


  Many people believe that America has gone too far in protecting copyright at the expenseof the public good, including, it seems, the commission, which said last year that it saw noneed to lift its own 50-year limit. Its deadline for proposals on copyright law has slipped fromthis year to 2006. But governments are likely to weigh in on the issue. France, Italy and Por-tugal have indicated that they support an extension of the term, and Britain is likely to stickup for its own music major, EMI.  Although artists and their estates want longer copyright, the big music firms would bene-fit from it the most, especially in the next couple of decades, says Stephen King, chairmanof the Association of United Recording Artists and manager of the Libertines. (45)Now they have wised up about making deals. The best guarantee of financial security——saferthan clinging on to copyright——is hiring a good lawyer early on.  [A] He is unlikely to produce such a big hit in the near future, so more of his attentionis directed to revising the old song and selling it to more people.  [ B] Back in the 1950s, he says, performers got only one-tenth of the share of royaltiesthat they do now. For years, artists have, with good reason, accused big record labels ofripping them off.  [C] This month, early recordings by Elvis himself started to enter Europe s public do-main. Over the next few decades a torrent of the most popular tracks from the Beatles, theRolling Stones and many other artists will become public property in Europe——to the pleasureof fans and the consternation of the music industry.  [ D ] The music industry also points out that America gives artists almost twice as muchcopyright protection as Europe. America has repeatedly lengthened copyright terms, with thelatest reprieve, the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, giving performersprotection for 95 years after publication.  [ E] But when the attention is shifted from Europe to America, artists should feel muchbetter because the length of copyright protection there is even shorter. It seems that theAmerican government is more interested in serving the public than the already very rich art-isis.  [ F] Music executives want the European Commission to protect them from such unwel-come competition by extending the copyright term.  [ G] And that estimate accounts only for songs up to the end of the 1950s. Far more willbe at risk as music from the 1960s and 1970s moves out of copyright.


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