这是什么意思呢?Nynaeve had to stop herself from reaching for her braid.这是成熟的象征吗?It was him. And he was still alive.
Blessed Light, she thought, eyes closed. Thank you.美好的一刻。美好的一章。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 34 Judgment - Chapter 34 Judgment


《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 53 Gateways - Chapter 53 Gateways

Pevara Tazanovni
Mazrim Taim
Javindhra Doraille——红宗sitter
Tarna Feir——Keeper,已经是“前”了。It’s time to bond Dedicated and leave, but she’s hinted that she’ll remain regardless of my intentions. I want you to speak to her.Javindhra为什么不着急离开呢。The woman looked up, and Pevara froze. There was something different in Tarna’s eyes, something cold.是被compulse了,还是被转化成dreadlord了?
略吧。She sniffed. “Matrim Cauthon is a bad influence. I’m surprised he didn’t drag you off to another tavern before leaving.”被法义尔讨厌,我认为是一种赞誉。
Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
Noal Charin
开始了。Noal walked with a long staff, taller than he was.是他以前远行的手杖吗?It buttoned to the waist, then split at the legs.Noal穿的这是燕尾服?“It feels like what I should wear if I’m going to see her.”玛丽莲是gleeman打扮。He had chosen clothing of forest greens and earthy browns, along with a deep brown cloak.而Mat就是官方默认形象。Hesitating only briefly, Thom slid a bronze knife from its sheath on his belt and stepped over to set the tip against the tower. 这里为什么要用铜刀子?“Courage to strengthen,” Noal whispered, stepping forward, holding up a lantern with a flickering flame. “Fire to blind. Music to dazzle. Iron to bind.”
“And Matrim Cauthon,” Mat added. “To bloody even the odds.” 以后的蛇与狐狸游戏会加上这一句吗?或者游戏本来就来自他们的经历?“I had to draw another triangle to get back in.”划开的三角是一直作为出口存在的,但是出去以后,就的再画一个三角才能进来。The floor was made of interlocking triangular tiles that, once again, looked discomfortingly like scales. 我是认为贞洁之塔和三有很多关系,三角,三个问题,三个请求,三个人进来,三个人出去...Mat recognized the wispy trees with a drooping umbrella of branches at the top, though before he had seen them from below.Mat第二次进来时看到的树,而他现在就走在第一次进来时看到的三个尖塔之一中,又是三。“Impossible!” Noal said. “We retraced our steps perfectly! The way out should be here.”“原路”是无法返回的。想起了塞尔达中,经常会有一种迷宫,只有一条路是正确的,走错一次,就会被送回迷宫门口。这个更可怕,完全不知道会被送到那里。But there’s the tale of Elmiara and the Shadoweyes. She spent a hundred days wandering in a maze, looking for the infamous healing spring of Sund to save her lover’s life.Birgitte的故事还是流传下来了。Its voice was hypnotic, soothing. It did make sense. What need had they of fire? It was light enough with that mist. It…
“Thom,” Mat said. “Music.”这是Eelfinn的compulsion,还是类似梦世界的比决断?总之被音乐打破了。I will lead you half of the way to the central chamber, the Chamber of Bonds,做交易的房间,叫Chamber of Bonds,只有在哪里,Finns才会被交易约束。Mat hesitated. He had not even realized they had been speaking in it.和Finns的对话仍然是流利古代语。想起,如果WOT要拍电影,这些地方该怎么拍啊,RJ根本没留下一个完整的古代语体系,尽管他心里或者是有的。“But Mat,” Noal whispered, glancing at the sleeping Eelfinn. “The rolls won’t be equal. You can’t roll a one, for example, and a seven is far more likely to—”这对Mat来说真是没关系的,他真能用两个骰子扔出一点。有趣的是,虽然这里的规则似乎是向回走才是正确的路,可是骰子却为了显摆Mat的幸运,先出了个一点。也就是说,不管开始怎么走错,只要最后一直走回头路就可以?

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 23 Foxheads - Chapter 23 Foxheads

Elayne Trakand
Dyelin Taravin
Conail Northan——16岁的小孩
Catalyn Haevin——性格和Elayne极像的贵族女孩
Sylvase Caeren—— Nasin的孙女,冷脸女孩
Ellorien Traemane
Chesmal Emry——黄
Temaile Kinderode——灰,十二人中最残忍的
Eldrith Jhondar——褐
Jaq Lounalt——原来在Arymilla手下,后来跟随Sylvase Caeren的Tarabon拷问官。
Doilin Mellar——Daved HanlonHowever, the medallion was no longer silver. It was something else, something new.这是化学现象还是物理现象啊。And, more problematic, it was impossible to channel while touching the copy.这个缺憾等会儿救了她的命。Could she, perhaps, give one of the copies to Mat?这种坏心眼儿,有都不该有啊,别人冒着生命危险相信你...A queen had to be hard enough to allow these things. 已经够hard了。“That means the two of them have gone out for drinks,” Elayne said with a sigh. Light, this was a bad time for it.倒挺了解他俩。Birgitte was in a surly mood; Elayne could tell that through the bond.因为贞洁之塔的回忆。“How do I look?” Elayne said, tweaking her weaves to make her voice deeper.改变声音的编织
话说假扮弃光魔这招可太低级了。“One of those we were told to seek, the two men that must be killed at all costs…one is here in Caemlyn!”其实Caemlyn的黑暗之友们不是都在行动了吗。Soon, Andor will be awash with the blood of our enemies and the Great Lord shall reign in fire and ash. We will see it done.结尾的那件事。 The dark-haired secretary scrambled back from the battle, clutching the ter’angreal. Elayne reached a weave toward him—but it unraveled.狐狸头差点被抢走啊。Of course her babes would be all right. She would be all right.还是Birgitte的话,仗着这个冒险是不对的,而且就算真的她和孩子都是安全的,为她死去的人呢?她真是不太在乎的。
受伤啊,打架啊,差点被XX啊,坏人就是不肯下手杀她啊,最后狐狸头仿制品还是被Doilin Mellar抢走了,这就是Elayne冒失的结果。
“Another one? If I shake you, will a third fall free?”Doilin Mellar这坏蛋,说话还挺好玩。
最后Doilin Mellar杀死了Chesmal Emry,Temaile Kinderode,Eldrith Jhondar及Jaq Lounalt,和Marillin Gemalphin(爱猫的褐宗),Falion Bhoda(白)以及Mili Skane逃走。
Gawyn Trakand
Egwene al'Vere
Silviana Brehon
Jimar Chubain
I think she’s determined to see herself dead.有权势自以为是的女人,Trakan家人,这些是愚蠢讨厌的代名词吗?这章是蠢女人大集合吗?
And so he left Tar Valon—and Egwene al’Vere—behind.真能这样就好了吧。
al'Lan Mandragoran
Weilin Aldragoran
KuehnLan nearly grabbed it out of Nazar’s fingers and ripped it in half.旗子也打起来了,Lan继续蠢萌状。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 15 Use a Pebble - Chapter 15 Use a Pebble

