


fretted over 恼火or 脑火 从前后文看,也不至于使布莱克恼火,只是可能卷入旷日持久的辩论中

《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第90页 - 越看越像纸牌屋


《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第432页 - 司法能动主义





72年6月29日,Branzburg v. Hayes,最高法院5:4裁定,在有关当局要求记者透露消息来源时,记者不再享受第一修正案的保护。


but, add to the raw political opposition to haynsworth,这一句不太顺,似乎应该是“但是再加上原本政治上的反对派”



《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第271页 - mary doe v.bolton

发现一个问题,化名玛丽多伊的女人在亚特兰大埃默里法学院拥抱了布莱克门,ok,说她是德克萨斯提出诉讼的人,好像哪里不对,德州那个是roe,乔治亚州这个才是doe。查原文发现伍德沃德就是那样写的,看来是他的问题。 广西版的翻得好些,但是食言而肥太多段落,当代中国版没删多少,但是没法看。事情往往如此。

《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第7页 - 核对原文

The next day, Burger’s longtime archenemy on the appeals court, liberal Chief judge David L. Bazelon, approached him. Cordially, he pointed out that Burger was the only district or circuit judge at the dinner. “looks like you’re it.” Bazelon said
Feud with Burger
Bazelon was the nemesis of Chief Justice Warren Burger beginning from the time both served on the Court of Appeals.[8] Bazelon was a nationally recognized advocate for the rights of the mentally ill, and his opinion in 1954's Durham v. United States (which adopted a new criminal insanity test) set off a long clash between the two judges.[8] Under Bazelon's Durham rule, a defendant would be excused from criminal responsibility if a jury found that the unlawful act was "the product of mental disease or mental defect," rather than the product of an "irresistible impulse" (which was the old test).[8] Burger found the Durham rule deeply objectionable, and this was one of many serious disagreements the two would have over the course of their careers.[8] Bazelon's reach extended to Burger's tenure on the Supreme Court, thanks to Bazelon's close friendship with Justice Brennan.

《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第8页 - 会道门

Potter Stewart参加的会道门还真多啊
Potter Stewart attended the Hotchkiss School, graduating in 1933. Then, he went on to Yale University, where he was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon (Phi chapter) and Skull and Bones[2] graduating class of 1937. He was awarded Phi Beta Kappa and served as chairman of the Yale Daily News. He graduated from Yale Law School in 1941, where he was an editor of the Yale Law Journal and a member of Phi Delta Phi. Other members of that era included Gerald R. Ford, Peter H. Dominick, Walter Lord, William Scranton, R. Sargent Shriver, Cyrus R. Vance, and Byron R. White. The last would later become his colleague on the United States Supreme Court

《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第1页 - 引言第4页


《美国最高法院内幕》的笔记-第37页 - inc. fund

inc. fund,注意它是一家law firm,并且和naacp是totally independent的关系,所以翻译应清晰(原文也说了一般称为inc. fund)
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (NAACP LDF, the Inc. Fund, or simply LDF) is a leading United States civil rights organization and law firm based in New York City.
The organization can trace its origins to the legal department of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that was created by Charles Hamilton Houston in the 1930s.[1][2] However, LDF was spun off from the NAACP in 1939, and, in 1957, Thurgood Marshall established LDF as a new organization, totally independent of the NAACP.[3]

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