Nynaeve al'Meara
Nelavaire Demasiellin——绿宗,Naeff的沙袋
Rand al'Thor
真想拍这个电影。“Careful, Nynaeve Sedai,” he said. “There’s another Myrddraal following us.”Naeff有点小疯,除了自己备受折磨,倒不伤人。
发生泡沫的街道叫All Summers。He’d reportedly said he needed to fetch something.Callandor?She could see the madness, like a dark network of veins digging into his mind. It seemed to pulse, like a small beating heart. 在无法救助别人的绝望感之下,又研发了新的医疗技术,治愈疯狂。
她比Graendal厉害吧。Oddly, the darkness did seem similar to Compulsion. Was that what the taint had done? 是啊,为什么污染只影响头脑呢。Now I…Thank you. I need to go find Nelavaire.”被治愈的Naeff,快乐地找自己的沙袋去了,真可爱呢。As she watched Naeff hasten away, she noticed that the clouds above were breaking. Rand had returned.Saint Rand。Rand stepped up to Nynaeve. “You care for my people. Thank you.”
“I care for any who need it,” Nynaeve said.医者仁心,只想帮助别人,权力地位都没有帮助别人更重要,事到如今,这真是特别难得的特质了。“I…” Nynaeve said. “I think I actually believe you.” She was surprised to realize it.恩,咱其实一直是比Eg她们更明白的。“Don’t let them ruin you, Nynaeve. They’ll try.”
“Ruin me?”
“Your passion is part of you,” Rand said.嗯,不要改变啊,我的奈奈。“To be Aes Sedai is to be what you decide it is,” Rand said, his stump still held behind his back. “Moiraine cared. You could see it in her, even when she was calm. The best Aes Sedai I’ve known are the ones who others complain aren’t what an Aes Sedai should be.”公仆,服务所有人,这原来就是沙袋的意义,只不过多数当代沙袋,空享受着这个名称,却傲慢地玩弄着权力,还让沙袋本该服务的人,为她们去送死。 I have not decided upon the other. Aviendha or Elayne, perhaps. But you for certain.14卷封面?Thousands upon thousands of the tiny black thorns pricked into his brain, but beneath them was a brilliant white lacing of something. A white radiance, like liquid Power. Light given form and life. Rand头脑里的复杂情况,光明,黑暗,好几个人。Nynaeve, do you realize that the most Talented of Healers during the Age of Legends had difficulty with diseases of the mind? 咱奈奈不必她们差,弃光魔里大约也有好几个及不上她。Nynaeve nodded, then—feeling foolish—gave him a hug before hurrying off to seek out Narishma and Flinn. 这俩也被救治了。
Egwene al'Vere
Saerin Asnobar——褐宗
Seaine Herimon——白宗
Yasicca Cellaech——被引用的灰宗学者
Elandria Borndat——古代学者,著有Seeing Through the Breaking
Seaine 关于Mesaana如何隐藏自己的三个推断:First, it is possible that the woman has another Oath Rod. Others were once said to exist, and it’s plausible that one rod could release you from the oaths of another. Mesaana could have been holding one secretly. She could have taken the Three Oaths while holding our rod, then somehow used the other to negate those oaths before swearing that she was not a Darkfriend.这个不太靠谱The second method would be easier. Mesaana could have sent a look-alike wearing the Mirror of Mists. Some unfortunate sister—or novice, or even some untrained woman who could channel—under heavy Compulsion. This woman could have been forced to take the oaths in Mesaana’s place. Then, since this person wouldn’t be a Darkfriend, she could speak truthfully that she wasn’t.这个听起来有些可能。With some practice, Doesine and I were able to fabricate a variation on a weave that would alter the words we spoke. In effect, we said one thing, but the other person heard another thing entirely.这个听起来也不错。“She…well, she sounds much like an Amyrlin, Mother. The Shadow’s Amyrlin.”Mesaana不算强,但她是实干型。Lannis thought Mesaana was angry—at herself, at the world, at the other Forsaken—because she wasn’t one of those at the forefront. That could make her very dangerous.”愤怒的Mesaana。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 37 Darkness in the Tower - Chapter 37 Darkness in the Tower

又是平行碎剪。Gawyn Trakand
Celark——成为白塔守卫的青年团,被血刃所杀。He couldn’t go to Egwene as a prince. He had to go to her as a Warder. 他的醒悟时刻?亲王不亲王的,爱人的生命啊。贵族有多么讨厌!He dashed away from Elayne’s rooms, sprinting through the palace hallways to the Traveling room that Elayne had set up. 现在Travel已经和出租车差不多了,去传送站打个招呼,我要去某地。Plunging the room into darkness. No light. No shadows.所以血刃不是在影子中移动,而是从一个影子移动到另一个影子。想起JoJo中的一个替身,倒吊男。说起来了,倒吊男是来自奥丁吧。
Egwene al'Vere
Nynaeve al'Meara
Saerin Asnobar——褐宗
Brendas——白宗,被Wise one推出TAR唤醒她人
Alviarin Freidhen——黑/白
Notori——被奈奈杀死Evanellein yelped, and Egwene used a trick Nynaeve had taught her—she imagined Evanellein being stupid, unable to think, unable to react.这些还是奈奈教的啊。
The tip stuck out the top, silvery bits wrapping around one another in a complex knotted braid. ter'angreal的外形“You’ve grown skilled,” Slayer said. “I should have killed you months ago.”为什么没有这么做呢?黑暗那边有没有不太傻逼的?“A man of two worlds, Perrin Aybara. And one owned by both. I’ll need the dreamspike back.”Isam和Luc,这俩人都比Perrin有趣多了,ter'angreal的名字叫dreamspike,梦锥。“It’s not just a weave, Perrin, it’s—”Perrin的光辉时刻,好吧,他也需要点光辉时刻,对吧。He casually tossed the wolf off the side of the Tower.对Perrin的厌憎,延续到他身边的一切,这个时刻我居然觉着很轻松,总算要结束了,不用再看到这只狼。Mesaana
Katerine AlruddinAh, yes. Mesaana waved curtly, dispelling the weave. As she did so, a thought occurred to her.disguising。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 42 Stronger than Blood - Chapter 42 Stronger than Blood

Gawyn Trakand
Egwene al'Vere
一直没说是怎么混过黑宗清洗的。 The last time, the Band and he actually clashed with the assassins. 被Bryne杀死一个,Gawyn三个,加上这个,一共五个。“The messenger has been found dead as well.” She eyed him. “You did the right thing tonight, but it still has me worried.”原来信使死了。“You think I could face my parents if I got married without them knowing about it? Light, Gawyn, we’ll at least have to send for them! And what about Elayne? You’d marry without telling her?”谈婚论嫁就忽然清纯起来。Burn those Seanchan, he thought. Egwene is right about them. Something needs to be done.仇恨的话有什么含义吗?Gawyn slipped all three rings off, then tucked them into his pocket.这就毫无疑问是伏笔了。
al'Lan Mandragoran
Bukama Marenellin——在NS出场和死去的人物,带着婴儿Lan逃出Malkier的护卫中仅剩的幸存者。缺省认为这个时候读者都看过NS了。
Kaisel——Kandor王子,Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga女王的孙子
Kendral——Arafel王子,国王Paitar Neramovni Nachiman的孙子。
走得真快,迅速穿越Kandor。He could identify her by the way she felt. How could one not know her, that sense of passion and kindness? It felt…remarkable.感觉到bond了,这就是暗地奈奈哦。He could not ask that of them. 据说Lan幸存者罪恶感。Your wife told us to wait here for you; she said that you might try to pass without greeting us.同样是在背后保护丈夫,Faile就那么猥琐,奈奈就很可爱。还是看人和方式把,因为奈奈真诚,关心所有的人,而且不会在背后使用下作的手段。
And then, with a deep sigh, he gave in. “The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai’don,” Lan said softly. “Let any man or woman who wishes to follow join it and fight.”Lan输了,哈哈哈哈。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 29 A Terrible Feeling - Chapter 29 A Terrible Feeling

Faile Bashere
Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
“Deceived,” Alliandre said. “Maighdin was our friend. I thought I knew her.”车,真是好笑,我可不会自己坐着,让“我的朋友”默默地站在一边,替我端茶倒水,如果她在倒水的时候发出声音打扰了我,如果我的茶杯空了没有及时续上,还会觉着她伺候得不好。
Morgase Trakand
Galadedrid Damodred
Jaret ByarShe should have realized he’d be attracted to the Whitecloaks for their vision of a world that was black and white. Could she have prepared him better? Shown him that the world was not black and white—it wasn’t even gray. It was full of colors that sometimes didn’t fit into any spectrum of morality.记得有评论说,WOT是描写的是灰色的世界,当时就很不满,现在我会用这段话回答。WOT不是黑色白色或者灰色,而是彩色的,其中的每个人,在每个时刻,可能是正确的,可能是错误的,也可可能很难用道德标准衡量,正因为丝线的多彩,Great Pattern才无比华丽。
“You did well,” she said. “Valda was a snake. I am certain he was behind Niall’s death. Galad, you did the world a service.”正是如此。Morgase还挺怀念Patron Niall,我也很怀念他。it just says that the temptation to use the One Power can corrupt. I believe that the women who now run the White Tower have let their schemes and selfish plots blind them.”所谓深思速行的Galad,看法也很是狭隘。这两兄弟的选择都是因为四万派Elayne去做了危险的任务,但一个追随真正打算利用Elayne的Elaida,一个做了把Elayne当成女巫的白袍,除了他俩自己脑子里有屎,还能怪谁?“And yet she did not. I have heard you all but threatened to execute the prisoners if Perrin didn’t come to battle. Would you have actually done this?”还有这种事,Galad也不是好人啊。和Perrin应该很友好才对嘛At other times, punishment serves nobody, and the best thing to do is to let him continue and learn.说是这样说,可是我真的不认为Perrin学到了什么,在Cairhien的时候,他还为Rand对待沙袋们不好而和他吵架,Faile被俘后,他就可以随手把三百wise ones扔给霄晨做Damane。现在Faile回到他身边,他又可在狼梦中成长,关心自己的属下,他是更厉害了,比过去关心别人了,可这不是因为他变了,而是因为诱发他做错事的场景不在了。回想起当时的所作所为,他仍认为那些事必须的选择。所以我不认为他真的成长了什么,而且他成长的代价也是不可接受的。愤怒中误杀白袍可以原谅,对整个世界,包括他人生命的漠视不可原谅。
Perrin Aybara
Aravine Carnel——前Gai'shain
Tamlin al'ThorHis hammer hadn’t tried to kill him.因为锤子不是武器。原来这一套不仅能自欺欺人,还能欺骗到DO,好伟大。“It has nothing to do with the Whitecloaks,” Tam said. “I’ve been told I can’t say much. But it’s about Rand.”Cadsuane来找他了。这个时间大约和TGS,Ch47相同,Rand去Ebou Dar 又去龙脉,最后顿悟之前。
Rand之前说过,使用Saidin 穿越,是在Pattern上打洞。
Forming a gateway with saidar is done by creating a similarity in the Pattern, then stepping through the gateway to the channeler's destination.
Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon She spared a moment to feel guilty for making the poor men, in dress uniform, carry her through this early-summer heat. But these men would ride to battle in her name; they could stand a little warm weather.杰克李奇逃兵的那一集曾经说过,军人的忠诚是很宝贵的,他们愿意为理想,或者国家,政府,领袖什么的付出生命,而那些让军人为自己做这做那的国家,政府,高官,所需要做的,就需要珍惜这种忠诚,不要滥用,否则军人拒绝再付出忠诚,也没什么不对。我想我要是个佣兵,Elayne是一个背叛时不需要有太大思想负担的雇主。The slender Taraboner woman seemed to take no thought for the fact that she was delivering a potentially world-changing weapon to the queen of a foreign country; all Aludra seemed to want was a way to get back at the Seanchan, or so Mat had explained.Aldura也挺奇怪的,她造龙炮的动机,就是报复霄晨,可是Mat和霄晨女皇结了婚,她倒不怎么在意,仍然跟随着。but still wasn’t certain how trustworthy she was. She’d have Master Norry keep an eye on her.政治女人,好烦人啊。First test a success, it had read. Meet me today on city wall for demonstration.Mat这些的人,就个顶个的有趣,给女王写信毫无恭敬,工程师气场。Why no braids today?有什么讲究?Mat wanted to watch from the tower with the working dragon, it seemed. Foolhardy man. What if the thing exploded like a nightflower?呵呵,震聋了活该。Mat had promised this would be worth practically any cost. Of course, that was Mat. He wasn’t exactly the most reliable person around.其实Mat比Elayne可靠得多吧,下面也说了,是谁让黑暗之友抢走ter'angreal的?As deadly as damane, perhaps.本来就是为了对付Damane想出来的。 Elayne had no intention of turning them against anyone other than Trollocs and Seanchan. But she would feel much more secure about her nation knowing that she had these at her disposal.唉,女王啦,政治啦,野心啦,真是无趣啊。“The world just changed, Elayne,” Birgitte said, shaking her head, long braid swinging slightly. “It just changed in a very large way. I have a terrible feeling that it’s only the beginning.”冷兵器时代结束咯。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 16 Shanna'har - Chapter 16 Shanna'har

Faile Bashere
Bavin Rockshaw——司务长
法义尔弄权These spoilings had begun only recently inside of camp, but by reports, it happened far more frequently out in the countryside.越往北越严重吧。
Perrin Aybara
Faile Bashere
“It’s not callous,” Faile said, “or selfish. You’re a lord now, and you can’t let it be known that capturing your subjects will undermine your rule. 霄晨人也是这样对待自己的“财产”的哦。保护,但不尊重,老爷太太实在恶心。“And you think they’d give up on the idea that quickly?”就因为他们叫老爷叫得太容易,我不再喜欢两河人。But could Perrin trust that? Men like Master al’Vere or Tam might turn down the position. Might they end up picking someone like old Cenn Buie?独裁者都是这样想的,只有我才能管理好国家,别人来管国家就完了。No act of kindness would redeem that. They deserved their deaths.他是知道自己做了什么的。在这一卷,想过两次,原来他一早就知道,这是第一次,恶心的要命。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 11 An Unexpected Letter - Chapter 11 An Unexpected Letter

Elayne Trakand
Dyelin Taravin
Melfane Dawlish——产婆
Halwin Norry
Jarid Sarand —— Elenia的丈夫,现在仍然在反对Elayne
Ellorien Traemane——被Morgase鞭打驱逐的贵族,她提议释放Elenia等人。“So our soldiers can die, but the nobles bloody walk away?”所以Birgitte始终不是政治人物,而是个英雄。“Perhaps. Though this does mean that you’re the first Queen in five generations to cede a portion of Andor—no matter how small—to a foreign entity.”她不知道之前Morgase也把安多送给白袍了。“Yes,” Elayne said, glancing eastward. “It’s time to seize Cairhien.”欲壑难填。“Possibly,” Elayne said, “but I think it’s worth the risk. In one step I could become one of the most powerful monarchs since Artur Hawkwing.”欲壑难填。
Norry从Hark那里得到的消息:“Duhara has been meeting with Ellorien?” Duhara Basaheen是黑宗,但Egwene还没把这个消息传送给Elayne。Dyelin was nodding. “She wanted to be seen visiting Ellorien. She didn’t want the visits to be official—that would put her too formally against your throne.打死大妈之类的,Elayne和Dyeline都很熟啦。
Mat的信,该说什么好呢,全文抄一遍:Your Royal Bloody Pain in My Back,
We’re bloody waiting here to talk to you, and we’re getting angry perturbed. (That means angry.) Thom says that you’re a queen now, but I figure that changes nothing, sense you acted like a queen all the time anyway. Don’t forget that I carried halled your pretty little backside out of a hole in Tear, but you acted like a queen then, so I guess I don’t know why I’m suprised now that you act like one when you really are a queen.
So I’m thinking I should treat you like a bloody Queen and send you a bloody letter and all, speaking with high talk and getting your attention. I even used my ring as a signet, like it was paper proper. So here is my formal salutation. So BLOODY STOP TURNING ME AWAY so we can talk. I need your bellfounders. It’s bloody important.

p.s. Salutation means greeting.

p.p.s. Don’t mind the scratched out words and bad spellings. I was going to rewrite this letter, but Thom is laffing so hard at me that I want to be done.

p.p.s. Don’t mind me calling your backside pretty. I hardly ever spent any time looking at it, as I’ve an awareness that you’d pull my eyes out if you saw me. Besides, I’m married now, so that all doesn’t matter.
虽然这封信真的挺可笑,但确实是过分了啊。“You have a nice backside? He should be talking. Mat’s got as fine a rump as comes on a man.”Birgitte都留意些什么嘛。其实我还是有点想看看这两个漂亮屁股来一发的。有没有这样的可能性世界呢,Rand杀了Tuon,Mat睡了Elayne,那样的世界最后一定是黑暗获胜吧。Were they loyal to Rand? Could she make use of them?这本书里还剩几个人,不是见到什么脑子里都会反映出利用两个字?奈奈,Mat, Thom,还有谁?My informants told me that this group was recently in the employ of the Crown of Murandy, so I discounted their leader’s insistence that he wasn’t a mercenary.所以Nory一直当他们是佣兵。“Come now,” Elayne said. “He’s not that lucky.”
Birgitte snorted into her tea. “You need to pay better attention, Elayne. That man could dice with the Dark One and win.”Elayne一直认为这是迷信,这蠢姑娘。The only thing she ever sensed from him these days was a cold anger, buried deeply. Was he in Arad Doman?显然这时仍然是Rand顿悟前,而且他还没有到Tear。所以Rand并不是在Eg登基后第二天到达的Tar Valon吧。She could not let that happen. The woman in her cringed to think of planning for Rand’s death, but the Queen could not be so squeamish. The world was changing.虽然很政治化,很讨厌,可奇怪的是我又觉着有点尊重,大概是因为Min的对比吧,还是身上有责任的女人更可爱点。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 56 Something Wrong - Chapter 56 Something Wrong

Egwene al'Vere
Gawyn Trakand
Morgase Trakand
Elayne TrakandGawyn rose, moving smoothly. The three rings he wore on a chain around his neck rattled as he moved; she’d have to ask him again where he’d gotten those.血刃的戒指,仍然是不祥的伏笔。Egwene had sent an offer, and a woman to offer Traveling, to King Roedran of Murandy, but she was uncertain if he would come.神秘的Murandy国王。Ah, Egwene thought. Her spies had delivered word of this rumor just last night, but she’d wanted to confirm it before speaking to Gawyn.所以Gawyn恨来恨去折腾个什么呢?任性的Trakand一家人团聚了,任性X3。He’s come, then, Egwene thought. And the calm is here. The brief moment of peace before the storm that destroys.圣光大王,头顶蓝天。
Androl Genhald的POV:
Androl Genhald
Emarin (Algarin?) Pendaloan
Evin Vinchova
Mezar Kurin——之前跟着Logain的阿傻,好像被转化了,可是,他还绑着一个沙袋呢啊。
Atal Mishraile——Taim方的阿傻
Pevara TazanovniInstead of opening a hole in the air, the weave unraveled and vanished.这边也不能开Gateway了。
阿傻找红宗帮忙,这世界真是越来越有趣了。Come in, quickly. Tarna—the woman I share this hut with—is away. We must be done before she returns.Tarna也被转化了。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 47 A Teaching Chamber - Chapter 47 A Teaching Chamber

用尽各种方法吹捧他。苏得我想吐。He’d tried to make a gateway there earlier in the day, when Perrin had given him permission. It hadn’t worked.黑塔有dreamspike?但是刚才还说黑塔的人可以使用gateway。The clouds formed an open circle above the city, eerily even.因为圣光王后腹中的圣光BB?“I did that,” Perrin said. “But I put it away of my own choice.”只字不提自己把两河拱手让与霄晨。‘The lands of Lord Perrin Goldeneyes refuse your Andoran taxes. Tai’shar Manetheren!’虽然是主角们的故乡,我喜欢奈奈,Mat,还有Rand,可是,两河真出傻逼啊。
Tuon——Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag,我还是喜欢叫她Tuon。
Beslan Mitsobar——对自己现在的地位似乎还满意,但他也剃了头。
Lunal Galgan——有势力的霄晨军官
Suffa——Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
BS不喜欢Tuon是非常明显的,RJ常常暗示的,在女皇Tuon背后的那个少女Tuon,在他这里完全消失,对她的写法有时都近似Forsaken或黑暗之友了。“I can offer great bounty, powerful Empress! If I am returned, I will give you ten women to take my place. Twenty! The most powerful the White Tower has. I—”可怜的Elaida,Damane都当得这么低劣。What would it be like, to have a Prince of the Ravens whom she did not have to plot against? It seemed almost a fantasy, the type of tale told to common children to make them dream of an impossible marriage.这和11卷Tuon的想法似乎也有差距,黑得不亦乐乎啊。
It seems that the explosion outside the city was an isolated accident—the result of some unknown ter’angreal, used imprudently. Perhaps there is no weapon.”结论很接近。
Perrin Aybara
Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
尼玛。 That bloody Brown brought us here. Haven’t seen her in over two weeks, now.”也就是说到Caemlyn 20 天了。“Ho, Grady,” Mat said, waving. “Blown up anyone interesting lately?”又是BS假幽默的结果,他真是没怎么花心思去了解Mat啊,Mat会随便嘲讽个不太熟的阿傻吗?他觉着能引导的人都很可怕,男性引导者随时都会发疯,会无缘无故地得罪个阿傻?还有,Mat虽然知道阿傻们的存在和本事,但他从来没见过阿傻们炸人。阿傻们第一次作为武器出现是在Dumai's Wells,那个时候Mat在Ebou Dar。这类错误BS犯得太多了。
“You ever heard of the Banath people?”关公的传说。 “that’s exactly what Villiam Bloodletter did during his first, and last, battle with them. 哼哼。For some reason, the comment made Mat smell nervous.不知他是听过Villiam Bloodletter的歌,还是拥有者个人的记忆。“If you’re going to rescue her,” Perrin said, “perhaps I could come. Or at least send one of the Asha’man.”太缺乏诚意了。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 49 Court of the Sun - Chapter 49 Court of the Sun

Aviendha自己,她在那个时候也只有37岁,身为Wise One,相信还长着少女的脸,在Oncala的记忆中Av看到自己的脸,所以她肯定在那个时候还活着,但是否与霄晨开展的大事,却没有征求她的同意,反而询问她十六岁的女儿。
Tuon为何会在Tar'mon Gaidon十几年内死去,Mat在哪里。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 31 Into the Void - Chapter 31 Into the Void

Mat Cauthon
The Dusty Wheel——又名The Rumor Wheel,店主Hatch,吧女Kati。这个酒馆是个彩蛋,向Matt Hatch和他的网站Theoryland.com致谢。
Talmanes Delovinde
Sumeko Karistovan——亲
Julanya Fote——亲,她们负责做Gateway。
The game was called Koronko’s Spit, and hailed from Shienar.又是老子不知道但老子知道老子赢了老子还知道你的骰子灌水银了这一套欺负人的把戏。He had not even smiled at her. Well, not much. And hardly his best smile.继续自欺欺人装无辜。He wore the new red and silver coat that Thom had bought him.哟,还真给他买了。He stepped out into the night, and the moment he did, the dice stopped thundering in his head.这次果然是为Gholam响的。The first group tried to kill him before he was one street away from The Rumor Wheel. 一共来了四批暗杀者,Caemlyn的黑暗之友组织还挺庞大。That was not heroism. It might have been stupidity, though.反正咱的官方定义就是傻瓜啦。Nondescript by day, a horror by night. Gholam也是两面人呢,对应Slayer,可咱解决的多么干脆利索啊。果然是POV对应角色身材啊。The creature leaped away, but Mat lunged forward, ramming the butt of his spear between the thing’s legs.这段描写,会不会太流氓了?如果WOT有冰火那样红,会不会有人搞出个Mat x Gholam。啊啊我在想什么?Right before the gholam reached him—hands going for Mat’s neck—Mat pulled something out with each hand, slamming them forward into the gholam’s palms. 以Gholam做对照,Mat的动作也是快的吓人了
Elayne的纺织品也生效了呢。He pushed forward, slashing with the ashandarei, and several of the creature’s fingers flew free. 。其实如果不是Gholam的不掉血属性,Mat已经把他切片儿了。
Al dival, al kiserai, al mashi!——For light, glory, and love! Al这个字,Al'在曼埃瑟兰是xx之子的意思,单拿出来,是for的意思。
Tai’daishar!——True Blood of Battle! Tai'daishar是Rand的马的名字,那时Rand解释是Lord of Glory,以Rand的古代语水平,这只能算个勉强的意译。
而Tai'shar是True Blood的意思,dai则表示battle,比如Dai shan(翻译成大将不太好)。“I don’t know if you can die,” Mat said softly. “I hope to the Light that you can’t.” 解决,好酷。you misbegotten son of a goat’s droppings.脏话学习时间。
She had to be there to maintain the white platform, which was in the shape of a large book. She raised an eyebrow at him. Sumeko 想做黄宗吧,做的滑板倒是褐宗风格。They’d hoped that would keep the gholam from feeling her channel, as she’d made the weaves in the palace.这个不太有效,不过Gholam也不在乎。 The white in her hair did not detract from her prettiness at all.作为一个亲,这是很大年纪了吧,Mat的魔爪终于伸向三位数年龄以上的女性了?“Barely. You should have let us deal with the beast.”女人。你们打算用什么对付他,引导?Might even have a good scar. Scars impressed most women, so long as they were not on the face. 独眼呢?He intended one for Olver and the other for Tuon, once he could find her.还真是好东西先留给自己家人啊。“Actually,” Talmanes said, clearing his throat, “we just rid the city of a murderer who has taken, at last count, nearly a dozen of her citizens. We’re entitled to combat pay, I surmise.”还要收费,让小塔说这些话真是在合适不过了。“Sorry about the fire, Mat,” Talmanes said. “Didn’t mean to drop the lantern like that. I know I was just supposed to lead him into the building.”我还以为是他演技好。Excitement’s over for now. About bloody time.解决了一个凶险,再面对下一个更大的凶险。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Epilogue And After - Epilogue And After

Shaidar HaranShe was in her elegant manor house a few leagues from Ebou Dar.哟,她去Ebou Dar了。That fool Isam, Graendal thought, stuffing the papers in her pack. And that idiot Whitecloak!Byre是黑暗之友?还是说,他和Mesama的情况差不多?其实还是她自己蠢吧,一个Gateway就解决的事,计划个屁啊。 “Three Chosen, destroyed by your actions.Mesaana,aran'gar,还有一个是...
Perrin Aybara
Boundless (Noam)——他是因为做人太苦主动做的狼,不是无法控制自己。所以Perrin这傻逼十几卷都白发愁了。
Talmanes DelovindeAnd besides, someday he would find that Shaido who had killed his father. Then Olver would get his vengeance.这和后来霄晨艾伊尔战争会有关系吗?说起来,本来霄晨和艾伊尔不算有仇恨,霄晨抓的Wise ones多数是Perrin送给他们的,跟着他的wise ones还说活该。最后他们之间产生巨大的仇恨,还是因为,他们太相似了?
Noal was a good one to take, and if Mat could only take three, well…Noal could fight better than Olver. So it made sense for him to go.咱还真明理啊。His piece was on the center spot.
“I won!” he exclaimed.就像以前说过的,狐狸和蛇的游戏,可能是有一条唯一的获胜路线的,但是几率小到接近于零。
Mat一直不想让自己的运气影响Olver的游戏乐趣,所以只是“陪”Olver玩,从没有摸过骰子,而且他认为这游不可能赢,从来没有赢的欲望。而这个时候,Mat需要赢得真正的狐狸和蛇游戏,他强大的需求,也影响了Olver的游戏,所以这个游戏就变得可以赢了。Honestly, Mat could be so prim sometimes, acting as if Olver could not take care of himself.Mat会被人这么说啊,哈哈。
If you are opening this, then I am dead. I had planned to return and release you of your oath in a single day. There are many potential complications to my next task, however, and a large chance that I will not survive. I needed to know that I’d left someone behind who could see this work done.
Fortunately, if there’s one thing I believe I can rely upon, it is your curiosity. I suspect you lasted a few days before opening this letter, which is long enough for me to have returned if I were going to. Therefore, this task falls upon you.
There is a Waygate in Caemlyn. It is guarded, barricaded, and thought secure. It is not.
An enormous force of Shadowspawn moves through the Ways toward Caemlyn. I do not know when they left exactly, but there should be time to stop them. You must reach the Queen and persuade her to destroy the Waygate. It can be done; walling it up will not suffice. If you cannot destroy it, the Queen must bring all of her forces to bear upon guarding the location.
If you fail in this, I fear Caemlyn will be lost before the month is out.
Verin Mathwin可以看到:
1. Verin去Tar Valon和Mat去Caemlyn是同一天,而不是之前我以为的很多天之后,所以,Mat到达Caemlyn那天,Verin死去。这样时间就可以同步了,http://www.stevenac.net/wot/tl1000.htm这个时间表还是有问题的。
2. TPOD中的Eg的预知梦实现:Mat, weighing two Aes Sedai on a huge set of balance scales, and on his decision depended....She could not say what; something vast; the world, perhaps.两个沙袋是Moiraine和Verin。
3. Verin对Mat彻底判断错误,导致了这次失策。她不像沐姐和Mat相处的时间很长,也不像出身市井的四万,一看就知道Mat是哪种人。他们的所有接触都是在匕首诅咒期间,所以Verin在12卷前,根本没见过正常的Mat,说她不认识他都时可以的。所以她认为Mat一定扛不住好奇心,却不知道他一定会遵守承诺。
Barriga——给序章的Malenarin Rai写信要去访问他的商人。
Smoke rose from Heeth Tower behind. That was where his caravan had been going. How could this be happening?就是序章中被兽人攻击的塔,这么说Malenarin Rai,和他未满十四岁的儿子Keemlin,都死了?我上次看把他们和小狼弄混,还以为他们都获救了...
好惨。Barriga stuttered, looking at that horrific maw and the glee in this man’s eyes as he reached in for the kill. These weren’t Aiel. They were something else.这些带着红面纱的人是谁呢?
Rand al'Thor
Rand自己造梦。 Those beautiful, terrible eyes. Rand gasped, releasing her hand. The face was different. But he did know that soul. “Mierin? You’re dead. I saw you die!”为什么Lanfear会出现在这里?
al'Lan Mandragoran
他们到达Tarwin's Gap了。“Lord of the Seven Towers, Defender of the Wall of First Fires, Bearer of the Sword of the Thousand Lakes! I was once named Aan’allein, but I reject that title, for I am alone no more. Fear me, Shadow! Fear me and know. I have returned for what is mine. I may be a king without a land. But I am still a king!Lan的称号好长。好热血。
黑暗预言:Lo, it shall come upon the world that the prison of the Greatest One shall grow weak, like the limbs of those who crafted it. Once again, His glorious cloak shall smother the Pattern of all things, and the Great Lord shall stretch forth His hand to claim what is His. The rebellious nations shall be laid barren, their children caused to weep. There shall be none but Him, and those who have turned their eyes to His majesty.

In that day, when the One-Eyed Fool travels the halls of mourning, and the First Among Vermin lifts his hand to bring freedom to Him who will Destroy, the last days of the Fallen Blacksmith’s pride shall come. Yea, and the Broken Wolf, the one whom Death has known, shall fall and be consumed by the Midnight Towers. And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself.

And then, shall the Lord of the Evening come. And He shall take our eyes, for our souls shall bow before Him, and He shall take our skin, for our flesh shall serve Him, and He shall take our lips, for only Him will we praise. And the Lord of the Evening shall face the Broken Champion, and shall spill his blood and bring us the Darkness so beautiful. Let the screams begin, O followers of the Shadow. Beg for your destruction!
—from The Prophecies of the Shadow前一段和后一段,大约都是黑暗必胜之类的意思
中间,One-Eyed Fool是Mat,halls of mourning意义不明,Noal?
First Among Vermin和 Him who will Destroy分别是谁?
Fallen Blacksmith 和Broken Wolf都是Perrin?后者也可能是Hopper,因为the one whom Death has known,,所以引起了Graendal的误解。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 17 Partings, and a Meeting - Chapter 17 Partings, and a Meeting

Mat Cauthon
愉快的旅途终于结束,这些人要离开队伍,去Tar Valon了。
Juilin Sandar
Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault(Thera)
Teslyn Baradon
Joline Maza
Edesina Azzedin
Bethamin Zeami
Seta Zarbey
Leilwin Shipless
Bayle Domon
Chel Vanin——负责护送和去白塔侦查
Thom Merrilin——当然不会走了。
Setalle Anan——她有新的生活,不会回去了。
Learn to channel. That’ll be more use than dying. Maybe someday you two can convince Tuon of the truth. Help me find a way to fix this without causing the Empire to collapse.两句话赋予希望,殿下是很厉害的,只是自己不知道。That’s how Rand felt, Mat thought. Poor fool.小小的领悟时刻,终于开始理解你哥了? he caught a glimpse of Rand shaving in a fine, gilded mirror hanging in a beautiful bathing chamber.这时候Rand还没有去Bandar Eban?She had obviously expected Elayne to welcome her and the others with open arms, not turn them away from the palace without an audience.她们被Elayne拒绝过了,Elayne不知道她们和Mat在一起。“I’ve still half a mind to return someday and see the job done properly.”
“I’ll wait breathlessly for that, then,” he said, 调情的气场还在。
这章写的异常有感觉呢,是RJ的遗稿,还是BS终于找到了点感觉?The White Tower has something of mine, and it’s nearly time that I reclaimed it. I don’t want to, but what I want never seems to matter a whisker, these days. So I’ll be coming, and I don’t mean to be bloody turned away.唉,其实和你已经没什么关系了,小酱油。责任真是神奇呢,不想要的时候,自己压过来,向承担的时候,它却不在那里了。She was a capable girl; she could probably handle it without him for a while.虽然Mat对Eg的看法不太对,但是,这个态度,和Eg的一再利用真是不一样。“I’m trying to get back to my basic roots,” Mat said. “You know, recapture some of my lost youth.”对Joline的恶作剧,是垂死狂欢?“You’re barely twenty winters old!”这时候他们三个是21岁。 I might be back. I should be back. But if I don’t, I…Well, I would rather he not be left alone.”向Anan交代后事...
Elayne Trakand
Sumeko Karistovan——善长治疗的
Alise Tenjile——奈奈都很佩服的,擅长管理。“Because I am safe. Min had a viewing. My babes will be born healthy. Min is never wrong, Birgitte.”就算不是死旗,也觉着会发生什么事。And what about the people around you? Give you no thought to the danger you could cause them?是啊。“I feel bad for Vandene and Sareitha,” Elayne said. “And for those men who died to rescue me. Don’t dare imply that I feel no responsibility for them! But a queen must be willing to accept the burden of letting others die in her name. 该死的统治阶级。Alise was the shorter of the two, with gray streaking her brown hair, and she was weaker in the Power, so she hadn’t slowed in aging as much as Sumeko.这和强大成都有关系?I see no reason to not offer you support directly from the Crown.”
“At what cost?” Alise asked. Sumeko was watching with a confused frown.Alise真敏锐。
不过Elayne说到底是为了Andor这个国家,对抗霄晨,勉强接受吧。I won’t accept some halfway measure, forced to scrape and bow every time a sister comes along and wants me to wash her clothing. But I won’t stop channeling, either.虽然引导能力不强,但她和奈奈是类似的女人。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 57 A Rabbit for Supper - Chapter 57 A Rabbit for Supper

Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
Moiraine DamodredIt seemed that the spear returned him to his world in the place where he had entered.所以芬兰和这个世界的地点也不是对应的。“I beat you, you crusty boot-leavings! I, Matrim Cauthon, survived your traps! Ha!”还Ha!That dampened Mat’s spirits. Their victory had come at a price, a terrible one. Mat had been traveling with a legend all this time?传奇对传奇啦。When had he figured it out? Why had he said nothing to Mat? Some friend Thom was.呀,友谊破裂了。Though I wouldn’t call it ‘feeding off’ so much as ‘delighting in’ emotion.就是像吸毒一样。Moiraine said, grimacing. Light, had Moiraine grimaced before? She had been too high-and-mighty for that, had she not? Or was Mat remembering her wrong?还是用对沐姐的印象写成长。其实人家沐姐当年调皮活泼着呢。Well, like talking to Birgitte Silverbow or Jain Farstrider. Mat smiled, shaking his head. What a world this was, and what a strange place he had in it.这几段心理描写,真是温柔啊。“They claimed to have killed Lanfear by draining her too quickly, though I think they may have been trying to make me afraid. 反正Lanfear是死了。 A man was there once, when they woke me. He said I was not the one he wanted.Moridin?找Lanfear?还毁坏了出口?为什么黑暗一方进出贞洁之塔跟玩儿似的?I asked for it, actually, as one of my three demands.一个愿望是要这个ter'angreal,还有两个呢?She smiled. “I shall keep that to myself, for now. You do have my thanks, young Matrim. For my life.”啊,这下满足了吧。Maybe Mat was not the hero here, and maybe Noal was not either.总觉得别人是比自己更好的英雄,这个可爱的年轻人。‘By the Dragon came our pain, and by the Dragon was the wound repaired.’真龙预言,清洁Saidin。“Yes, you told me Rahvin had killed Morgase.”
“I did? When?”
“A lifetime ago, Matrim,” she replied, smiling.Mat带回Morgase被杀的消息,Moiraine就知道自己要走进大红门了。“You accidentally married the Seanchan Empress?”哈哈,真是太不小心了。“Dearest Thom,” she said. “I would have you for a husband, if you’ll have me for a wife.”
“What?” Mat said, standing up. He raised a hand to his forehead, nearly knocking his hat free. “What did you say?”哈哈哈哈,啊哈哈哈哈。还是这个家伙能让我笑啊。 I was with the two of you most of the time you were together! When did you become affectionate?是啊,什么时候呢?他们是在来到两河之前就认识的,还是在Tear?总不会因为沐姐个伊蒙村民讲曼艾瑟兰故事太像Gleeman,玛丽莲就爱上了她吧。Mat pulled his hat back on. “That may be true, but you’ll never see me bloody trapped by one. No offense, Moiraine. I like you well enough. But to be bonded to a woman? 似乎Tuon最后也没绑他,不过,还是各种预兆。 Once there, he made a small cairn for Noal, then tipped his hat to it and sat down to wait and think.虽然被感激了,可也很快变成电灯泡了。Yes, he might not be able to judge distance, and he might not be able to see as well. But luck worked better when you were not looking anyway.这最后一段,好感人啊。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Glossary - Glossary

以Verin信中I had planned to return and release you of your oath in a single day.为根据,Verin回到白塔,Mat去Caemlyn是同一天,Saven 21,但是网上的时间表,这是在Adar-22,也就是Verin在Mat去贞洁之塔的当天回到白塔,这显然是不对的,大概因为这个时间表形成的时候,TOM还没有出版。
Mat去贞洁之塔是Amadaine 21或22,这一天Perrin去Field of Merrilor,Elayne,Eg也在相近的时间到达,Rand则在这前一天会见边境人。
所以这卷的结束时间大约是Amadaine 22或23。
Rand:Dragon reborn,Shadowkiller,He Who Comes With the Dawn,KinSlayer? Car'a'carn,LTT,征服Tear,Cairhien,Andor,Aes Sedai的效忠,Illian,又一些沙袋的效忠,海民的交易,清洁saidin,黑化
Perrin:Wolfbrother, Young bull,Blacksmith,Golden eye,丈夫,Lord Perrin of Two Rivers, Wolf King
Mat:Gambler,Trickster,Son of battles,Captain General Commander,Tylin的一系列小动物昵称,Pretty, Toy, Prince of Ravens。
Egwene:Novice, Damane, Tuli,Accepted, Amyrlin Seat
Elayne:Daughter-heir, Novice,Accepted, Aes Sedai
Nynaeve:Accepted, Aes Sedar,清洁Shaidin,el'Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 18 The Strength of This Place - Chapter 18 The Strength of This Place

Perrin Aybara
狼梦。They had been here long enough that signs had appeared in the wolf dream.在真实世界存在一定时间,才会出现在TAR,和概率有关系,量子力学?A signet ring. He didn’t recognize the signet, a winged dagger,Galad的徽记。But he’d never tried visiting the place in the wolf dream.为什么,因为他是个傻逼砍手魔。
我呸!A translucent violet wall that cut directly through the roadway.这是神马?
Rodel Ituralde的POV:
Rodel Ituralde——他一个Arad Doman人却在守卫边境
Captain Finsas
Lord Rajabi——Arad Doman贵族,真龙信徒,死了。
Lieutenant Nils
Captain Creedin
Maradon:这就是他们阻止兽人攻陷的城市,Saldaea的首都。确定无疑的,Sladaea是我在Randland上唯一讨厌的的一个国家。Those weren’t boulders: they were corpses.用投石机投掷尸体攻击,地狱般的场景啊。
Faile Bashere
Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
Annoura Larisen

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 43 Some Tea - Chapter 43 Some Tea

继续Perrin伟光正。Once, accepting Aes Sedai Healing hadn’t bothered him nearly so much.虽然Galad是白袍,但他从小在Andor长大,Elaida一直在他附近,还在白塔修行过,接受治疗对他来说是很平常的事吧,有文字记载的,他在白塔被Mat打,之后就一堆花痴沙袋涌上去给他救治,相信他当时不会觉得多烦躁。之后就加入白袍了,所以沙袋治疗他这种事,应该从没有给他带来过烦恼吧。我觉得是BS写矛盾了。
Alliandre Maritha Kigarin的POV

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 28 Oddities - Chapter 28 Oddities

Faile Bashere
Perrin Aybara
Perrin Aybara
Slayer A massive steel tower stretched toward the turbulent sky.进入TAR却到了贞洁之塔。“Mat,” Perrin said, without understanding how he knew. The colors didn’t appear. They never did in the wolf dream.为什么会有这种感应呢,Mat想的事,却在梦世界引导Perrin?Hopper paced nearby. We have seen this thing before, he sent. Long, long ago. So many lives ago.是用ter'angreal隔绝出一个区域,不能通过瞬移从里面出来或者进去,但是从墙硬冲进去是可以的。因为这个ter'angreal的影响,Gateway失效。还是那个问题,男性Gateway不是不通过TAR的?不懂。“No,” Perrin agreed. “Not now. Now we practice.” He turned to the wolf. “As we will do every night until I am ready.很奇怪,向师傅学艺,对付敌人的情节,这是不是第一次在WOT中出现?太晚了吧,别人都成长的差不多了,开始牺牲,他倒获取起来了。
Rodel Ituralde的POV
Rodel Ituralde
Deepe Bhadar——显然没有疯的阿傻首领
Cordamora Palace —— Maradon皇宫<原文开始>“They have channelers, Lord Ituralde,” Deepe said.</原文结束>是谁?传说中的Dreadlord?“Then my Asha’man could stay and help.”很热血呢,不过,忽然进入美国战争片模式了哦,热血的话说一半就会被炸飞哦。还好没死。Blessedly, the enemy channelers had not appeared. 为什么只大炸了一次就停手了?Men appeared at windows of “burning” buildings—the fires carefully created in sectioned-off rooms—and began loosing arrows down into the large courtyard.小狼利用了Maradon房屋的不易燃,把兵力埋伏在里面。Because his every instinct screamed that he should have abandoned this city hours ago.虽然小胜,恐怕也坚持不了多久咯。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 25 Return to Bandar Eban - Chapter 25 Return to Bandar Eban

Min Farshaw
Rand al'Thor
Milisair Chadmar——上次被Rand关起来,差点被毒死的女商人,Rand一走她就逃了。
Lain——Bandar Eban的匪徒
Iralin——港口管理员,在Rand上次离开Bandar Eban的时候,他告诉Rand粮食都已腐坏,那时Rand没有理他。他在港口很坚持地看守者,怕难民抢走腐坏的食物吃掉生病。
Milis din Shalada Three Stars——Whitecap的Sailmistress 。
光明大王,兰德奥索,神圣降临,班达易班。圣光环绕,退却黑暗,万物复苏,人民振奋。“Rand, you aren’t responsible for this,” Min said. “You weren’t here to…”说错话咯。虽然好多人,包括Rand自己都说,抱大腿拯救和守护了Rand的心灵,可我真不喜欢她的方式。Rand had sent his father—along with one of the Asha’man—to the Two Rivers to prepare and gather them for the Last Battle.Tam回两河了。
Rand:I see dark clouds, pushed away by the sunlight’s warmth. I see you, a brilliant white sword held in your hand, wielded against one of black, held by a faceless darkness. I see trees, growing green again, bearing fruit. I see a field, the crops healthy and full.” She hesitated. “I see the Two Rivers, Rand. I see an inn there with the mark of the Dragon’s Fang inlaid on its door. No longer a symbol of darkness or hate. A sign of victory and hope.”一切就这样顺利起来了?要不要Louis Armstrong来唱一唱啊。说起来这张喜气洋洋的也有点BS味道呢。
Durnham:“I see a silver axe above that man’s head,” she said, pointing to a bearded beggar, who lay against a wall, his chin down against his chest. “He will be a leader in the Last Battle.无名女人:That woman there—the one sulking in the shadows—she will be trained by the White Tower and become Aes Sedai. I can see the Flame of Tar Valon beside her, and I know what it means. Votabek:That man over there who looks like a simple street tough? He will save her life. I know he doesn’t look like it, but he will fight. All of them will. I can see it!
真是打了鸡血的一章啊。He searched her eyes with his own, so deep. She didn’t back down. She could meet the eyes of this sheepherder.这个search还是稍稍有点别扭的。Bond都不够啊。“No,” Rand said. “You’re more vital than them all. You remind me who I am. Besides, you think more clearly than most of those who call themselves my counselors. You could be a queen, if you wished it.”我看她比奈奈差远了,甚至比不上凯姨,更不要说沐姐。她那一套调情方式,看似敢反驳其实事事顺着Rand而且特别能刷存在感,真是很讨厌呢。“Bandar Eban has suffered enough beneath the hands of outsiders. Today, she will not know the hand of a conqueror.”所以不从外面调军队过来了。Rand began walking toward the ships. Iralin followed, looking confused, perhaps because Rand hadn’t yelled at him.咱过去的形象好差。It fell to the side, and golden barley spilled from it across the floor of the hold, not a single speck of darkness on it. The barley looked as if it had just been harvested, each grain plump and full.圣光大王再次显灵,食物都变好了。 I’m naming you to the Merchant Council.”Iralin也得到了报偿,成为Rand在Bandar Eban的代理。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 35 The Right Thing - Chapter 35 The Right Thing

Egwene al'Vere
Silviana Brehon
不高兴的事情不要多提了。“If they do appear,” Egwene said, “you will not let yourself be drawn into a fight.”Still之后的四万实在像个小孩子啊,自己还说不是。“See to your safety tonight,” Egwene said. “I would not lose you.”人是还得变坏点吗,要是一二三卷的Eg说出这些话我不会觉得怎样,Amyrlin说出来就觉得还挺温暖。“There has been no news of him,” Silviana replied. “I sent a messenger for him this afternoon, but the messenger hasn’t returned. I suspect that Gawyn is delaying his reply to be difficult.”还以为Gawyn只是嘴上说说,还真的没有回来,这男的够多么自私啊,明知道血刃在白塔威胁自己爱的女人,为了怄气硬是不来,后来赶上也算他运气好了。时轮里这么多男的,非反面角色里只有他能做得出这等事。真不知道Eg爱他什么,除了脸蛋子。

Galadedrid Damodred
Alaabar Harnesh
Dain Bornhald
Jaret ByarWe’ll make for Lugard. We can recruit and resupply, then continue on toward Andor.那便是取道白桥,目标都是Caemlyn。e shook his head. Finding answers should be easy. The right thing always came to him.真是幸福呢,快三十岁了还遇到不到什么难辩是非的事。
略I. But I have the wolf within me. This place is our dream. 什么意思呢,TAR到底是什么,狼梦构成的,所以Eg和wise ones也是过客了?TAR真是狼梦构成的的话,我之前对Patter的理解不就有不对了嘛。His eyes seemed black, his square face shadowed, his tall body muscular and dangerous. As he often did, he wore a smile.说起来,一个带着阴冷微笑的Lan,很酷啊,还有Luc也是,Slayer加油啊。It is here in its reality,那个ter'angreal在梦中是真实的,如果TAR真是狼梦构成的,那这个ter'angreal又是怎么回事,显然是熟悉TAR的沙袋制作的,狼恐怕没这个本事把。所以还是认为只是狼更适应TAR而已。He would take the spike someplace safe, someplace where Slayer couldn’t find it....

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 14 A Vow - Chapter 14 A Vow

Egwene al'Vere
Nynaeve al'Meara
Elayne Trakand
Alviarin Freidhen——和Talva使用Sheriam偷来的ter'angreal进入梦世界袭击Eg。Remarkably, none of them had borne any kind of rot.Rand的圣光遗留。“Please take care,” Egwene said, summoning herself a cup of tea. “I am not only one of those fools, my friend, but I am their leader. Queen of the fools, you might say.”唉,我也不喜欢沙袋,看到艾伊尔看不上沙袋,想想她们的理由...这个烦人的世界啊。Tell them that you’re sending women to us to study our ways so we can understand one another.奥,人家学习她的方式,她却傲慢地鄙视对方,不打算学对方的方式,这叫什么互相理解啊,虽然Wise ones一直被刻画的好似什么都懂似的,可是她们的格局真的不大。gwene smiled. She did want the Wise Ones to train in the Tower. 这是正道,好好考虑下哦,否则会灭族的。There, set into the glass below the Flame of Tar Valon, was a large segment in the shape of the Dragon’s Fang. 这是未来的投射?“You’ll have me kneeling on the ground,” Nynaeve said. “Kissing your ring.”咦,在Salidar不是叫过Mother了吗?出去野了几个月又接受不来了?Egwene had suspected it for a time. Could she have bonded him?是滴。“You’re pregnant!” Nynaeve accused suddenly, pointing at Elayne.Elayne的两个秘密一下都被揭穿了。Nynaeve has been around him too much, Egwene thought. She was likely caught up by his ta’veren nature. 才不是啦,是暗地奈奈比你们单纯,也愿意了解Rand。Nynaeve shrugged. “I’ll do the testing. If I’m going to come back, then I might as well do this properly.”在Arad Doman的时候,为了帮Daigian Moseneillin排解忧伤而学的。“Unfortunately, there’s nobody else I can ask. I need more dream ter’angreal.”给谁用啊。Before the Seanchan attack, Verin came to—”这儿看得很着急,一直想知道,Eg到底有没有告诉Elayne Duhara Basaheen是黑宗,可是还要被打断。Had she just seen a flutter of black cloth, ducking around a corner? 谁?They moved to the hillside where she’d been earlier, a place where she could give a more detailed explanation of events they’d missed.有没有说Duhara的事啊。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 44 A Backhanded Request - Chapter 44 A Backhanded Request

Morgase Trakand
Basel Gill
Lini Eltring
Lamgwin Dorn——酒店保镖
Breane Taborwin——Cairhien落魄的女贵族
Martyn TallanvorAs she waited, she noticed someone riding up the path from Whitebridge. Tallanvor.Tallanvor老家在白桥

这个不能略。A hand suddenly jutted out from behind the trunk, holding a brown sack. “I caught a badger,” a familiar voice said. “Want to let it go on the village green?”看到这眼睛就湿了,Mat在全书的第一句台词:Dav and I caught a big old badger, all grouchy at being pulled out of his den. We're going to let it loose on the Green and watch the girls ran.真是恍如隔世。He rounded the tree’s trunk and found a figure in a high-collared red coat—trimmed with gold—and fine brown trousers sitting on the tree’s exposed roots额,玛丽莲又给他买了一件啊,不能仗着救沐姐就这样吧。No colors, fortunately, spun in Perrin’s eyes now that they were near one another. 看现场就不需要直播了。“A lifetime,” Mat said. “Maybe two. I lose count. 不是恍如隔世而是,真的隔了一世。“Meet me in an inn called The Happy Throng, in Caemlyn. 坏盆友。ow had he gotten past Grady? Light!是啊,Perrin既没有听到他,也没有闻到他,真是好奇怪呢。大概因为Mat其实是个死人,呵呵。Perrin shook his head to himself, then bent to untie the sack and ease the poor badger Mat had captured.TDR CH42 的标题和旅店的名字,据说是只有乔丹夫妇才知道的梗。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 54 The Light of the World - Chapter 54 The Light of the World

Mat Cauthon
Thom Merrilin
Noal Charin
Moiraine Damodred
Aelfinn“You knew I’d come marching back to your bloody realm, didn’t you? You knew you’d have me eventually.”会不会最后还是要落在Finns手里?“We are the near ancient, the warriors of final regret, the knowers of secrets.”Eelfinn的自称。He carried a long, wicked bronze knife, with a crosswork pattern of roses along its length and thorns sticking out near the top of the crossguard.又是铜刀子。He shivered as he saw the Eelfinn’s blood on the ground begin to steam. White steam, as in the other chambers, but this had shapes in it.好像看这段的电影呢。“Once this goes off, I’m going to close my eyes and spin about.”这叫人体骰子。Thom let out a whoop. “Mat, you wood-headed shepherd! For this, I’ll let you play my harp!”玛丽莲居然说出这种话来啊。谁稀罕你的竖琴啊哼哼。All three pulled to a halt. “Mirrors,” Noal said. “I’ve seen it before. That’s how they do it,镜子吗?我觉得还是魔法。Eight tips and only the one doorway. Those glowing yellow strips ran up the sharp ends of the room, and eight empty pedestals stood, black and ominous, one at each point.到了。Her hands rested atop her stomach, and there was a strange bracelet of something that looked like aged ivory on her left wrist.
Moiraine.看到这里,眼睛有点湿但又在想,哎呀,沐姐给Mat看光光了。That did not make him any less angry with her, but it did make him grateful. Burn her, but this was a confusing set of emotions!真是很动人的一段呢。Light! Mat had forgotten how small she was. A good head shorter than he was.写成长,这种方法不算特新鲜,但绝对有效,原来自己一直仰望的人,其实这样娇小吗?我第一次看的时候,还想,BS到底是年轻作家,成长写得真好,可这段其实是RJ写的啊。It was in the shape of a man bent backward with his wrists bound to his ankles, clothed in a strange suit of clothing.高级angreal,这不是沐姐当初扔在地上诱惑Lanfear的那个?
Mat的三个要求“I want the way out restored as part of the bargain,” Mat said. “I want it back where it was and open again.“I want you to leave that way out open until we get through,” Mat continued. “No blocking it up or making it bloody vanish when we arrive. And I want the way to be direct, no changing rooms about. A straight pathway. And you bloody foxes can’t knock us unconscious or try to kill us or anything like that.”这个要求有漏洞,Mat说话不够深思熟虑的缺点,以及Finns的狡猾:Aelfinn一直没有露面。“We take her,” Mat said. “We get out.”
而代价:“I’ll pay it,” Mat announced. “Half the light of the world.” To save the world.Somehow, Mat knew. A part of him had known from the first time he had read that note.这是看这本书第二次惊呼,原来他早就知道!和Perrin那次是完全不同的感觉。看他之前的顽皮笑闹,曾经很难过的想,这小子一副洋洋自得的样子,知不知道自己就要变成残疾人了啊。
Well burn me for a fool, Mat thought. Maybe I am a hero after all. Didn’t that beat all?这是他的领悟时刻? An almost invisible vapor of red and white.都有形化了吗?“How it twists around him!” said the one who had taken his eye. “How it spins! Scents of blood in the air! And the gambler becomes the center of all! I can taste fate itself!”这段居然写得,Finns的快感太强烈,太兴奋,总觉得有些性欲的东西在里面似的。He was not leaving his hat, burn him. It was a bloody good hat.Lanfear卖给他的帽子。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 45 A Reunion - Chapter 45 A Reunion

Elayne Trakand
Melfane Dawlish——产婆
Halwin Norry——第一书记
Dyelin Taravin
Galadedrid Damodred
Morgase Trakand
She had spent the entire night trying to channel enough to make her dream ter’angreal work, to no avail.Elayne缺席的原因,否则就俩孕妇大战黑宗了。It had been about a week since the testing of the dragons, and she’d put all of the bellfounders in her nation to work on creating them. 所以Mat到Caemlyne应该至少有20天了。She had a letter from Talmanes, agreeing to move several companies of soldiers from the Band of the Red Hand to Cairhien.小塔就是Cairhien人呢,现在他是不是和阿傻们一样,不在乎国家,只对个人忠诚呢?The nobility there might accept you as their queen, but only if they see themselves as equals to the Andorans.其实Elayne连Cairhien都没去过。He had a square jaw and a set of focused eyes that Elayne remembered well from her childhood—mostly when he had noticed her doing something wrong.呃,大美人Galad是个方下巴呀,霍霍。Elayne controlled her thoughts, controlled her panic. She was Queen, or she would have been Queen, or…Light! 这矜持的母女相见,政客真是无聊的生物啊。“Old Pedron Niall was a gentleman in most respects, but his successor was not. I would not let myself be used against Andor.其实Niall也是在利用她,而且成功了。Light, they’d actually been telling the truth when they’d written, claiming to have Morgase in their possession?Jaichim Carridin在Ebou Dar给她的信,这个序章常客也死了好久了(其实不到半年吧)。I didn’t like how he looked at you even then, mind you.第一卷Rand就是一副好色相吗?
AviendhaTsodrelle’Aman. Tears of the Dragon, Rand在Rhuidean附近弄出的湖。They had awakened in her shadows of memories, things from potential futures that Aviendha had seen in the rings during her first visit to Rhuidean, but that her mind could not quite recall, at least not directly.是关于艾伊尔的存亡吗?And then the Seanchan had captured many Aiel and made Wise Ones into damane; 多亏了Perrin呢,你们自己的wise ones也屁也没放一个,还觉着活该呢。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 12 An Empty Ink Bottle - Chapter 12 An Empty Ink Bottle

Min Farshaw
Nynaeve al'Meara
Sarene Nemdahl——非常美丽的白宗Was he in Andor, perhaps? Or in the Borderlands?能感觉到他在北方,都想不到会在Tar Valon“A man should not be condemned for what he ‘nearly’ did, Nynaeve. He stopped himself.”忽然想起来,Min和Nynaeve年纪差不多,可能最多小个一两岁,奈奈受Saidin滋润,看上去可能还要比她年轻些。“Alanna is gone,” Sarene continued, unruffled. “Vanished right from her chambers. 咋回事捏?
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
Rafela Cindal——蓝宗,向Rand效忠的Salidar沙袋,这些人有阵子不出来不查百科真不记得是谁。我就不信老外能记住。
Bera Harkin——绿宗,还是被派去荒漠找Rand,后来加入使团,最终向Rand效忠的Salidar沙袋。
Nynaeve al'Meara
Min FarshawOnly an empty ink bottle remained.点题,有什么特别的意思?Had Min yet figured out the real reason the Aiel trailed her?不完全是为了保护她,是怕黑暗方抓到她逼问Rand的下落。If agents of the Dark One had taken her, there would be no hiding Rand from them. 其实Rand本来就是暴露在黑暗中的吧。至少Moridin是可以找到他的。“He’s here,” Min said softly.回来了。

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 39 In the Three-fold Land - Chapter 39 In the Three-fold Land

She had grown soft there. How could one not grow soft in that place? It would have to be abandoned. Soon.这样想的话,还是不成熟。The woman had furrowed skin, and she could not channel—Aviendha could sense that easily.有人说Nakomi就是Verin,她说话的语气和悠闲姿态,和Verin是很像。这件事发生的时间不明,很难说在Verin去世之前还是之后。可是这个女人没有沙袋脸,也不能引导,如果她使用disguising,并且隐藏了编织,Av是否能看出来?Disguising能隐藏引导属性吗?而且她对艾伊尔风俗极为熟悉,Verin即使博学,是否能达到让Av全不起疑的程度?Three-fold, for the three things it did to us. It punished us for sin. It tested our courage. It formed an anvil to shape us.三绝之地的意义。“But if we had to come here to be forged into something of strength,” Nakomi said, “does that not suggest that the tests we were to face—in the wetlands—were as dangerous as the Three-fold-land itself? 很犀利的问题呢。“So, once we have fought for the Car’a’carn, we will have met that toh. And therefore will have no reason to be punished further. If that is the case, why would we return to this land? Would that not be like seeking more punishment, once toh is met?”真是犀利。Why grow harder? For the sake of being hard itself?有艾伊尔认真想过这个问题吗?Upon returning to the fire, Aviendha saw that Nakomi’s pack and plate were gone. She waited up for a time, but the woman did not return.这个女人,向Av提示了艾伊尔的前途问题,为什么呢?

《TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT 午夜塔》的笔记-Chapter 32 A Storm of Light - Chapter 32 A Storm of Light

Rodel Ituralde的POV:
Rodel Ituralde
Davram Bashere
Rand al'Thor
Vram Torkumen——Maradon代理城主,Bashere的外甥,在Rand圣光下现形的黑暗黑暗之友,疯了并且自挖双目,他老婆也自杀了。The Asha’man were gone, escaping at his order through the tiny gateway城陷在即,阿傻们也撤走了。They seemed ghosts for a moment—glowing in a phantom golden light from above, a sun he had not seen in months.圣光降临。Rand的援兵来了。He was laughing, and he could not stop. Soon tears began streaking down his cheeks.名将都喜欢神经质地狂笑啊。She’s always been fond of him. Bah! She normally has better judgment.”我可看不出来。这家女的除了做状还会什么。Rand al’Thor had changed.这么明显呢。Don’t be a thickheaded fool, Ituralde thought, you can’t tell if a man is wise by looking at his eyes.
And yet he could.所以小狼不是黑暗之友啦。Never did find out why that trumpeter sounded early. 因为Torkumen之流的黑暗之友在捣乱吧。Al’Thor raised one hand, then thrust it—palm forward—toward the tide of Shadowspawn.如来神掌。其实是编织了一个小时,类似在提尔巨岩,专门针对Shadowspawn的编织,杀死了万余。“I’m not sure he was talking about the battle, Vogeler,” Bashere said. “Come on. I suspect the Lord Dragon is going to be tired. I want to see that he’s cared for.”是否也证明了Bashere不是黑暗之友,尽管他可疑过?
Min Farshaw
Rand al'Thor
Rodel Ituralde——随Rand回到Tear
Damer Flinn——Narishma哪儿去了?
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
King Alsalam Saeed Almadar——CH13 Rand派Cadsuane去找的人就是他,他没有落在Graendal手里,而是被沙袋劫往白塔,中途为气候所困。小狼见到了自己的国王。Light is held before the maw of the infinite void, and all that he is can be seized.Min在研究的话,好难懂。Before, I tried to hold it all hidden within. That was wrong. I must feel.不是真的成佛了,还好 I will organize you, but I must leave you. The war will be yours.据说后来是分成了,人,神,TAR。“Have you ever wondered why Callandor is so often called a ‘fearful blade’ or ‘the blade of ruin’ in the prophecies?”记一笔。“There’s a phrase,” Min said, “in the Jendai Prophecy. I wish we knew more of them. Anyway, it says ‘and the Blade will bind him by twain.’”Rand认为这是指的二女一男,但Min又开始怀疑。



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